23 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Applied to Welder Training

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    Welding is a challenging, risky, and time-consuming profession. Recently, there has been a documented shortage of trained welders, and as a result, the market is pushing for an increase in the rate at which new professionals are trained. To address this growing demand, training institutions are exploring alternative methods to train future professionals with the goals of improving learner retention of information, shortening training periods, and lowering associated expenses. The emergence of virtual reality technologies has led to initiatives to explore their potential for welding training. Multiple studies have suggested that virtual reality training delivers comparable, or even superior, results when compared to more conventional approaches, with shorter training times and reduced costs in consumables. Additionally, virtual reality allows trainees to try out different approaches to their work. The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop a virtual reality welding simulator. To achieve this objective effectively, the creation of a classification system capable of identifying the simulator’s key characteristics becomes imperative. Therefore, the secondary objective of this thesis is to develop a classification system for the accurate evaluation and comparison of virtual reality welding simulators. Regarding the virtual reality welding simulation, the HTC VIVE Pro 2 virtual reality equipment was employed, to transfer the user’s action from the physical to the virtual world. Within this virtual environment, it was introduced a suite of welding tools and integrated a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulator to mimic the weld creation. After conducting comprehensive testing that revealed certain limitations in welding quality and in the simulator performance, the project opted to incorporate a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulator. The development of the CFD simulator proved to be a formidable challenge, and regrettably, its complete implementation was unattainable. Nevertheless, the project delved into three distinct grid architectures, from these, the dynamic grid was ultimately implemented. It also proficiently integrated two crucial solvers for the Navier-Stokes equations. These functions were implemented in the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), to improve their efficiency. Upon comparing GPU and Central Processing Unit (CPU) performance, the project highlighted the substantial computational advantages of GPUs and the advantages it brings to fluid simulations.A soldadura é uma profissão exigente, perigosa e que requer um grande investimento de tempo para alcançar resultados satisfatórios. Recentemente, tem sido registada uma falta de profissionais qualificados na área da soldadura. Como resultado, o mer cado está a pressionar para um aumento do ritmo a que os novos trabalhadores são formados. Para responder a esta crescente procura, as instituições de formação estão a explorar métodos alternativos para formar futuros profissionais, com o objetivo de melhorar a retenção de informação, encurtar os períodos de treino e reduzir as despe sas associadas. Com o desenvolvimento de tecnologias nas áreas de realidade virtual e realidade aumentada, têm surgido iniciativas para explorar o potencial destas na formação de soldadura. Vários estudos sugeriram que a formação em realidade virtual proporciona resultados comparáveis, ou mesmo superiores, aos de abordagens mais convencionais, com tempos de formação mais curtos e reduções nos custos de consumíveis. Além disso, a realidade virtual permite aos formandos experimentar diferentes abordagens ao seu trabalho. O objetivo principal desta dissertação é o desenvolvimento de um simulador de soldadura em realidade virtual. Para atingir este objetivo de forma eficaz, torna-se imperativa a criação de um sistema de classificação capaz de identificar as características chave do simulador. Assim, o objetivo secundário desta dissertação é desenvolver um sistema de classificação para a avaliação e comparação precisas de simuladores de soldadura em realidade virtual. Relativamente ao simulador de soldadura em realidade virtual, foi utilizado o kit de realidade virtual HTC VIVE Pro 2, para transferir as ações do utilizador no mundo físico para o mundo virtual. No ambiente virtual, foi introduzido um con junto de ferramentas de soldadura e integrado um simulador de Hidrodinâmica de Partículas Suavizadas para simular a criação da solda. Após a realização de testes exaustivos que revelaram algumas limitações na qualidade da solda e no desempenho do simulador, o projeto optou por incorporar um simulador de Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD). O desenvolvimento do simulador CFD revelou-se um desa fio formidável e, infelizmente, não foi possível completar a sua implementação. No entanto, o projeto aprofundou três arquiteturas de grelha distintas, das quais foi implementada a grelha dinâmica. O projeto também implementou duas funções cru ciais para resolver as equações de Navier-Stokes. As funções relativas ao simulador de fluidos foram implementadas na Unidade de Processamento Gráfico (GPU), a fim de melhorar a sua eficiência. Ao comparar o desempenho da GPU com o da Unidade Central de Processamento (CPU), o projeto evidenciou os beneficios computacionais das GPUs e as vantagens que trazem para as simulações de fluidos

