8 research outputs found


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    In recent years, e-commerce in Indonesia is growing rapidly which makes the level of competition between e-commerce is also high and has resulted in the closure of several e-commerce because they are unable to compete. It can be said that live streaming is one of the innovations as a marketing strategy for new e-commerce. To avoid suspicions of different product characteristics photos, fake shops, fraudulent sellers and others and to increase customer trust, Tokopedia Play created a live shopping experience feature. And can increase customer engagement which ultimately consumers buy and revisit. This study aims to examine the effect of live streaming, customer trust, and customer engagement in making online purchases on Tokopedia e-commerce. The independent variable in this study is live streaming. The dependent variable is customer engagement. And the intervening variable is customer trust. Respondents in this study were people who had shopped online through live streaming on Tokopedia Play. This study uses quantitative research methods and PLS analysis. Using a minimum of 105 respondents. The results of the study show that: (1) Live streaming has a positive and significant effect on customer trust. (2) Customer trust has a positive and significant effect on customer engagement. (3) The effect of live streaming on customer trust and on customer engagement is significant and positive


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    In recent years, e-commerce in Indonesia is growing rapidly which makes the level of competition between e-commerce is also high and has resulted in the closure of several e-commerce because they are unable to compete. It can be said that live streaming is one of the innovations as a marketing strategy for new e-commerce. To avoid suspicions of different product characteristics photos, fake shops, fraudulent sellers and others and to increase customer trust, Tokopedia Play created a live shopping experience feature. And can increase customer engagement which ultimately consumers buy and revisit. This study aims to examine the effect of live streaming, customer trust, and customer engagement in making online purchases on Tokopedia e-commerce. The independent variable in this study is live streaming. The dependent variable is customer engagement. And the intervening variable is customer trust. Respondents in this study were people who had shopped online through live streaming on Tokopedia Play. This study uses quantitative research methods and PLS analysis. Using a minimum of 105 respondents. The results of the study show that: (1) Live streaming has a positive and significant effect on customer trust. (2) Customer trust has a positive and significant effect on customer engagement. (3) The effect of live streaming on customer trust and on customer engagement is significant and positive


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    Numerous researchers explore key influencers of online consumer behavior, and the willingness to transact in the online environment in particular. The proliferation of online group buying websites is changing marketing strategies and buyers’ habits without doubt. The purpose of this research is to investigate and identify critical factors that affect the intention to purchase from group buying websites among student population. A survey-based approach was employed to investigate the research question among a group of students in a proctored environment. In line with the relevant findings related to key influencers, regression analysis demonstrated that trust, transaction cost and perceived security are significant influencers on student’s intention to engage in online group buying activities, while internet privacy concerns are not

    Understanding the Influencers of Second-Hand Apparel Shopping Behavior

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    Shopping for second-hand apparel is rapidly growing and has become a notable segment of the retail market. The purpose of this study is to determine what influences consumers when shopping second-hand for apparel products in-store and online. According to the existing literature, a number of key factors play significant roles for second-hand apparel shopping consumer decisions. They include: social, costs, trends and environmental influencers. Past research has not concentrated in-depth on the hedonistic and social influences of second-hand apparel shopping, financial factors, and time spent shopping for second-hand apparel. This study has observed the socio-demographic profile of second-hand shoppers, what location is preferred for shopping, and what influences them in their purchase decision-making. Quantitative research methods were used to observe consumer behavior, shopping attitudes both in-store and online, and socio-demographics. Surveys were conducted with 157 participants, in-person and online. The results of the study show the key factors which influence second-hand apparel shopping are social, economic, and environmental. The majority of shopping for second-hand apparel is in-store, more women are shopping than men and, perceived value and social influence are the key to what drives consumers to shop and purchase while income is not a key indicator. The findings of this study further our understanding of consumers of second-hand apparel, where they shop, and what influences them. This provides needed information to second-hand retailers to better tailor shopping environments

    Towards an understanding of consumer´s behavior of buying secondhand products on social media

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    Due to the research scarcity in consumers’ secondhand shopping behaviors and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) businesses on social media platforms, this thesis decided to concentrate on both secondhand products and social media. The aim of this thesis is to explore the consumers’ behaviors of buying secondhand products on social media – a new channel of doing C2C businesses. To achieve the research aim, I conducted a combined method consisting of 106 questionnaires and ten semi-structured interviews to collect empirical data in this study. After an analysis of empirical data including both qualitative and quantitative data, three main findings were concluded. (1) The thesis firstly explored the social media as an open online marketplace for doing secondhand transactions. Consumers exchange secondhand products on social media in an ‘informal’ way. (2) The finding highlighted that, when consumers buy secondhand products on social media platforms, they are involved either in a ‘passive shopping’ process or an ‘active shopping’ process, and it is highly possible for them to experience hedonic factors (e.g. excitement, fun) due to the occasional and unexpected shopping results. This finding provides two new angels (passive shopping and active shopping) for researchers to analyze consumer behaviors in the future. (3) By extending the study of secondhand shopping motivation from Guiot & Roux (2009, 2010) in an online trading environment, the findings showed that utilitarian aspects of shopping such as price, convenience, product information, and trust mainly drive consumers’ behavior of buying secondhand products on social media. Environmental consideration and recreational motivation are less important than those utilitarian aspects

