297 research outputs found

    Overview of the 5th International Competition on Plagiarism Detection

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    Abstract This paper overviews 18 plagiarism detectors that have been evaluated within the fifth international competition on plagiarism detection at PAN 2013. We report on their performances for the two tasks source retrieval and text alignment of external plagiarism detection. Furthermore, we continue last year’s initiative to invite software submissions instead of run submissions, and, re-evaluate this year’s submissions on last year’s evaluation corpora and vice versa, thus demonstrating the benefits of software submissions in terms of reproducibility.Potthast, M.; Hagen, M.; Gollub, T.; Tippmann, M.; Kiesel, J.; Rosso, P.; Stamatatos, E.... (2013). Overview of the 5th International Competition on Plagiarism Detection. CLEF Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation. 301-331. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/46635S30133

    Generate fuzzy string-matching to build self attention on Indonesian medical-chatbot

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    Chatbot is a form of interactive conversation that requires quick and precise answers. The process of identifying answers to users’ questions involves string matching and handling incorrect spelling. Therefore, a system that can independently predict and correct letters is highly necessary. The approach used to address this issue is to enhance the fuzzy string-matching method by incorporating several features for self-attention. The combination of fuzzy string-matching methods employed includes Jaro Winkler distance + Levenshtein Damerau distance and Damerau Levenshtein + Rabin Carp. The reason for using this combination is their ability not only to match strings but also to correct word typing errors. This research contributes by developing a self-attention mechanism through a modified fuzzy string-matching model with enhanced word feature structures. The goal is to utilize this self-attention mechanism in constructing the Indonesian medical bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (IM-BERT). This will serve as a foundation for additional features to provide accurate answers in the Indonesian medical question and answer system, achieving an exact match of 85.7% and an F1-score of 87.6%

    Efficient near duplicate document detection for specialized corpora

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 75-77).Knowledge of near duplicate documents can be adventagous to search engines, even those that only cover a small enterprise or specialized corpus. In this thesis, we investigate improvements to simhash, a signature-based method which can be used to efficiently detect near duplicate documents. We implement simhash in its original form, and demonstrate its effectiveness on a small corpus of newspaper articles, and improve its accuracy through utilizing external metadata and altering its feature selection approach. We also demonstrate the fragility of simhash towards changes in the weighting of features by applying novel changes to the weights. As motivation for performing this near duplicate detection, we discuss the impact it can have on search engines.by Shreyes Seshasai.M.Eng

    Plagiarism detection for Indonesian texts

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    As plagiarism becomes an increasing concern for Indonesian universities and research centers, the need of using automatic plagiarism checker is becoming more real. However, researches on Plagiarism Detection Systems (PDS) in Indonesian documents have not been well developed, since most of them deal with detecting duplicate or near-duplicate documents, have not addressed the problem of retrieving source documents, or show tendency to measure document similarity globally. Therefore, systems resulted from these researches are incapable of referring to exact locations of ``similar passage'' pairs. Besides, there has been no public and standard corpora available to evaluate PDS in Indonesian texts. To address the weaknesses of former researches, this thesis develops a plagiarism detection system which executes various methods of plagiarism detection stages in a workflow system. In retrieval stage, a novel document feature coined as phraseword is introduced and executed along with word unigram and character n-grams to address the problem of retrieving source documents, whose contents are copied partially or obfuscated in a suspicious document. The detection stage, which exploits a two-step paragraph-based comparison, is aimed to address the problems of detecting and locating source-obfuscated passage pairs. The seeds for matching source-obfuscated passage pairs are based on locally-weighted significant terms to capture paraphrased and summarized passages. In addition to this system, an evaluation corpus was created through simulation by human writers, and by algorithmic random generation. Using this corpus, the performance evaluation of the proposed methods was performed in three scenarios. On the first scenario which evaluated source retrieval performance, some methods using phraseword and token features were able to achieve the optimum recall rate 1. On the second scenario which evaluated detection performance, our system was compared to Alvi's algorithm and evaluated in 4 levels of measures: character, passage, document, and cases. The experiment results showed that methods resulted from using token as seeds have higher scores than Alvi's algorithm in all 4 levels of measures both in artificial and simulated plagiarism cases. In case detection, our systems outperform Alvi's algorithm in recognizing copied, shaked, and paraphrased passages. However, Alvi's recognition rate on summarized passage is insignificantly higher than our system. The same tendency of experiment results were demonstrated on the third experiment scenario, only the precision rates of Alvi's algorithm in character and paragraph levels are higher than our system. The higher Plagdet scores produced by some methods in our system than Alvi's scores show that this study has fulfilled its objective in implementing a competitive state-of-the-art algorithm for detecting plagiarism in Indonesian texts. Being run at our test document corpus, Alvi's highest scores of recall, precision, Plagdet, and detection rate on no-plagiarism cases correspond to its scores when it was tested on PAN'14 corpus. Thus, this study has contributed in creating a standard evaluation corpus for assessing PDS for Indonesian documents. Besides, this study contributes in a source retrieval algorithm which introduces phrasewords as document features, and a paragraph-based text alignment algorithm which relies on two different strategies. One of them is to apply local-word weighting used in text summarization field to select seeds for both discriminating paragraph pair candidates and matching process. The proposed detection algorithm results in almost no multiple detection. This contributes to the strength of this algorithm