    Vision-based Monitoring System for High Quality TIG Welding

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    The current study evaluates an automatic system for real-time arc welding quality assessment and defect detection. The system research focuses on the identification of defects that may arise during the welding process by analysing the occurrence of any changes in the visible spectrum of the weld pool and the surrounding area. Currently, the state-of-the-art is very simplistic, involving an operator observing the process continuously. The operator assessment is subjective, and the criteria of acceptance based solely on operator observations can change over time due to the fatigue leading to incorrect classification. Variations in the weld pool are the initial result of the chosen welding parameters and torch position and at the same time the very first indication of the resulting weld quality. The system investigated in this research study consists of a camera used to record the welding process and a processing unit which analyse the frames giving an indication of the quality expected. The categorisation is achieved by employing artificial neural networks and correlating the weld pool appearance with the resulting quality. Six categories denote the resulting quality of a weld for stainless steel and aluminium. The models use images to learn the correlation between the aspect of the weld pool and the surrounding area and the state of the weld as denoted by the six categories, similar to a welder categorisation. Therefore the models learn the probability distribution of images’ aspect over the categories considered

    Engineering for a changing world: 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau, September 04-08, 2023 : programme

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    In 2023, the Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium is once more organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The title of this year’s conference “Engineering for a Changing World” refers to limited natural resources of our planet, to massive changes in cooperation between continents, countries, institutions and people – enabled by the increased implementation of information technology as the probably most dominant driver in many fields. The Colloquium, supplemented by workshops, is characterised but not limited to the following topics: – Precision engineering and measurement technology Nanofabrication – Industry 4.0 and digitalisation in mechanical engineering – Mechatronics, biomechatronics and mechanism technology – Systems engineering – Productive teaming - Human-machine collaboration in the production environment The topics are oriented on key strategic aspects of research and teaching in Mechanical Engineering at our university

    TAST and Multipass systems for multilayer robotic welding

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    Bakalářská práce v první části mapuje současný výrobní program společnosti FANUC v oblasti svařovacích robotů. V krátkosti jsou shrnuty obecné poznatky o senzorech používaných v robotizovaném svařování. Práce se podrobně věnuje systémům pro vícevrstvé robotizované svařování SuperTAST a Multipass. V experimentální části jsou prakticky porovnávány dva přístupy k robotizovanému vytváření vícevrstvých svarů - TAST a Multipass.This bachelor's thesis maps welding robots currently produced by FANUC. I shortly summarize basic information about sensors used in robotic welding. I emphasize on describing systems for robotic multilayer welding SuperTAST and Multipass. The experimental part concernes about two approaches to the robotic multilayer welding – TAST and Multipass

    George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Research and Technology Report 2014

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    Many of NASA's missions would not be possible if it were not for the investments made in research advancements and technology development efforts. The technologies developed at Marshall Space Flight Center contribute to NASA's strategic array of missions through technology development and accomplishments. The scientists, researchers, and technologists of Marshall Space Flight Center who are working these enabling technology efforts are facilitating NASA's ability to fulfill the ambitious goals of innovation, exploration, and discovery

    Feasibility of remotely manipulated welding in space. A step in the development of novel joining technologies

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    In order to establish permanent human presence in space technologies of constructing and repairing space stations and other space structures must be developed. Most construction jobs are performed on earth and the fabricated modules will then be delivered to space by the Space Shuttle. Only limited final assembly jobs, which are primarily mechanical fastening, will be performed on site in space. Such fabrication plans, however, limit the designs of these structures, because each module must fit inside the transport vehicle and must withstand launching stresses which are considerably high. Large-scale utilization of space necessitates more extensive construction work on site. Furthermore, continuous operations of space stations and other structures require maintenance and repairs of structural components as well as of tools and equipment on these space structures. Metal joining technologies, and especially high-quality welding, in space need developing

    Cumulative index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1986-1990, volumes 10-14

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    Tech Briefs are short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This cumulative index of Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes (subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief number) and covers the period 1986 to 1990. The abstract section is organized by the following subject categories: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, computer programs, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Technology 2003: The Fourth National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, volume 2

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    Proceedings from symposia of the Technology 2003 Conference and Exposition, Dec. 7-9, 1993, Anaheim, CA, are presented. Volume 2 features papers on artificial intelligence, CAD&E, computer hardware, computer software, information management, photonics, robotics, test and measurement, video and imaging, and virtual reality/simulation

    Technology 2002: the Third National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, Volume 1

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    The proceedings from the conference are presented. The topics covered include the following: computer technology, advanced manufacturing, materials science, biotechnology, and electronics

    NASA Tech Briefs, September 1993

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    Topics include: Microelectronics; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Reports