5,990 research outputs found

    Factorization of Rational Curves in the Study Quadric and Revolute Linkages

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    Given a generic rational curve CC in the group of Euclidean displacements we construct a linkage such that the constrained motion of one of the links is exactly CC. Our construction is based on the factorization of polynomials over dual quaternions. Low degree examples include the Bennett mechanisms and contain new types of overconstrained 6R-chains as sub-mechanisms.Comment: Changed arxiv abstract, corrected some type

    From Quantum ANA_N to E8E_8 Trigonometric Model: Space-of-Orbits View

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    A number of affine-Weyl-invariant integrable and exactly-solvable quantum models with trigonometric potentials is considered in the space of invariants (the space of orbits). These models are completely-integrable and admit extra particular integrals. All of them are characterized by (i) a number of polynomial eigenfunctions and quadratic in quantum numbers eigenvalues for exactly-solvable cases, (ii) a factorization property for eigenfunctions, (iii) a rational form of the potential and the polynomial entries of the metric in the Laplace-Beltrami operator in terms of affine-Weyl (exponential) invariants (the same holds for rational models when polynomial invariants are used instead of exponential ones), they admit (iv) an algebraic form of the gauge-rotated Hamiltonian in the exponential invariants (in the space of orbits) and (v) a hidden algebraic structure. A hidden algebraic structure for (A-B-C{-D)-models, both rational and trigonometric, is related to the universal enveloping algebra UglnU_{gl_n}. For the exceptional (GFE)(G-F-E)-models, new, infinite-dimensional, finitely-generated algebras of differential operators occur. Special attention is given to the one-dimensional model with BC1(Z2)TBC_1\equiv(\mathbb{Z}_2)\oplus T symmetry. In particular, the BC1BC_1 origin of the so-called TTW model is revealed. This has led to a new quasi-exactly solvable model on the plane with the hidden algebra sl(2)sl(2)sl(2)\oplus sl(2).Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1106.501

    Non-integrability of the problem of a rigid satellite in gravitational and magnetic fields

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    In this paper we analyse the integrability of a dynamical system describing the rotational motion of a rigid satellite under the influence of gravitational and magnetic fields. In our investigations we apply an extension of the Ziglin theory developed by Morales-Ruiz and Ramis. We prove that for a symmetric satellite the system does not admit an additional real meromorphic first integral except for one case when the value of the induced magnetic moment along the symmetry axis is related to the principal moments of inertia in a special way.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures, missing bibliography was adde

    Spectral curves and the mass of hyperbolic monopoles

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    The moduli spaces of hyperbolic monopoles are naturally fibred by the monopole mass, and this leads to a nontrivial mass dependence of the holomorphic data (spectral curves, rational maps, holomorphic spheres) associated to hyperbolic multi-monopoles. In this paper, we obtain an explicit description of this dependence for general hyperbolic monopoles of magnetic charge two. In addition, we show how to compute the monopole mass of higher charge spectral curves with tetrahedral and octahedral symmetries. Spectral curves of euclidean monopoles are recovered from our results via an infinite-mass limit.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure

    Geometries, Non-Geometries, and Fluxes

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    Using F-theory/heterotic duality, we describe a framework for analyzing non-geometric T2-fibered heterotic compactifications to six- and four-dimensions. Our results suggest that among T2-fibered heterotic string vacua, the non-geometric compactifications are just as typical as the geometric ones. We also construct four-dimensional solutions which have novel type IIB and M-theory dual descriptions. These duals are non-geometric with three- and four-form fluxes not of (2,1) or (2,2) Hodge type, respectively, and yet preserve at least N=1 supersymmetry.Comment: 68 pages, 1 figure. v2: added references, minor changes. v3: minor change

    Multi-Dimensional Sigma-Functions

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    In 1997 the present authors published a review (Ref. BEL97 in the present manuscript) that recapitulated and developed classical theory of Abelian functions realized in terms of multi-dimensional sigma-functions. This approach originated by K.Weierstrass and F.Klein was aimed to extend to higher genera Weierstrass theory of elliptic functions based on the Weierstrass σ\sigma-functions. Our development was motivated by the recent achievements of mathematical physics and theory of integrable systems that were based of the results of classical theory of multi-dimensional theta functions. Both theta and sigma-functions are integer and quasi-periodic functions, but worth to remark the fundamental difference between them. While theta-function are defined in the terms of the Riemann period matrix, the sigma-function can be constructed by coefficients of polynomial defining the curve. Note that the relation between periods and coefficients of polynomials defining the curve is transcendental. Since the publication of our 1997-review a lot of new results in this area appeared (see below the list of Recent References), that promoted us to submit this draft to ArXiv without waiting publication a well-prepared book. We complemented the review by the list of articles that were published after 1997 year to develop the theory of σ\sigma-functions presented here. Although the main body of this review is devoted to hyperelliptic functions the method can be extended to an arbitrary algebraic curve and new material that we added in the cases when the opposite is not stated does not suppose hyperellipticity of the curve considered.Comment: 267 pages, 4 figure

    Solitary waves of nonlinear nonintegrable equations

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    Our goal is to find closed form analytic expressions for the solitary waves of nonlinear nonintegrable partial differential equations. The suitable methods, which can only be nonperturbative, are classified in two classes. In the first class, which includes the well known so-called truncation methods, one \textit{a priori} assumes a given class of expressions (polynomials, etc) for the unknown solution; the involved work can easily be done by hand but all solutions outside the given class are surely missed. In the second class, instead of searching an expression for the solution, one builds an intermediate, equivalent information, namely the \textit{first order} autonomous ODE satisfied by the solitary wave; in principle, no solution can be missed, but the involved work requires computer algebra. We present the application to the cubic and quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equations, and to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation.Comment: 28 pages, chapter in book "Dissipative solitons", ed. Akhmediev, to appea

    Exactly solvable dynamical systems in the neighborhood of the Calogero model

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    The Hamiltonian of the NN-particle Calogero model can be expressed in terms of generators of a Lie algebra for a definite class of representations. Maintaining this Lie algebra, its representations, and the flatness of the Riemannian metric belonging to the second order differential operator, the set of all possible quadratic Lie algebra forms is investigated. For N=3 and N=4 such forms are constructed explicitly and shown to correspond to exactly solvable Sutherland models. The results can be carried over easily to all NN.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, replaced and enlarged versio