29 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Docker for IoT Application

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is highly connected smart devices through the internet network, the number of connecting devices is increasing day by day. So this will have a major impact on industry standard, security, business model and entire IT ecosystem. However, developers are facing multiple barriers while developing, creating and scaling IoT application. Docker is an open source container based virtualization technology which can help to develop and scale IoT application easy and fast. This paper introduces various container based virtualization technologies and Docker for IoT application requirement. In this paper, an IoT application is developed and run inside the container and over the host. Benchmark tools are used to analyse the performance of host and docker

    Benchmarking the performance of hypervisors on different workloads

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    Many organizations rely on a heterogeneous set of applications in virtual environment to deliver critical services to their customers. Different workloads utilize system resources at different levels. Depending on the resource utilization pattern some workloads may be better suited for hosting on a virtual platform. This paper discusses a novel framework for benchmarking the performance of Oracle database workloads such as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), Web load and Email on two different hypervisors. Further, Design of Experiments (DoE) is used to identify the significance of input parameters, and their overall effect on two hypervisors, which provides a quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis to customers with high degree of accuracy to choose the right hypervisor for their workload in datacenters

    High Availability Server Using Raspberry Pi 4 Cluster and Docker Swarm

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    In the Industrial 4.0 era, almost all activities and transactions are carried out via the internet, which basically uses web technology. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to have a high-performance web server infrastructure capable of serving all the activities and transactions required by users without any constraints. This research aims to design a high-performance (high availability) web server infrastructure with low cost (low cost) and energy efficiency. low power) using Cluster Computing technology on the Raspberry Pi Single Board Computing and Docker Container technology. The cluster system is built using five raspberry Pi type 4B modules as cluster nodes, and the Web server system is built using docker container virtualization technology. Meanwhile, cluster management uses Docker Swarm technology. Performance testing (Quality of Service) of the cluster system is done by simulating a number of loads (requests) and measuring the response of the system based on the parameters of Throughput and Delay (latency). The test results show that the Raspberry Pi Cluster system using Docker Swarm can be used to build a High Availability Server system that is able to handle very high requests that reach Throughput = 161,812,298 requests / sec with an Error rate = 0%.In the Industrial 4.0 era, almost all activities and transactions are carried out via the internet, which basically uses web technology. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to have a high-performance web server infrastructure capable of serving all the activities and transactions required by users without any constraints. This research aims to design a high-performance (high availability) web server infrastructure with low cost (low cost) and energy efficiency. low power) using Cluster Computing technology on the Raspberry Pi Single Board Computing and Docker Container technology. The cluster system is built using five raspberry Pi type 4B modules as cluster nodes, and the Web server system is built using docker container virtualization technology. Meanwhile, cluster management uses Docker Swarm technology. Performance testing (Quality of Service) of the cluster system is done by simulating a number of loads (requests) and measuring the response of the system based on the parameters of Throughput and Delay (latency). The test results show that the Raspberry Pi Cluster system using Docker Swarm can be used to build a High Availability Server system that is able to handle very high requests that reach Throughput = 161,812,298 requests / sec with an Error rate = 0%

    Using container-based virtualization on web apps production environment: dipcode development cycle

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaWith the fast evolution of the internet over the last years, the top priority on software development has shifted from what? to when?. Reduced time-to-market is now the competitive edge that all companies strive for. The usage of container-based virtualization technologies keep the multiple environments where a development team works similar enough, that their work is made easier when devel oping and testing new features, which in turn results in a significantly faster delivery. The nature of this tecnhology also brings numerous advantages when it comes to management, monitoring and maintaining resources, allowing for an ease of adjustment, based on the client needs. Throughout this dissertation is presented an extended base of knowledge about container technologies, especially Docker, as well as what are the basic techniques to use when building an application inside such infrastructure, from the writing of the Dockerfile to the adaptation of the multiple pipelines responsible to deploy the application.Com a rápida evolução da internet nos últimos anos, a prioridade máxima no desenvolvi-mento de software transformou-se de "o quê?" para "quando?". Disponibilizar rapidamente uma aplicação no mercado é agora a vantagem competitiva que todas as empresas ambi-cionam ter. A utilização de tecnologias de virtualização através de containers uniformizam os vários ambientes em que a equipa de desenvolvimento opera, facilitando assim o seu trabalho no que diz respeito à adição e teste de novas funcionalidades, o que resulta numa entrega significativamente mais rápida. A natureza desta tecnologia trás inúmeras vantagens à gestão, monitorização e manutenção de recursos, permitindo facilmente aumentar ou reduzir os mesmos baseado nas necessidades dos seus clientes. Nesta dissertação é apresentada uma extensa base de conhecimento sobre as tecnologias de containerização, em especial o Docker, bem como quais as técnicas base a utilizar quando se pretende construir uma aplicação com uma infraestrutura deste tipo, desde a escrita do Dockerfile, até à adaptação das várias pipelines responsáveis por disponibilizar a aplicação em ambiente de produção

    Demo: Design of a Virtualized Smart Car Platform

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    International audienceIn this demonstration, we present a system that combinesthe use of Single-Board Computer with the lightweight characteristicsof container virtualization technologies for the deploymentof a Smart Car platform. Our approach allows thedefinition of an architecture that exploits the flexibility ofcontainers in terms of dynamic service allocation even onembedded systems. The whole is combined with the designof an inner orchestrator that acts as manager for the schedulingof different virtualized instances according to specificlevels of application priorities. We practically show howthis integrated environment can facilitate the developmentof functional and versatile car On Board Units, even on topof constrained Single-Board Computer with several applicationsinstantiated

    Membangun Cloud Menggunakan Docker Pada Implementasi Load Balancing dan Pengujian Algoritma Round Robin Pada Web Server

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    Along with the development of the world of technology and information, web site providers offer easy access andinformation provided by the cloud, which is inseparable from a server that is reliable and fast in calculatingvery large amounts of traffic, so there are still many problems in developing better services , such as newservices, but the high price of physical devices is a reason for services that are not able to upgrade trafficdemand into higher resources. Therefore Docker who supports container-based virtualization technology is theanswer to the resources of physical devices. By using technology containers, physical servers can createmultiple virtual servers using multiple resources such as memory and CPU load, different virtual containerbased virtualization technologies. engine because it does not use the resources as a whole, but only uses theservices that are needed. It is expected that implementing a technology based container docker with loadbalancing can increase the number of services with minimal resources

    Facing Big Data System Architecture Deployments: Towards an Automated Approach Using Container Technologies for Rapid Prototyping

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    Within the last decade, big data became a promising trend for many application areas, offering immense potential and a competitive edge for various organizations. As the technical foundation for most of today´s data-intensive projects, not only corresponding infrastructures and facilities but also the appropriate knowledge is required. Currently, several projects and services exist that not only allow enterprises to utilize but also to deploy related technologies and systems. However, at the same time, the use of these is accompanied by various challenges that may result in huge monetary expenditures, a lack of modifiability, or a risk of vendor lock-ins. To overcome these shortcomings, in the contribution at hand, modern container and task automation technologies are used to wrap complex big data technologies into re-usable and portable resources. Those are subsequently incorporated in a framework to automate the deployment of big data architectures in private and limited resources