43,831 research outputs found

    Identification of Dynamic functional brain network states Through Tensor Decomposition

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    With the advances in high resolution neuroimaging, there has been a growing interest in the detection of functional brain connectivity. Complex network theory has been proposed as an attractive mathematical representation of functional brain networks. However, most of the current studies of functional brain networks have focused on the computation of graph theoretic indices for static networks, i.e. long-time averages of connectivity networks. It is well-known that functional connectivity is a dynamic process and the construction and reorganization of the networks is key to understanding human cognition. Therefore, there is a growing need to track dynamic functional brain networks and identify time intervals over which the network is quasi-stationary. In this paper, we present a tensor decomposition based method to identify temporally invariant 'network states' and find a common topographic representation for each state. The proposed methods are applied to electroencephalogram (EEG) data during the study of error-related negativity (ERN).Comment: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP

    Sparse temporally dynamic resting-state functional connectivity networks for early MCI identification

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    In conventional resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI) analysis, functional connectivity is assumed to be temporally stationary, overlooking neural activities or interactions that may happen within the scan duration. Dynamic changes of neural interactions can be reflected by variations of topology and correlation strength in temporally correlated functional connectivity networks. These connectivity networks may potentially capture subtle yet short neural connectivity disruptions induced by disease pathologies. Accordingly, we are motivated to utilize disrupted temporal network properties for improving control-patient classification performance. Specifically, a sliding window approach is firstly employed to generate a sequence of overlapping R-fMRI sub-series. Based on these sub-series, sliding window correlations, which characterize the neural interactions between brain regions, are then computed to construct a series of temporal networks. Individual estimation of these temporal networks using conventional network construction approaches fails to take into consideration intrinsic temporal smoothness among successive overlapping R-fMRI subseries. To preserve temporal smoothness of R-fMRI sub-series, we suggest to jointly estimate the temporal networks by maximizing a penalized log likelihood using a fused sparse learning algorithm. This sparse learning algorithm encourages temporally correlated networks to have similar network topology and correlation strengths. We design a disease identification framework based on the estimated temporal networks, and group level network property differences and classification results demonstrate the importance of including temporally dynamic R-fMRI scan information to improve diagnosis accuracy of mild cognitive impairment patients

    Neuroinflammation is independently associated with brain network dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Brain network dysfunction is increasingly recognised in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the causes of brain connectivity disruption are still poorly understood. Recently, neuroinflammation has been identified as an important factor in AD pathogenesis. Microglia participate in the construction and maintenance of healthy neuronal networks, but pro-inflammatory microglia can also damage these circuits. We hypothesised that microglial activation is independently associated with brain connectivity disruption in AD. We performed a cross-sectional multimodal imaging study and interrogated the relationship between imaging biomarkers of neuroinflammation, Aβ deposition, brain connectivity and cognition. 42 participants (12 Aβ-positive MCI, 14 Aβ-positive AD and 16 Aβ-negative healthy controls) were recruited. Participants had 11C-PBR28 and 18F-flutemetamol PET to quantify Aβ deposition and microglial activation, T1-weighted, diffusion tensor and resting-state functional MRI to assess structural network and functional network. 11C-PBR28 uptake, structural network integrity and functional network orgnisation were compared across diagnostic groups and the relationship between neuroinflammation and brain network was tested in 26 Aβ-positive patients. Increased 11C-PBR28 uptake, decreased FA, network small-worldness and local efficiency were observed in AD patients. Cortical 11C-PBR28 uptake correlated negatively with structural integrity (standardised β = −0.375, p = 0.037) and network local efficiency (standardised β = −0.468, p < 0.001), independent of cortical thickness and Aβ deposition, while Aβ was not. Network structural integrity, small-worldness and local efficiency, and cortical thickness were positively associated with cognition. Our findings suggest cortical neuroinflammation coincide with structural and functional network disruption independent of Aβ and cortical atrophy. These findings link the brain connectivity change and pathological process in Alzheimer’s disease, and suggest a pathway from neuroinflammation to systemic brain dysfunction

    Brain networks under attack : robustness properties and the impact of lesions

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    A growing number of studies approach the brain as a complex network, the so-called ‘connectome’. Adopting this framework, we examine what types or extent of damage the brain can withstand—referred to as network ‘robustness’—and conversely, which kind of distortions can be expected after brain lesions. To this end, we review computational lesion studies and empirical studies investigating network alterations in brain tumour, stroke and traumatic brain injury patients. Common to these three types of focal injury is that there is no unequivocal relationship between the anatomical lesion site and its topological characteristics within the brain network. Furthermore, large-scale network effects of these focal lesions are compared to those of a widely studied multifocal neurodegenerative disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, in which central parts of the connectome are preferentially affected. Results indicate that human brain networks are remarkably resilient to different types of lesions, compared to other types of complex networks such as random or scale-free networks. However, lesion effects have been found to depend critically on the topological position of the lesion. In particular, damage to network hub regions—and especially those connecting different subnetworks—was found to cause the largest disturbances in network organization. Regardless of lesion location, evidence from empirical and computational lesion studies shows that lesions cause significant alterations in global network topology. The direction of these changes though remains to be elucidated. Encouragingly, both empirical and modelling studies have indicated that after focal damage, the connectome carries the potential to recover at least to some extent, with normalization of graph metrics being related to improved behavioural and cognitive functioning. To conclude, we highlight possible clinical implications of these findings, point out several methodological limitations that pertain to the study of brain diseases adopting a network approach, and provide suggestions for future research

    Hybrid High-order Functional Connectivity Networks Using Resting-state Functional MRI for Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis

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    Conventional functional connectivity (FC), referred to as low-order FC, estimates temporal correlation of the resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) time series between any pair of brain regions, simply ignoring the potentially high-level relationship among these brain regions. A high-order FC based on "correlation's correlation" has emerged as a new approach for abnormality detection of brain disease. However, separate construction of the low- and high-order FC networks overlooks information exchange between the two FC levels. Such a higher-level relationship could be more important for brain diseases study. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely "hybrid high-order FC networks" by exploiting the higher-level dynamic interaction among brain regions for early mild cognitive impairment (eMCI) diagnosis. For each sliding window-based rs-fMRI sub-series, we construct a whole-brain associated high-order network, by estimating the correlations between the topographical information of the high-order FC sub-network from one brain region and that of the low-order FC sub-network from another brain region. With multi-kernel learning, complementary features from multiple time-varying FC networks constructed at different levels are fused for eMCI classification. Compared with other state-of-the-art methods, the proposed framework achieves superior diagnosis accuracy, and hence could be promising for understanding pathological changes of brain connectome

    Construction of embedded fMRI resting state functional connectivity networks using manifold learning

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    We construct embedded functional connectivity networks (FCN) from benchmark resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) data acquired from patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls based on linear and nonlinear manifold learning algorithms, namely, Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), Isometric Feature Mapping (ISOMAP) and Diffusion Maps. Furthermore, based on key global graph-theoretical properties of the embedded FCN, we compare their classification potential using machine learning techniques. We also assess the performance of two metrics that are widely used for the construction of FCN from fMRI, namely the Euclidean distance and the lagged cross-correlation metric. We show that the FCN constructed with Diffusion Maps and the lagged cross-correlation metric outperform the other combinations
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