5 research outputs found

    A review of existing anatomical data capture methods to support the mass customisation of wrist splints

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    Anatomical data acquisition methods used within medicine exhibit various strengths and weaknesses, particularly with regards to accuracy, resolution, patient comfort and safety. Difficulties with data acquisition of wrist and hand geometry are often underestimated, and a suitable method is yet to be identified and standardised to capture skin surface topography to support the mass customisation of wrist splints. The aim of this investigation is to identify a suitable data acquisition method, capable of digitising collected data of the wrist and hand, for manipulation and conversion into a suitable file format to create customised wrist splints using additive manufacture. Literature suggests that scanning inanimate objects such as plaster casts using multiple three-dimensional laser scanners can provide adequate quality scans with suitable accuracy and resolution, with low cost and low risk to the patient. However, post processing would be required to create a “watertight” digital model suitable for additive manufacture

    Critical Factors Predicting The Acceptance Of Digital Museums: User And System Perspectives

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    Digital museums are replacing traditional museums to inspire individual growth and promote culture exchange and society enrichment. However, the benefits of using the traditional museum to inspire visitors and promote the local economy may be compromised in the digital museum. This study attempts to offer insights on digital museum adoption from user and system perspectives. We extended the technology acceptance model (TAM) by incorporating computer self-efficacy and personal innovativeness as individual variables and media richness as a system characteristic. We launched a full-scale study with 441 users of 3 weather museums in Taiwan. We had 327 valid responses, a 74% response rate, from our target population. We conducted a regression analysis to investigate the potential influence of independent variables on the adoption of digital museums. Our results showed that both user and system characteristics have a positive influence on perceived usefulness (PU). A proper consideration of these three constructs can increase a user’s PU and perceived ease of use (PEOU), thereby establishing a more positive attitude regarding the use of digital museums. Academic and practical implications concerning their adoption from user and system perspectives were drawn from these findings

    Low cost digital fabrication approach for thumb orthoses

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    [EN] Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to describe a novel design workflow for the digital fabrication of custom- made orthoses (CMIO). It is intended to provide an easier process for clinical practitioners and orthotic technicians alike. It further functions to reduce the dependency of the operators' abilities and skills. Design/methodology/approach - The technical assessment covers low-cost three-dimensional (3D) scanning, free computer-aided design (CAD) software, and desktop 3D printing and acetone vapour finishing. To analyse its viability, a cost comparison was carried out between the proposed workflow and the traditional CMIO manufacture method. Findings - The results show that the proposed workflow is a technically feasible and cost-effective solution to improve upon the traditional process of design and manufacture of custom- made static trapeziometacarpal (TMC) orthoses. Further studies are needed for ensuring a clinically feasible approach and for estimating the efficacy of the method for the recovery process in patients. Social implications - The feasibility of the process increases the impact of the study, as the great accessibility to this type of 3D printers makes the digital fabrication method easier to be adopted by operators. Originality/value - Although some research has been conducted on digital fabrication of CMIO, few studies have investigated the use of desktop 3D printing in any systematic way. This study provides a first step in the exploration of a new design workflow using low-cost digital fabrication tools combined with non-manual finishing.Fernandez-Vicente, M.; Escario Chust, A.; Conejero Rodilla, A. (2017). Low cost digital fabrication approach for thumb orthoses. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 23(6):1020-1031. doi:10.1108/RPJ-12-2015-0187S1020103123

    Analysis to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing with Desktop 3D Printing

