23 research outputs found

    Saudi Citizens’ Perceptions on Mobile Government (mGov) Adoption Factors

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    The Saudi government has recently paid serious attention towards utilising mobile technology in order to deliver government services electronically to its citizens. This study attempts to explore citizens’ (potential users) perceptions on a number of factors that may be important for encouraging the widespread adoption of mobile government (mGov) services in the context of Saudi Arabia. The factors descriptively explored in this research include: perceived risk, innovativeness; performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, perceived value, hedonic motivation and behavioural intension. The survey data utilised in this research was collected through a self-administered questionnaire to 600 participants (with a response rate of 66%) within a convenience sample. The results obtained through a descriptive analysis demonstrated that the aforementioned factors are perceived as important by Saudi citizens and they have strong behavioural intention to adopt mGov services

    An Exploratory Approach to the Adoption Process of Bitcoin by Business Executives.

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    The purpose of this research study is to analyze the exploratory study of the adoption of Bitcoin cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology and its use as a means of payment in companies. This research is exploratory in nature. As such, an adoption model was investigated using the technology acceptance model (TAM) which was extended with new variables. The sample was made up of business executives from companies and commercial establishments (n = 248). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was chosen as the analysis and evaluation technique for the model. The authors demonstrated that privacy has an important influence on perceived utility, and that trust has a very significant influence on privacy and perceived ease of use, thus indirectly affecting the intention to use cryptocurrencies.post-print1324 K

    Perilaku memiliki tabungan pendidikan anak

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    A form of parental responsibility for the continuity of their children's education is to prepare children's education funds from early ages. This study aims to examine the determinants of the intention to have children's education savings including; financial knowledge, risk tolerance, future financial orientation, social influence and their effect on the behavior of having children's education funds. The sample of this study involved 192 parents who had children under five years old and or children who are currently attending school education in Sidorejo District, Salatiga. Data was collected by the field survey method and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study results showed that financial knowledge, future orientation and social influence affected  the intention  to have educational savings. Further, the intention affected the behavior of having educational savings. However, the facilitating conditions such as the existence of bank institutions do not strengthen the influence of intention on behavior. This study contributes by not only broadening insights on education savings from a behavioral perspective but also by offering practical implications for policy makers and banking institutions in order to encourage public interest in having education savings so that the sustainability of children's education in terms of financing will be more secure.Sebagai salah satu bentuk tanggung jawab orang tua untuk kelangsungan pendidikan anak-anak mereka adalah menyiapkan dana pendidikan anak sejak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji faktor-faktor penentu niat memiliki tabungan pendidikan anak meliputi: toleransi risiko keuangan orientasi masa depan, pengaruh sosial dan pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku memiliki tabungan pendidikan anak. Sampel penelitian ini melibatkan 192 orang tua yang memiliki anak di bawah lima tahun dan atau anak-anak yang sedang mengikuti pendidikan sekolah di Kabupaten Sidorejo, Salatiga. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode survei lapangan dan dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan keuangan, orientasi masa depan dan pengaruh sosial mempengaruhi niat memiliki tabungan pendidikan. Selanjutnya, niat tersebut berpengaruh pada perilaku memiliki tabungan pendidikan anak. Namun, kondisi yang memfasilitasi seperti keberadaan lembaga bank tidak memperkuat pengaruh niat terhadap perilaku.  Kontribusi  studi  ini  adalah bukan hanya untuk memperluas wawasan tentang tabungan pendidikan dari sudut pandang keperilakuan tetapi juga memberi implikasi praktis bagi pengambil kebijakan dan lembaga perbankan dalam rangka menumbuhkan minat masyarakat untuk memiliki tabungan pendidikan sehingga keberlansungan pendidikan anak dari segi pembiayaan akan lebih terjamin

    From Design Principles to Impacts: A Theoretical Framework and Research Agenda

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    In this paper, we integrate three streams of research in information systems (i.e., IS success, technology adoption, and human-centered design principles) to extend our understanding of technology use. We present a theoretical framework that incorporates the core ideas from these three streams of research. We leverage the proposed framework to present propositions that could guide future work. Specifically, the propositions we develop relate system-design principles to use and net benefits (i.e., job performance and job satisfaction) and rich use to job performance. We further suggest several broad potential future research directions

