305 research outputs found

    Exploring Material Representations for Sparse Voxel DAGs

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    Ray tracing is a popular technique used in movies and video games to create compelling visuals. Ray traced computer images are increasingly becoming more realistic and almost indistinguishable from real-word images. Due to the complexity of scenes and the desire for high resolution images, ray tracing can become very expensive in terms of computation and memory. To address these concerns, researchers have examined data structures to efficiently store geometric and material information. Sparse voxel octrees (SVOs) and directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) have proven to be successful geometric data structures for reducing memory requirements. Moxel DAGs connect material properties to these geometric data structures, but experience limitations related to memory, build times, and render times. This thesis examines the efficacy of connecting an alternative material data structure to existing geometric representations. The contributions of this thesis include the creation of a new material representation using hashing to accompany DAGs, a method to calculate surface normals using neighboring voxel data, and a demonstration and validation that DAGs can be used to super sample based on proximity. This thesis also validates the visual acuity from these methods via a user survey comparing different output images. In comparison to the Moxel DAG implementation, this work increases render time, but reduces build times and memory, and improves the visual quality of output images

    Incremental volume rendering using hierarchical compression

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    Includes bibliographical references.The research has been based on the thesis that efficient volume rendering of datasets, contained on the Internet, can be achieved on average personal workstations. We present a new algorithm here for efficient incremental rendering of volumetric datasets. The primary goal of this algorithm is to give average workstations the ability to efficiently render volume data received over relatively low bandwidth network links in such a way that rapid user feedback is maintained. Common limitations of workstation rendering of volume data include: large memory overheads, the requirement of expensive rendering hardware, and high speed processing ability. The rendering algorithm presented here overcomes these problems by making use of the efficient Shear-Warp Factorisation method which does not require specialised graphics hardware. However the original Shear-Warp algorithm suffers from a high memory overhead and does not provide for incremental rendering which is required should rapid user feedback be maintained. Our algorithm represents the volumetric data using a hierarchical data structure which provides for the incremental classification and rendering of volume data. This exploits the multiscale nature of the octree data structure. The algorithm reduces the memory footprint of the original Shear-Warp Factorisation algorithm by a factor of more than two, while maintaining good rendering performance. These factors make our octree algorithm more suitable for implementation on average desktop workstations for the purposes of interactive exploration of volume models over a network. This dissertation covers the theory and practice of developing the octree based Shear-Warp algorithms, and then presents the results of extensive empirical testing. The results, using typical volume datasets, demonstrate the ability of the algorithm to achieve high rendering rates for both incremental rendering and standard rendering while reducing the runtime memory requirements

    The discretized polyhedra simplification (DPS): a framework for polyhedra simplification based on decomposition schemes

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    This work discusses simplification algorithms for the generation of a multiresolution family of solid representations from an initial polyhedral solid. We introduce the Discretized Polyhedra Simplification (DPS), a framework for polyhedra simplification using space decomposition models. The DPS is based on a new error measurement and provides a sound scheme for error-bounded, geometry and topology simplification while preserving the validity of the model. A method following this framework, Direct DPS, is presented and discussed. Direct DPS uses an octree for topology simplification and error control, and generates valid solid representations. Our method is also able to generate approximations which do not interpenetrate the original model, either being completely contained in the input solid or bounding it. Unlike most of the current methods, our algorithm can deal and also produces faces with arbitrary complexity. An extension of the Direct method for appearance preservation, called Hybrid DPS, is also discussed

    Dynamic PlenOctree for Adaptive Sampling Refinement in Explicit NeRF

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    The explicit neural radiance field (NeRF) has gained considerable interest for its efficient training and fast inference capabilities, making it a promising direction such as virtual reality and gaming. In particular, PlenOctree (POT)[1], an explicit hierarchical multi-scale octree representation, has emerged as a structural and influential framework. However, POT's fixed structure for direct optimization is sub-optimal as the scene complexity evolves continuously with updates to cached color and density, necessitating refining the sampling distribution to capture signal complexity accordingly. To address this issue, we propose the dynamic PlenOctree DOT, which adaptively refines the sample distribution to adjust to changing scene complexity. Specifically, DOT proposes a concise yet novel hierarchical feature fusion strategy during the iterative rendering process. Firstly, it identifies the regions of interest through training signals to ensure adaptive and efficient refinement. Next, rather than directly filtering out valueless nodes, DOT introduces the sampling and pruning operations for octrees to aggregate features, enabling rapid parameter learning. Compared with POT, our DOT outperforms it by enhancing visual quality, reducing over 55.1555.15/68.84%68.84\% parameters, and providing 1.7/1.9 times FPS for NeRF-synthetic and Tanks &\& Temples, respectively. Project homepage:https://vlislab22.github.io/DOT. [1] Yu, Alex, et al. "Plenoctrees for real-time rendering of neural radiance fields." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021.Comment: Accepted by ICCV202

    Three--dimensional medical imaging: Algorithms and computer systems

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    This paper presents an introduction to the field of three-dimensional medical imaging It presents medical imaging terms and concepts, summarizes the basic operations performed in three-dimensional medical imaging, and describes sample algorithms for accomplishing these operations. The paper contains a synopsis of the architectures and algorithms used in eight machines to render three-dimensional medical images, with particular emphasis paid to their distinctive contributions. It compares the performance of the machines along several dimensions, including image resolution, elapsed time to form an image, imaging algorithms used in the machine, and the degree of parallelism used in the architecture. The paper concludes with general trends for future developments in this field and references on three-dimensional medical imaging
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