8 research outputs found

    An upper bound on the k-modem illumination problem

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    A variation on the classical polygon illumination problem was introduced in [Aichholzer et. al. EuroCG'09]. In this variant light sources are replaced by wireless devices called k-modems, which can penetrate a fixed number k, of "walls". A point in the interior of a polygon is "illuminated" by a k-modem if the line segment joining them intersects at most k edges of the polygon. It is easy to construct polygons of n vertices where the number of k-modems required to illuminate all interior points is Omega(n/k). However, no non-trivial upper bound is known. In this paper we prove that the number of k-modems required to illuminate any polygon of n vertices is at most O(n/k). For the cases of illuminating an orthogonal polygon or a set of disjoint orthogonal segments, we give a tighter bound of 6n/k + 1. Moreover, we present an O(n log n) time algorithm to achieve this bound.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    New Frameworks for Offline and Streaming Coreset Constructions

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    A coreset for a set of points is a small subset of weighted points that approximately preserves important properties of the original set. Specifically, if PP is a set of points, QQ is a set of queries, and f:P×QRf:P\times Q\to\mathbb{R} is a cost function, then a set SPS\subseteq P with weights w:P[0,)w:P\to[0,\infty) is an ϵ\epsilon-coreset for some parameter ϵ>0\epsilon>0 if sSw(s)f(s,q)\sum_{s\in S}w(s)f(s,q) is a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) multiplicative approximation to pPf(p,q)\sum_{p\in P}f(p,q) for all qQq\in Q. Coresets are used to solve fundamental problems in machine learning under various big data models of computation. Many of the suggested coresets in the recent decade used, or could have used a general framework for constructing coresets whose size depends quadratically on what is known as total sensitivity tt. In this paper we improve this bound from O(t2)O(t^2) to O(tlogt)O(t\log t). Thus our results imply more space efficient solutions to a number of problems, including projective clustering, kk-line clustering, and subspace approximation. Moreover, we generalize the notion of sensitivity sampling for sup-sampling that supports non-multiplicative approximations, negative cost functions and more. The main technical result is a generic reduction to the sample complexity of learning a class of functions with bounded VC dimension. We show that obtaining an (ν,α)(\nu,\alpha)-sample for this class of functions with appropriate parameters ν\nu and α\alpha suffices to achieve space efficient ϵ\epsilon-coresets. Our result implies more efficient coreset constructions for a number of interesting problems in machine learning; we show applications to kk-median/kk-means, kk-line clustering, jj-subspace approximation, and the integer (j,k)(j,k)-projective clustering problem

    Extending the Centerpoint Theorem to Multiple Points

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    The centerpoint theorem is a well-known and widely used result in discrete geometry. It states that for any point set P of n points in R^d, there is a point c, not necessarily from P, such that each halfspace containing c contains at least n/(d+1) points of P. Such a point c is called a centerpoint, and it can be viewed as a generalization of a median to higher dimensions. In other words, a centerpoint can be interpreted as a good representative for the point set P. But what if we allow more than one representative? For example in one-dimensional data sets, often certain quantiles are chosen as representatives instead of the median. We present a possible extension of the concept of quantiles to higher dimensions. The idea is to find a set Q of (few) points such that every halfspace that contains one point of Q contains a large fraction of the points of P and every halfspace that contains more of Q contains an even larger fraction of P. This setting is comparable to the well-studied concepts of weak epsilon-nets and weak epsilon-approximations, where it is stronger than the former but weaker than the latter. We show that for any point set of size n in R^d and for any positive alpha_1,...,alpha_k where alpha_1 <= alpha_2 <= ... <= alpha_k and for every i,j with i+j <= k+1 we have that (d-1)alpha_k+alpha_i+alpha_j <= 1, we can find Q of size k such that each halfspace containing j points of Q contains least alpha_j n points of P. For two-dimensional point sets we further show that for every alpha and beta with alpha <= beta and alpha+beta <= 2/3 we can find Q with |Q|=3 such that each halfplane containing one point of Q contains at least alpha n of the points of P and each halfplane containing all of Q contains at least beta n points of P. All these results generalize to the setting where P is any mass distribution. For the case where P is a point set in R^2 and |Q|=2, we provide algorithms to find such points in time O(n log^3 n)

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    Algorithms for Geometric Facility Location: Centers in a Polygon and Dispersion on a Line

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    We study three geometric facility location problems in this thesis. First, we consider the dispersion problem in one dimension. We are given an ordered list of (possibly overlapping) intervals on a line. We wish to choose exactly one point from each interval such that their left to right ordering on the line matches the input order. The aim is to choose the points so that the distance between the closest pair of points is maximized, i.e., they must be socially distanced while respecting the order. We give a new linear-time algorithm for this problem that produces a lexicographically optimal solution. We also consider some generalizations of this problem. For the next two problems, the domain of interest is a simple polygon with n vertices. The second problem concerns the visibility center. The convention is to think of a polygon as the top view of a building (or art gallery) where the polygon boundary represents opaque walls. Two points in the domain are visible to each other if the line segment joining them does not intersect the polygon exterior. The distance to visibility from a source point to a target point is the minimum geodesic distance from the source to a point in the polygon visible to the target. The question is: Where should a single guard be located within the polygon to minimize the maximum distance to visibility? For m point sites in the polygon, we give an O((m + n) log (m + n)) time algorithm to determine their visibility center. Finally, we address the problem of locating the geodesic edge center of a simple polygon—a point in the polygon that minimizes the maximum geodesic distance to any edge. For a triangle, this point coincides with its incenter. The geodesic edge center is a generalization of the well-studied geodesic center (a point that minimizes the maximum distance to any vertex). Center problems are closely related to farthest Voronoi diagrams, which are well- studied for point sites in the plane, and less well-studied for line segment sites in the plane. When the domain is a polygon rather than the whole plane, only the case of point sites has been addressed—surprisingly, more general sites (with line segments being the simplest example) have been largely ignored. En route to our solution, we revisit, correct, and generalize (sometimes in a non-trivial manner) existing algorithms and structures tailored to work specifically for point sites. We give an optimal linear-time algorithm for finding the geodesic edge center of a simple polygon

    Fifth Biennial Report : June 1999 - August 2001

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