285 research outputs found

    Contextuality as a resource for models of quantum computation on qubits

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    A central question in quantum computation is to identify the resources that are responsible for quantum speed-up. Quantum contextuality has been recently shown to be a resource for quantum computation with magic states for odd-prime dimensional qudits and two-dimensional systems with real wavefunctions. The phenomenon of state-independent contextuality poses a priori an obstruction to characterizing the case of regular qubits, the fundamental building block of quantum computation. Here, we establish contextuality of magic states as a necessary resource for a large class of quantum computation schemes on qubits. We illustrate our result with a concrete scheme related to measurement-based quantum computation.Comment: Published version. We have revised the title, introduction and discussion, as well as slightly simplified the setting in this versio

    Bell non-locality and Kochen-Specker contextuality: How are they connected?

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    Bell non-locality and Kochen-Specker (KS) contextuality are logically independent concepts, fuel different protocols with quantum vs classical advantage, and have distinct classical simulation costs. A natural question is what are the relations between these concepts, advantages, and costs. To address this question, it is useful to have a map that captures all the connections between Bell non-locality and KS contextuality in quantum theory. The aim of this work is to introduce such a map. After defining the theory-independent notions of Bell non-locality and KS contextuality for ideal measurements, we show that, in quantum theory, due to Neumark's dilation theorem, every matrix of quantum Bell non-local correlations can be mapped to an identical matrix of KS contextual correlations produced in a scenario with identical relations of compatibility but where measurements are ideal and no space-like separation is required. A more difficult problem is identifying connections in the opposite direction. We show that there are "one-to-one" and partial connections between KS contextual correlations and Bell non-local correlations for some KS contextuality scenarios, but not for all of them. However, there is also a method that transforms any matrix of KS contextual correlations for quantum systems of dimension dd into a matrix of Bell non-local correlations between two quantum subsystems each of them of dimension dd. We collect all these connections in map and list some problems which can benefit from this map.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Wigner function negativity and contextuality in quantum computation on rebits

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    We describe a universal scheme of quantum computation by state injection on rebits (states with real density matrices). For this scheme, we establish contextuality and Wigner function negativity as computational resources, extending results of [M. Howard et al., Nature 510, 351--355 (2014)] to two-level systems. For this purpose, we define a Wigner function suited to systems of nn rebits, and prove a corresponding discrete Hudson's theorem. We introduce contextuality witnesses for rebit states, and discuss the compatibility of our result with state-independent contextuality.Comment: 18 + 4 page