4,107 research outputs found

    Multigrid Backprojection Super-Resolution and Deep Filter Visualization

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    We introduce a novel deep-learning architecture for image upscaling by large factors (e.g. 4x, 8x) based on examples of pristine high-resolution images. Our target is to reconstruct high-resolution images from their downscale versions. The proposed system performs a multi-level progressive upscaling, starting from small factors (2x) and updating for higher factors (4x and 8x). The system is recursive as it repeats the same procedure at each level. It is also residual since we use the network to update the outputs of a classic upscaler. The network residuals are improved by Iterative Back-Projections (IBP) computed in the features of a convolutional network. To work in multiple levels we extend the standard back-projection algorithm using a recursion analogous to Multi-Grid algorithms commonly used as solvers of large systems of linear equations. We finally show how the network can be interpreted as a standard upsampling-and-filter upscaler with a space-variant filter that adapts to the geometry. This approach allows us to visualize how the network learns to upscale. Finally, our system reaches state of the art quality for models with relatively few number of parameters.Comment: Spotlight paper in the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19

    Detail-Preserving Pooling in Deep Networks

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    Most convolutional neural networks use some method for gradually downscaling the size of the hidden layers. This is commonly referred to as pooling, and is applied to reduce the number of parameters, improve invariance to certain distortions, and increase the receptive field size. Since pooling by nature is a lossy process, it is crucial that each such layer maintains the portion of the activations that is most important for the network's discriminability. Yet, simple maximization or averaging over blocks, max or average pooling, or plain downsampling in the form of strided convolutions are the standard. In this paper, we aim to leverage recent results on image downscaling for the purposes of deep learning. Inspired by the human visual system, which focuses on local spatial changes, we propose detail-preserving pooling (DPP), an adaptive pooling method that magnifies spatial changes and preserves important structural detail. Importantly, its parameters can be learned jointly with the rest of the network. We analyze some of its theoretical properties and show its empirical benefits on several datasets and networks, where DPP consistently outperforms previous pooling approaches.Comment: To appear at CVPR 201

    Deep Video Precoding

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    Several groups worldwide are currently investigating how deep learning may advance the state-of-the-art in image and video coding. An open question is how to make deep neural networks work in conjunction with existing (and upcoming) video codecs, such as MPEG H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, VVC, Google VP9 and AOMedia AV1, AV2, as well as existing container and transport formats, without imposing any changes at the client side. Such compatibility is a crucial aspect when it comes to practical deployment, especially when considering the fact that the video content industry and hardware manufacturers are expected to remain committed to supporting these standards for the foreseeable future. We propose to use deep neural networks as precoders for current and future video codecs and adaptive video streaming systems. In our current design, the core precoding component comprises a cascaded structure of downscaling neural networks that operates during video encoding, prior to transmission. This is coupled with a precoding mode selection algorithm for each independently-decodable stream segment, which adjusts the downscaling factor according to scene characteristics, the utilized encoder, and the desired bitrate and encoding configuration. Our framework is compatible with all current and future codec and transport standards, as our deep precoding network structure is trained in conjunction with linear upscaling filters (e.g., the bilinear filter), which are supported by all web video players. Extensive evaluation on FHD (1080p) and UHD (2160p) content and with widely-used H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC and VP9 encoders, as well as a preliminary evaluation with the current test model of VVC (v.6.2rc1), shows that coupling such standards with the proposed deep video precoding allows for 8% to 52% rate reduction under encoding configurations and bitrates suitable for video-on-demand adaptive streaming systems. The use of precoding can also lead to encoding complexity reduction, which is essential for cost-effective cloud deployment of complex encoders like H.265/HEVC, VP9 and VVC, especially when considering the prominence of high-resolution adaptive video streaming

    Deep-learning based precoding techniques for next-generation video compression

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    Several research groups worldwide are currently investigating how deep learning may advance the state-of-the-art in image and video coding. An open question is how to make deep neural networks work in conjunction with existing (and upcoming) video codecs, such as MPEG AVC/H.264, HEVC, VVC, Google VP9 and AOMedia AV1, as well as existing container and transport formats. Such compatibility is a crucial aspect, as the video content industry and hardware manufacturers are expected to remain committed to supporting these standards for the foreseeable future. We propose deep neural networks as precoding components for current and future codec ecosystems. In our current deployments for DASH/HLS adaptive streaming, this comprises downscaling neural networks. Precoding via deep learning allows for full compatibility to current and future codec and transport standards while providing for significant savings. Our results with HD content show that 23%-43% rate reduction takes place under a range of state-of-the-art video codec implementations. The use of precoding can also lead to significant encoding complexity reduction, which is essential for the cloud deployment of complex encoders like AV1 and MPEG VVC. Therefore, beyond bitrate saving, deep-learning based precoding may reduce the required cloud resources for video transcoding and make cloud-based solutions competitive or superior to state-of-the-art captive deployments

    Variational Downscaling, Fusion and Assimilation of Hydrometeorological States via Regularized Estimation

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    Improved estimation of hydrometeorological states from down-sampled observations and background model forecasts in a noisy environment, has been a subject of growing research in the past decades. Here, we introduce a unified framework that ties together the problems of downscaling, data fusion and data assimilation as ill-posed inverse problems. This framework seeks solutions beyond the classic least squares estimation paradigms by imposing proper regularization, which are constraints consistent with the degree of smoothness and probabilistic structure of the underlying state. We review relevant regularization methods in derivative space and extend classic formulations of the aforementioned problems with particular emphasis on hydrologic and atmospheric applications. Informed by the statistical characteristics of the state variable of interest, the central results of the paper suggest that proper regularization can lead to a more accurate and stable recovery of the true state and hence more skillful forecasts. In particular, using the Tikhonov and Huber regularization in the derivative space, the promise of the proposed framework is demonstrated in static downscaling and fusion of synthetic multi-sensor precipitation data, while a data assimilation numerical experiment is presented using the heat equation in a variational setting
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