44,233 research outputs found

    The completion of optimal (3,4)(3,4)-packings

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    A 3-(n,4,1)(n,4,1) packing design consists of an nn-element set XX and a collection of 44-element subsets of XX, called {\it blocks}, such that every 33-element subset of XX is contained in at most one block. The packing number of quadruples d(3,4,n)d(3,4,n) denotes the number of blocks in a maximum 33-(n,4,1)(n,4,1) packing design, which is also the maximum number A(n,4,4)A(n,4,4) of codewords in a code of length nn, constant weight 44, and minimum Hamming distance 4. In this paper the undecided 21 packing numbers A(n,4,4)A(n,4,4) are shown to be equal to Johnson bound J(n,4,4)J(n,4,4) (=⌊n4⌊n−13⌊n−22⌋⌋⌋)( =\lfloor\frac{n}{4}\lfloor\frac{n-1}{3}\lfloor\frac{n-2}{2}\rfloor\rfloor\rfloor) where n=6k+5n=6k+5, k∈{m: mk\in \{m:\ m is odd, 3≤m≤35, m≠17,21}∪{45,47,75,77,79,159}3\leq m\leq 35,\ m\neq 17,21\}\cup \{45,47,75,77,79,159\}

    Densities for random balanced sampling

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    A random balanced sample (RBS) is a multivariate distribution with n components X_1,...,X_n, each uniformly distributed on [-1, 1], such that the sum of these components is precisely 0. The corresponding vectors X lie in an (n-1)-dimensional polytope M(n). We present new methods for the construction of such RBS via densities over M(n) and these apply for arbitrary n. While simple densities had been known previously for small values of n (namely 2,3 and 4), for larger n the known distributions with large support were fractal distributions (with fractal dimension asymptotic to n as n approaches infinity). Applications of RBS distributions include sampling with antithetic coupling to reduce variance, and the isolation of nonlinearities. We also show that the previously known densities (for n<5) are in fact the only solutions in a natural and very large class of potential RBS densities. This finding clarifies the need for new methods, such as those presented here.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Journal of Multivariate Analysi

    Fixed block configuration GDDs with block size 6 and (3, r)-regular graphs

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    Chapter 1 is used to introduce the basic tools and mechanics used within this thesis. Most of the definitions used in the thesis will be defined, and we provide a basic survey of topics in graph theory and design theory pertinent to the topics studied in this thesis. In Chapter 2, we are concerned with the study of fixed block configuration group divisible designs, GDD(n; m; k; λ1; λ2). We study those GDDs in which each block has configuration (s; t), that is, GDDs in which each block has exactly s points from one of the two groups and t points from the other. Chapter 2 begins with an overview of previous results and constructions for small group size and block sizes 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 2 is largely devoted to presenting constructions and results about GDDs with two groups and block size 6. We show the necessary conditions are sufficient for the existence of GDD(n, 2, 6; λ1, λ2) with fixed block configuration (3; 3). For configuration (1; 5), we give minimal or nearminimal index constructions for all group sizes n ≥ 5 except n = 10, 15, 160, or 190. For configuration (2, 4), we provide constructions for several families ofGDD(n, 2, 6; λ1, λ2)s. Chapter 3 addresses characterizing (3, r)-regular graphs. We begin with providing previous results on the well studied class of (2, r)-regular graphs and some results on the structure of large (t; r)-regular graphs. In Chapter 3, we completely characterize all (3, 1)-regular and (3, 2)-regular graphs, as well has sharpen existing bounds on the order of large (3, r)- regular graphs of a certain form for r ≥ 3. Finally, the appendix gives computational data resulting from Sage and C programs used to generate (3, 3)-regular graphs on less than 10 vertices

    Load-Balanced Fractional Repetition Codes

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    We introduce load-balanced fractional repetition (LBFR) codes, which are a strengthening of fractional repetition (FR) codes. LBFR codes have the additional property that multiple node failures can be sequentially repaired by downloading no more than one block from any other node. This allows for better use of the network, and can additionally reduce the number of disk reads necessary to repair multiple nodes. We characterize LBFR codes in terms of their adjacency graphs, and use this characterization to present explicit constructions LBFR codes with storage capacity comparable existing FR codes. Surprisingly, in some parameter regimes, our constructions of LBFR codes match the parameters of the best constructions of FR codes

    On ε-biased generators in NC\u3csup\u3e0\u3c/sup\u3e

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    Cryan and Miltersen (Proceedings of the 26th Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 2001, pp. 272–284) recently considered the question of whether there can be a pseudorandom generator in NC0, that is, a pseudorandom generator that maps n-bit strings to m-bit strings such that every bit of the output depends on a constant number k of bits of the seed. They show that for k = 3, if m ≥ 4n + 1, there is a distinguisher; in fact, they show that in this case it is possible to break the generator with a linear test, that is, there is a subset of bits of the output whose XOR has a noticeable bias. They leave the question open for k ≥ 4. In fact, they ask whether every NC0 generator can be broken by a statistical test that simply XORs some bits of the input. Equivalently, is it the case that no NC0 generator can sample an ε-biased space with negligible ε? We give a generator for k = 5 that maps n bits into cn bits, so that every bit of the output depends on 5 bits of the seed, and the XOR of every subset of the bits of the output has bias 2. For large values of k, we construct generators that map n bits to bits such that every XOR of outputs has bias . We also present a polynomial-time distinguisher for k = 4,m ≥ 24n having constant distinguishing probability. For large values of k we show that a linear distinguisher with a constant distinguishing probability exists once m ≥ Ω(2kn⌈k/2⌉). Finally, we consider a variant of the problem where each of the output bits is a degree k polynomial in the inputs. We show there exists a degree k = 2 pseudorandom generator for which the XOR of every subset of the outputs has bias 2−Ω(n) and which maps n bits to Ω(n2) bits

    Empirical balanced truncation of nonlinear systems

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    Novel constructions of empirical controllability and observability gramians for nonlinear systems for subsequent use in a balanced truncation style of model reduction are proposed. The new gramians are based on a generalisation of the fundamental solution for a Linear Time-Varying system. Relationships between the given gramians for nonlinear systems and the standard gramians for both Linear Time-Invariant and Linear Time-Varying systems are established as well as relationships to prior constructions proposed for empirical gramians. Application of the new gramians is illustrated through a sample test-system.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 2 figure
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