361 research outputs found

    Wavelets and Imaging Informatics: A Review of the Literature

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    AbstractModern medicine is a field that has been revolutionized by the emergence of computer and imaging technology. It is increasingly difficult, however, to manage the ever-growing enormous amount of medical imaging information available in digital formats. Numerous techniques have been developed to make the imaging information more easily accessible and to perform analysis automatically. Among these techniques, wavelet transforms have proven prominently useful not only for biomedical imaging but also for signal and image processing in general. Wavelet transforms decompose a signal into frequency bands, the width of which are determined by a dyadic scheme. This particular way of dividing frequency bands matches the statistical properties of most images very well. During the past decade, there has been active research in applying wavelets to various aspects of imaging informatics, including compression, enhancements, analysis, classification, and retrieval. This review represents a survey of the most significant practical and theoretical advances in the field of wavelet-based imaging informatics

    Content-based image retrieval of museum images

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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is becoming more and more important with the advance of multimedia and imaging technology. Among many retrieval features associated with CBIR, texture retrieval is one of the most difficult. This is mainly because no satisfactory quantitative definition of texture exists at this time, and also because of the complex nature of the texture itself. Another difficult problem in CBIR is query by low-quality images, which means attempts to retrieve images using a poor quality image as a query. Not many content-based retrieval systems have addressed the problem of query by low-quality images. Wavelet analysis is a relatively new and promising tool for signal and image analysis. Its time-scale representation provides both spatial and frequency information, thus giving extra information compared to other image representation schemes. This research aims to address some of the problems of query by texture and query by low quality images by exploiting all the advantages that wavelet analysis has to offer, particularly in the context of museum image collections. A novel query by low-quality images algorithm is presented as a solution to the problem of poor retrieval performance using conventional methods. In the query by texture problem, this thesis provides a comprehensive evaluation on wavelet-based texture method as well as comparison with other techniques. A novel automatic texture segmentation algorithm and an improved block oriented decomposition is proposed for use in query by texture. Finally all the proposed techniques are integrated in a content-based image retrieval application for museum image collections

    Content Based Image Retrieval Based on Shape, Color and Structure of the Image

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    In the recent era, as technology is growing rapidly the usage of social media is also increasing as a result large databases are required for storing the images. With the advancements in the technology, the storage of these images in computers has become possible. But retrieving the images is becoming a big task. We need to store them in a sequential manner and retrieve them when required. This paper details retrieval of images by considering the features related to content like shape, color, texture is called CBIR (content based image retrieval). As it is very difficult to extract the pictures in such huge data bases so we chose this technique which aim at high efficiency

    Medical images modality classification using multi-scale dictionary learning

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    In this paper, we proposed a method for classification of medical images captured by different sensors (modalities) based on multi-scale wavelet representation using dictionary learning. Wavelet features extracted from an image provide discrimination useful for classification of medical images, namely, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (FRMI). The ability of On-line dictionary learning (ODL) to achieve sparse representation of an image is exploited to develop dictionaries for each class using multi-scale representation (wavelets) feature. An experimental analysis performed on a set of images from the ICBM medical database demonstrates efficacy of the proposed method

    Image mining: issues, frameworks and techniques

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    [Abstract]: Advances in image acquisition and storage technology have led to tremendous growth in significantly large and detailed image databases. These images, if analyzed, can reveal useful information to the human users. Image mining deals with the extraction of implicit knowledge, image data relationship, or other patterns not explicitly stored in the images. Image mining is more than just an extension of data mining to image domain. It is an interdisciplinary endeavor that draws upon expertise in computer vision, image processing, image retrieval, data mining, machine learning, database, and artificial intelligence. Despite the development of many applications and algorithms in the individual research fields cited above, research in image mining is still in its infancy. In this paper, we will examine the research issues in image mining, current developments in image mining, particularly, image mining frameworks, state-of-the-art techniques and systems. We will also identify some future research directions for image mining at the end of this paper

    Improve a technique for searching and indexing images utilizing content investigation

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    In this research, algorithms were developed to assess the similarities between two or more images and reduce the time spent on searching for them based on the analysis of color intensity diversity and (histogram analysis), besides analyzing the partial proportion of the color component of the images. These algorithms can be used to search for images in the database, systems, and computer networks. This experiment was carried out using a computer program that was programmed using C Builder. The results were analyzed and illustrated with multiple examples. The results showed that the time spent in the searching process depends on several criteria. The most important of these criteria is the number of images used in the search process, number and method of processing the images involved in the search process, in addition to evaluating the time spent in the search process of the three algorithms whose effectiveness has been evaluated. (The best algorithm according to results and performance)