15 research outputs found

    Valuations in Nilpotent Minimum Logic

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    The Euler characteristic can be defined as a special kind of valuation on finite distributive lattices. This work begins with some brief consideration on the role of the Euler characteristic on NM algebras, the algebraic counterpart of Nilpotent Minimum logic. Then, we introduce a new valuation, a modified version of the Euler characteristic we call idempotent Euler characteristic. We show that the new valuation encodes information about the formul{\ae} in NM propositional logic

    A temporal semantics for Nilpotent Minimum logic

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    In [Ban97] a connection among rough sets (in particular, pre-rough algebras) and three-valued {\L}ukasiewicz logic {\L}3 is pointed out. In this paper we present a temporal like semantics for Nilpotent Minimum logic NM ([Fod95, EG01]), in which the logic of every instant is given by {\L}3: a completeness theorem will be shown. This is the prosecution of the work initiated in [AGM08] and [ABM09], in which the authors construct a temporal semantics for the many-valued logics of G\"odel ([G\"od32], [Dum59]) and Basic Logic ([H\'aj98]).Comment: 19 pages, 2 table

    First-order Nilpotent Minimum Logics: first steps

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    Following the lines of the analysis done in [BPZ07, BCF07] for first-order G\"odel logics, we present an analogous investigation for Nilpotent Minimum logic NM. We study decidability and reciprocal inclusion of various sets of first-order tautologies of some subalgebras of the standard Nilpotent Minimum algebra. We establish a connection between the validity in an NM-chain of certain first-order formulas and its order type. Furthermore, we analyze axiomatizability, undecidability and the monadic fragments.Comment: In this version of the paper the presentation has been improved. The introduction section has been rewritten, and many modifications have been done to improve the readability; moreover, numerous references have been added. Concerning the technical side, some proofs has been shortened or made more clear, but the mathematical content is substantially the same of the previous versio

    Factor Varieties

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    The universal algebraic literature is rife with generalisations of discriminator varieties, whereby several investigators have tried to preserve in more general settings as much as possible of their structure theory. Here, we modify the definition of discriminator algebra by having the switching function project onto its third coordinate in case the ordered pair of its first two coordinates belongs to a designated relation (not necessarily the diagonal relation). We call these algebras factor algebras and the varieties they generate factor varieties. Among other things, we provide an equational description of these varieties and match equational conditions involving the factor term with properties of the associated factor relation. Factor varieties include, apart from discriminator varieties, several varieties of algebras from quantum and fuzzy logics