    The Internet of Things (IoT): A Research Agenda for Information Systems

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    The Internet of things (IoT) is emerging as an integrated set of digital innovations with the potential to unleash unprecedented opportunities and create significant challenges from both technological and societal perspectives. The IoT’s emergence signals many valuable opportunities (particularly for information systems (IS) scholars) to conduct scholarly inquiries. We posit that, since the IS discipline operates at the intersection of information technologies’ (IT) social, business, and technical aspects, IS scholars have a unique capacity to understand and contribute to advancing research on this new topic and associated phenomena. We outline the IoT’s distinctive attributes and their implications for existing IS research traditions. Furthermore, we highlight some illustrative research perspectives from which IS scholars can study the IoT. We highlight a research agenda for IS in two different ways. First, we discuss four IS characteristics that change based on IoT elements: 1) the physio-digital continuum, 2) multi-level exploration of IS, 3) composite affordance, and 4) heterogeneity. Second, we discuss the ways in which the IoT opens up research opportunities based on its impact on four major thematic domains: 1) organizations, 2), technology, 3) individuals, and 4) society

    Proposição de um novo método de gerenciamento de requisitos na análise de negócios com foco na minimização de retrabalhos

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo propor um modelo que integra e consolida diferentes modelos existentes na literatura para o processo de Gerenciamento de Requisitos, visando um horizonte abrangente que considere os detalhes das etapas que devem ser gerenciadas. Para tanto, foram revisados cinco modelos, dois da área de software, dois da área de produtos e um da área de análise de negócios. A partir do comparativo destes modelos, mediante o uso de conceitos de análise de conteúdo, obteve-se como resultado um modelo integrado que contempla cinco fases e 16 etapas que visam assegurar uma melhor performance do processo com base no atendimento das necessidades dos clientes. Após a obtenção do modelo integrado, o mesmo foi utilizado em um caso prático visando avaliar sua utilidade para a realização de diagnósticos da gestão por requisitos nas empresas. A principal contribuição se resume em um modelo completo que preenche as lacunas dos modelos existentes, aplicável a diversos setores, não se limitando ao desenvolvimento de softwares e produtos tradicionais deste mercado.This article aims to propose a model that integrates and consolidates different models existing in the academic literature that describe the process of Requirements Management, aiming to obtain a broad vision considering all the details of the steps that should be managed. To obtain this result, five models, two in the software area, two in the products area and one business analysis area were reviewed. From the comparison of these models, through a content analysis, it have been obtained as a result an integrated model which includes five phases and sisxteen steps ensuring a better process performance regarding customer's needs. After obtaining the integrated model, it was used in a case study to evaluate its utility regarding diagnostic management peformances requirements on companies. The most important contribution is a complete model that fill gaps in those ones that already exist and applicable to multiple sectors, not limited to the development of software and traditional product of this market

    Meta-Analysis of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): Challenging its Validity and Charting A Research Agenda in the Red Ocean

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    There are both formal and informal cries that UTAUT and by association the stream of research on technology adoption has reached its limit, with little or no opportunities for new knowledge creation. Such a conclusion is ironic because the theory has not been sufficiently and suitably replicated. It is possible that the misspecifications in the various replications, applications, and extensions led to the incorrect conclusion that UTAUT was more robust than it really was and opportunities for future work were limited. Although work on UTAUT has included important variables, predictors and moderators, absent a faithful use of the original specification, it is impossible to assess the true nature of the effects of the original and additional variables. The present meta-analysis uses 25,619 effect sizes reported by 737,112 users in 1,935 independent samples to address this issue. Consequently, we develop a clear current state-of-the-art and revised UTAUT that extends the original theory with new endogenous mechanisms from different, other theories (i.e., technology compatibility, user education, personal innovativeness, and costs of technology) and new moderating mechanisms to examine the generalizability of UTAUT in different contexts (e.g., technology type and national culture). Based on this revised UTAUT, we present a research agenda that can guide future research on the topic of technology adoption in general and UTAUT in particular