35,786 research outputs found

    Non-parametric contextual stochastic search

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    Stochastic search algorithms are black-box optimizer of an objective function. They have recently gained a lot of attention in operations research, machine learning and policy search of robot motor skills due to their ease of use and their generality. Yet, many stochastic search algorithms require relearning if the task or objective function changes slightly to adapt the solution to the new situation or the new context. In this paper, we consider the contextual stochastic search setup. Here, we want to find multiple good parameter vectors for multiple related tasks, where each task is described by a continuous context vector. Hence, the objective function might change slightly for each parameter vector evaluation of a task or context. Contextual algorithms have been investigated in the field of policy search, however, the search distribution typically uses a parametric model that is linear in the some hand-defined context features. Finding good context features is a challenging task, and hence, non-parametric methods are often preferred over their parametric counter-parts. In this paper, we propose a non-parametric contextual stochastic search algorithm that can learn a non-parametric search distribution for multiple tasks simultaneously. In difference to existing methods, our method can also learn a context dependent covariance matrix that guides the exploration of the search process. We illustrate its performance on several non-linear contextual tasks

    Contextual CMA-ES

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    Many stochastic search algorithms are designed to optimize a fixed objective function to learn a task, i.e., if the objective function changes slightly, for example, due to a change in the situation or context of the task, relearning is required to adapt to the new context. For instance, if we want to learn a kicking movement for a soccer robot, we have to relearn the movement for different ball locations. Such relearning is undesired as it is highly inefficient and many applications require a fast adaptation to a new context/situation. Therefore, we investigate contextual stochastic search algorithms that can learn multiple, similar tasks simultaneously. Current contextual stochastic search methods are based on policy search algorithms and suffer from premature convergence and the need for parameter tuning. In this paper, we extend the well known CMA-ES algorithm to the contextual setting and illustrate its performance on several contextual tasks. Our new algorithm, called contextual CMAES, leverages from contextual learning while it preserves all the features of standard CMA-ES such as stability, avoidance of premature convergence, step size control and a minimal amount of parameter tuning

    Contextual covariance matrix adaptation evolutionary strategies

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    Many stochastic search algorithms are designed to optimize a fixed objective function to learn a task, i.e., if the objective function changes slightly, for example, due to a change in the situation or context of the task, relearning is required to adapt to the new context. For instance, if we want to learn a kicking movement for a soccer robot, we have to relearn the movement for different ball locations. Such relearning is undesired as it is highly inefficient and many applications require a fast adaptation to a new context/situation. Therefore, we investigate contextual stochastic search algorithms that can learn multiple, similar tasks simultaneously. Current contextual stochastic search methods are based on policy search algorithms and suffer from premature convergence and the need for parameter tuning. In this paper, we extend the well known CMA-ES algorithm to the contextual setting and illustrate its performance on several contextual tasks. Our new algorithm, called contextual CMAES, leverages from contextual learning while it preserves all the features of standard CMA-ES such as stability, avoidance of premature convergence, step size control and a minimal amount of parameter tuning.This research was funded by European Union’s FP7 un- der EuRoC grant agreement CP-IP 608849 and LIACC (UID/CEC/00027/2015) and IEETA (UID/CEC/00127/2015) and also partially was funded by PARC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving Search through A3C Reinforcement Learning based Conversational Agent

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    We develop a reinforcement learning based search assistant which can assist users through a set of actions and sequence of interactions to enable them realize their intent. Our approach caters to subjective search where the user is seeking digital assets such as images which is fundamentally different from the tasks which have objective and limited search modalities. Labeled conversational data is generally not available in such search tasks and training the agent through human interactions can be time consuming. We propose a stochastic virtual user which impersonates a real user and can be used to sample user behavior efficiently to train the agent which accelerates the bootstrapping of the agent. We develop A3C algorithm based context preserving architecture which enables the agent to provide contextual assistance to the user. We compare the A3C agent with Q-learning and evaluate its performance on average rewards and state values it obtains with the virtual user in validation episodes. Our experiments show that the agent learns to achieve higher rewards and better states.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Policy search with high-dimensional context variables