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    [ES] En los últimos años, la fabricación aditiva a través de la extrusión de materiales ha experimentado un desarrollo y adopción acelerados gracias a la amplia disponibilidad de máquinas y materiales de bajo costo. El tamaño de estas máquinas se ha reducido del tamaño del taller al tamaño del escritorio, lo que permite su uso en configuraciones de oficina o en el hogar. Este cambio ha permitido la adopción de la tecnología por la gama más amplia de usuarios que nunca, con o sin experiencia en diseño de ingeniería. Este nuevo paradigma ha creado el desafío de cómo habilitar que estos nuevos usuarios aprovechen las capacidades proporcionadas por esta tecnología. Esta tecnología permite la creación de geometrías complejas y productos personalizados con un coste inferior a los procesos de fabricación convencionales. Además, la gran cantidad de usuarios dispuestos a compartir sus diseños permite encontrar soluciones de diseño desde otros diseñadores. Sin embargo, la amplia gama de configuraciones de máquina, parámetros y materiales requiere brindar soporte para obtener resultados exitosos para cualquier combinación. Esta tesis aborda este desafío identificando las características de diseño y fabricación a considerar e investigando las consideraciones mecánicas y de pos procesamiento. Se propone y evalúa un nuevo marco de diseño que permite a los nuevos usuarios aprovechar las capacidades y considerar las limitaciones. Esta investigación encuentra que es posible crear un conjunto de herramientas de diseño que permita a los usuarios no capacitados diseñar productos utilizando la complejidad habilitada por la tecnología al tiempo que garantiza la funcionalidad y la capacidad de fabricación del producto.[CA] En els últims anys, la fabricació additiva a través de l'extrusió de materials ha experimentat un desenvolupament i adopció accelerats gràcies a l'àmplia disponibilitat de màquines i materials de baix cost. La grandària d'aquestes màquines s'ha reduït de la grandària del taller a la grandària de l'escriptori, la qual cosa permet el seu ús en configuracions d'oficina o en a casa. Aquest canvi ha permés l'adopció de la tecnologia per la gamma més àmplia d'usuaris que mai, amb o sense experiència en disseny o enginyeria. Aquest nou paradigma ha creat el desafiament de com habilitar que aquests nous usuaris aprofiten les capacitats proporcionades per aquesta tecnologia. Aquesta tecnologia permet la creació de geometries complexes i productes personalitzats amb un cost inferior als processos de fabricació convencionals. A més, la gran quantitat d'usuaris disposats a compartir els seus dissenys permet trobar solucions de disseny des d'altres dissenyadors. No obstant això, l'àmplia gamma de configuracions de màquina, paràmetres i materials requereix brindar suport per a obtindre resultats reeixits per a qualsevol combinació. Aquesta tesi aborda aquest desafiament identificant les característiques de disseny i fabricació a considerar i investigant les consideracions mecàniques i de post processament. Es proposa i avalua un nou marc de disseny que permet als nous usuaris aprofitar les capacitats i considerar les limitacions. Aquesta investigació troba que és possible crear un conjunt d'eines de disseny que permeta als usuaris no capacitats dissenyar productes utilitzant la complexitat habilitada per la tecnologia al mateix temps que garanteix la funcionalitat i la capacitat de fabricació del producte.[EN] In recent years, additive manufacturing through material extrusion has experienced accelerated development and adoption thanks to the wide availability of low-cost machines and materials. The size of these machines has been reduced from shop floor to desktop size, enabling their usage in office setups or at home. This change has allowed the adoption of the technology by the broadest range of users than ever, with or without an engineering design background. This new paradigm has created the challenge of how to enable these novel users to leverage the capabilities provided by this technology. This technology allows the creation of complex geometry and customised products with a cost lower than conventional manufacturing processes. Furthermore, the large number of users willing to share their designs allows finding design solutions from other designers. However, the wide range of machine configurations, parameters and materials requires providing support to obtain successful results under any combination. This thesis addresses this challenge by identifying the design and manufacturing characteristics to be considered and investigating the mechanical and post-processing considerations. A new design framework that enables new users to leverage the capabilities and consider the limitations is proposed and evaluated. This research finds that it is possible to create a design toolkit that enables untrained users to design products using the complexity enabled by the technology whilst ensuring the product's functionality and manufacturability.Fernández Vicente, M. (2022). Analysis to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing with Desktop 3D Printing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185344TESI