3 research outputs found

    AMIC: Affective multimedia analytics with inclusive and natural communication

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    Traditionally, textual content has been the main source of information extraction and indexing, and other technologies that are capable of extracting information from the audio and video of multimedia documents have joined later. Other major axis of analysis is the emotional and affective aspect intrinsic in human communication. This information of emotions, stances, preferences, figurative language, irony, sarcasm, etc. is fundamental and irreplaceable for a complete understanding of the content in conversations, speeches, debates, discussions, etc. The objective of this project is focused on advancing, developing and improving speech and language technologies as well as image and video technologies in the analysis of multimedia content adding to this analysis the extraction of affective-emotional information. As additional steps forward, we will advance in the methodologies and ways for presenting the information to the user, working on technologies for language simplification, automatic reports and summary generation, emotional speech synthesis and natural and inclusive interaction

    AMIC: Análisis afectivo de información multimedia con comunicación inclusiva y natural

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    Traditionally, textual content has been the main source of information extraction and indexing, and other technologies that are capable of extracting information from the audio and video of multimedia documents have joined later. Other major axis of analysis is the emotional and affective aspect intrinsic in human communication. This information of emotions, stances, preferences, figurative language, irony, sarcasm, etc. is fundamental and irreplaceable for a complete understanding of the content in conversations, speeches, debates, discussions, etc. The objective of this project is focused on advancing, developing and improving speech and language technologies as well as image and video technologies in the analysis of multimedia content adding to this analysis the extraction of affective-emotional information. As additional steps forward, we will advance in the methodologies and ways for presenting the information to the user, working on technologies for language simplification, automatic reports and summary generation, emotional speech synthesis and natural and inclusive interaction.Tradicionalmente, el análisis de los contenidos textuales ha sido la principal fuente de extracción y catalogación de contenidos multimedia y a él se han ido sumando tecnologías que son capaces de extraer información del audio y del video. Un nuevo eje de análisis es la vertiente emocional-afectiva intrínseca en la comunicación humana. Esta información de emociones, posiciones, preferencias, lenguaje figurativo, ironía, sarcasmo, etc. Es fundamental para una comprensión total del contenido de conversaciones, discursos, debates, etc. El objetivo de este proyecto se centra en avanzar en el desarrollo y mejora de prestaciones de las tecnologías del habla, el lenguaje, la imagen y el vídeo para el análisis de contenidos multimedia y añadir a este análisis la extracción de información afectiva-emocional. Como pasos adicionales, se avanzará en los métodos de presentación de resultados al usuario, trabajando en tecnologías de simplificación del lenguaje, generación automática de resúmenes e informes, síntesis de voz emocional e interacción natural e inclusiva.This work is supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under the grants TIN2017-85854-C4-(1, 2, 3, 4)-R

    Predictive Composition of Pictogram Messages for Users with Autism.

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    Communication is a basic need for every person. However, there are many people who present disabilities that prevent communication through natural language. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems, including those based on pictograms, attempt to facilitate the communication for people with this kind of difficulties. In this paper we present PictoEditor, an augmentative and alternative communication application for the composition of pictogram messages for users with autism that incorporates prediction functionalities. Although such functionalities have been widely studied in text-based augmentative and alternative communication tools, they have not been applied to pictogram based ones. The results show that prediction based on frequency of use of specific pictograms improves the immediate availability of the desired pictograms, but the improvement with prediction based on sequencing of pseudo-syntactic types of pictogram is not as clear.pre-print4500 K