    Hvorfor kjøper du ikke brukte klær? En studie om hvordan forbrukernes atferdsintensjon til brukte klær kan styrkes

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    Overforbruk er en utfordring, og særlig da den ekspansive økningen i mengden klær forbrukere eier. Å redusere forbruket er et sentralt utgangspunkt for en mer bærekraftig livsstil. Bekymring for miljøet og interesse for miljøvennlig mote og retro klær har medført et større fokus på gjenbruk og en økende tendens til å kjøpe brukte klær. Det er flere motivasjonsfaktorer for å kjøpe brukte klær, men studier påpeker likevel at det finnes barrierer. Det er få studier som har undersøkt hvordan øke salget av brukte produkter, og derfor var formålet med masteroppgaven å undersøke hvordan forbrukernes atferdsintensjon til brukte klær kan styrkes. For å besvare problemstillingen utførte vi to studier. Formålet med det første studie var å avdekke barrierer og underliggende årsaker som ligger til grunn for kjøp av brukte klær. Basert på dybdeintervju viser funn at det hygieniske aspektet er fremtredende, hvor klærne føles skitne og respondentene føler avsky til brukte klær. Studien påpeker nye funn, og liten troverdighet og mangel på informasjon fremkommer som betydelige barrierer for kjøp av brukte klær. For å forstå hvordan forbrukernes atferdsintensjon kan styrkes, ble informasjonsmengde og troverdighet undersøkt videre i et eksperiment. Til tross for at første studiet belyste det hygieniske aspektet som fremtredende, kan vi ikke med sikkerhet si at en økt informasjonsmengde vil påvirke forbrukernes fravær av avsky og holdning. Vi kan på den andre siden bekrefte at en positiv holdning vil være med på å øke forbrukernes kjøpsintensjon til brukte klær. I tillegg viser det seg at fravær av avsky har en positiv effekt på forbrukernes holdning til brukte klær, og dermed vil det å redusere forbrukernes avsky være en avgjørende og viktig faktor på atferdsintensjon. Vi kan ikke ta høyde for at troverdighet vil moderere effekten av forholdet på informasjonsmengde og fravær av avsky. Resultatene viser derimot at troverdighet har en direkte positiv effekt på forbrukernes fravær av avsky til brukte klær. Masteroppgaven er et teoretisk bidrag som gir større innsikt i tematikken gjenbrukte klær og forståelsen knyttet til atferdsintensjon. De praktiske implikasjonene bidrar som et hjelpemiddel til hvordan bedrifter og privatpersoner som selger gjenbruk kan bruke innsikten til å tiltrekke seg potensielle kunder

    The role of redress in consumer online purchasing

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    This thesis reports a study which examines the influences of the availability of redress procedures on the decisions of consumers to purchase online. Availability of redress procedures in this concept is when consumers have access to uncomplicated complaint procedures that offer timely resolution and effective compensation and handling. Previous research has shown that many factors such as product price, availability, merchant reputation and integrity, consumer attitude, perceived convenience, enjoyment and pleasure, and service quality influence the decisions of consumers to purchase on line. This study focuses on the availability of redress procedures on the decisions of consumers to purchase online and the importance role of redress in that process. Data was collected initially in face-to-face interviews with both consumers, who buy online, and merchants who sell online. Then Focus Group discussions with consumers were conducted to further understand and confirmed the findings emerged from the interview process. The research shows that price was always the first and most significant influence in consumers’ decisions to purchase online. Likewise, consumers also make decisions about online purchasing because of product availability and the range of product choices available to them. Consumers are also sensitive to shipping fees when deciding to purchase online. It also shows that any delay or longer delivery time also influences consumers’ decisions in switching back to offline purchasing. Lastly, consumers choose to purchase online because they enjoy the fun and excitement during the process of online purchasing. A model showing the influence of these factors was created, adding the effects of the availability of redress on those decisions. This research shows that the availability of redress does not always influence consumers in making decisions to purchase online. If most transactions are fulfilled according to the consumer’s expectations, then consumers have little, if any, concern with redress. Sometimes factors such as merchant reputation, low risk transactions, guaranteed purchase fulfilment, product price and availability, enjoyable online purchasing experience, shipping cost and delivery time seem to be a more important influence on consumers in their decisions to purchase online. This research concludes that the availability of redress can and does indirectly influence consumer confidence and trust ix in online purchasing and therefore impacts on their decision to purchase, if and only if, one of these three circumstances happens: 1. When problems occur in online purchasing process and subsequently consumers require an immediate access to a complaint handling system; 2. When risk is perceived to be present in the purchasing process then the availability of redress policy and/or procedures is required by consumers to guarantee that they are well protected from financial loss; and 3. When redress initiatives are offered that allow consumers to assess the merchant’s accountability in offering satisfactory online purchasing fulfilment