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    Direct contextual policy search methods learn to improve policy parameters and simultaneously generalize these parameters to different context or task variables. However, learning from high-dimensional context variables, such as camera images, is still a prominent problem in many real-world tasks. A naive application of unsupervised dimensionality reduction methods to the context variables, such as principal component analysis, is insufficient as task-relevant input may be ignored. In this paper, we propose a contextual policy search method in the model-based relative entropy stochastic search framework with integrated dimensionality reduction. We learn a model of the reward that is locally quadratic in both the policy parameters and the context variables. Furthermore, we perform supervised linear dimensionality reduction on the context variables by nuclear norm regularization. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms naive dimensionality reduction via principal component analysis and a state-of-the-art contextual policy search method

    Convex Hull Monte-Carlo Tree Search

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    This work investigates Monte-Carlo planning for agents in stochastic environments, with multiple objectives. We propose the Convex Hull Monte-Carlo Tree-Search (CHMCTS) framework, which builds upon Trial Based Heuristic Tree Search and Convex Hull Value Iteration (CHVI), as a solution to multi-objective planning in large environments. Moreover, we consider how to pose the problem of approximating multiobjective planning solutions as a contextual multi-armed bandits problem, giving a principled motivation for how to select actions from the view of contextual regret. This leads us to the use of Contextual Zooming for action selection, yielding Zooming CHMCTS. We evaluate our algorithm using the Generalised Deep Sea Treasure environment, demonstrating that Zooming CHMCTS can achieve a sublinear contextual regret and scales better than CHVI on a given computational budget.Comment: Camera-ready version of paper accepted to ICAPS 2020, along with relevant appendice

    Contextual Bandits with Cross-learning

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    In the classical contextual bandits problem, in each round tt, a learner observes some context cc, chooses some action aa to perform, and receives some reward ra,t(c)r_{a,t}(c). We consider the variant of this problem where in addition to receiving the reward ra,t(c)r_{a,t}(c), the learner also learns the values of ra,t(c′)r_{a,t}(c') for all other contexts c′c'; i.e., the rewards that would have been achieved by performing that action under different contexts. This variant arises in several strategic settings, such as learning how to bid in non-truthful repeated auctions (in this setting the context is the decision maker's private valuation for each auction). We call this problem the contextual bandits problem with cross-learning. The best algorithms for the classical contextual bandits problem achieve O~(CKT)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{CKT}) regret against all stationary policies, where CC is the number of contexts, KK the number of actions, and TT the number of rounds. We demonstrate algorithms for the contextual bandits problem with cross-learning that remove the dependence on CC and achieve regret O(KT)O(\sqrt{KT}) (when contexts are stochastic with known distribution), O~(K1/3T2/3)\tilde{O}(K^{1/3}T^{2/3}) (when contexts are stochastic with unknown distribution), and O~(KT)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{KT}) (when contexts are adversarial but rewards are stochastic).Comment: 48 pages, 5 figure

    Counterfactual Risk Minimization: Learning from Logged Bandit Feedback

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    We develop a learning principle and an efficient algorithm for batch learning from logged bandit feedback. This learning setting is ubiquitous in online systems (e.g., ad placement, web search, recommendation), where an algorithm makes a prediction (e.g., ad ranking) for a given input (e.g., query) and observes bandit feedback (e.g., user clicks on presented ads). We first address the counterfactual nature of the learning problem through propensity scoring. Next, we prove generalization error bounds that account for the variance of the propensity-weighted empirical risk estimator. These constructive bounds give rise to the Counterfactual Risk Minimization (CRM) principle. We show how CRM can be used to derive a new learning method -- called Policy Optimizer for Exponential Models (POEM) -- for learning stochastic linear rules for structured output prediction. We present a decomposition of the POEM objective that enables efficient stochastic gradient optimization. POEM is evaluated on several multi-label classification problems showing substantially improved robustness and generalization performance compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: 10 page
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