    Advanced models of supervised structural clustering

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    The strength and power of structured prediction approaches in machine learning originates from a proper recognition and exploitation of inherent structural dependencies within complex objects, which structural models are trained to output. Among the complex tasks that benefited from structured prediction approaches, clustering is of a special interest. Structured output models based on representing clusters by latent graph structures made the task of supervised clustering tractable. While in practice these models proved effective in solving the complex NLP task of coreference resolution, in this thesis, we aim at exploring their capacity to be extended to other tasks and domains, as well as the methods for performing such adaptation and for improvement in general, which, as a result, go beyond clustering and are commonly applicable in structured prediction. Studying the extensibility of the structural approaches for supervised clustering, we apply them to two different domains in two different ways. First, in the networking domain, we do clustering of network traffic by adapting the model, taking into account the continuity of incoming data. Our experiments demonstrate that the structural clustering approach is not only effective in such a scenario, but also, if changing the perspective, provides a novel potentially useful tool for detecting anomalies. The other part of our work is dedicated to assessing the amenability of the structural clustering model to joint learning with another structural model, for ranking. Our preliminary analysis in the context of the task of answer-passage reranking in question answering reveals a potential benefit of incorporating auxiliary clustering structures. Due to the intrinsic complexity of the clustering task and, respectively, its evaluation scenarios, it gave us grounds for studying the possibility and the effect from optimizing task-specific complex measures in structured prediction algorithms. It is common for structured prediction approaches to optimize surrogate loss functions, rather than the actual task-specific ones, in or- der to facilitate inference and preserve efficiency. In this thesis, we, first, study when surrogate losses are sufficient and, second, make a step towards enabling direct optimization of complex structural loss functions. We propose to learn an approximation of a complex loss by a regressor from data. We formulate a general structural framework for learning with a learned loss, which, applied to a particular case of a clustering problem – coreference resolution, i) enables the optimization of a coreference metric, by itself, having high computational complexity, and ii) delivers an improvement over the standard structural models optimizing simple surrogate objectives. We foresee this idea being helpful in many structured prediction applications, also as a means of adaptation to specific evaluation scenarios, and especially when a good loss approximation is found by a regressor from an induced feature space allowing good factorization over the underlying structure

    Technologies for Reusing Text from the Web

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    Texts from the web can be reused individually or in large quantities. The former is called text reuse and the latter language reuse. We first present a comprehensive overview of the different ways in which text and language is reused today, and how exactly information retrieval technologies can be applied in this respect. The remainder of the thesis then deals with specific retrieval tasks. In general, our contributions consist of models and algorithms, their evaluation, and for that purpose, large-scale corpus construction. The thesis divides into two parts. The first part introduces technologies for text reuse detection, and our contributions are as follows: (1) A unified view of projecting-based and embedding-based fingerprinting for near-duplicate detection and the first time evaluation of fingerprint algorithms on Wikipedia revision histories as a new, large-scale corpus of near-duplicates. (2) A new retrieval model for the quantification of cross-language text similarity, which gets by without parallel corpora. We have evaluated the model in comparison to other models on many different pairs of languages. (3) An evaluation framework for text reuse and particularly plagiarism detectors, which consists of tailored detection performance measures and a large-scale corpus of automatically generated and manually written plagiarism cases. The latter have been obtained via crowdsourcing. This framework has been successfully applied to evaluate many different state-of-the-art plagiarism detection approaches within three international evaluation competitions. The second part introduces technologies that solve three retrieval tasks based on language reuse, and our contributions are as follows: (4) A new model for the comparison of textual and non-textual web items across media, which exploits web comments as a source of information about the topic of an item. In this connection, we identify web comments as a largely neglected information source and introduce the rationale of comment retrieval. (5) Two new algorithms for query segmentation, which exploit web n-grams and Wikipedia as a means of discerning the user intent of a keyword query. Moreover, we crowdsource a new corpus for the evaluation of query segmentation which surpasses existing corpora by two orders of magnitude. (6) A new writing assistance tool called Netspeak, which is a search engine for commonly used language. Netspeak indexes the web in the form of web n-grams as a source of writing examples and implements a wildcard query processor on top of it.Texte aus dem Web können einzeln oder in großen Mengen wiederverwendet werden. Ersteres wird Textwiederverwendung und letzteres Sprachwiederverwendung genannt. Zunächst geben wir einen ausführlichen Überblick darüber, auf welche Weise Text und Sprache heutzutage wiederverwendet und wie Technologien des Information Retrieval in diesem Zusammenhang angewendet werden können. In der übrigen Arbeit werden dann spezifische Retrievalaufgaben behandelt. Unsere Beiträge bestehen dabei aus Modellen und Algorithmen, ihrer empirischen Auswertung und der Konstruktion von großen Korpora hierfür. Die Dissertation ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Im ersten Teil präsentieren wir Technologien zur Erkennung von Textwiederverwendungen und leisten folgende Beiträge: (1) Ein Überblick über projektionsbasierte- und einbettungsbasierte Fingerprinting-Verfahren für die Erkennung nahezu identischer Texte, sowie die erstmalige Evaluierung einer Reihe solcher Verfahren auf den Revisionshistorien der Wikipedia. (2) Ein neues Modell zum sprachübergreifenden, inhaltlichen Vergleich von Texten. Das Modell basiert auf einem mehrsprachigen Korpus bestehend aus Pärchen themenverwandter Texte, wie zum Beispiel der Wikipedia. Wir vergleichen das Modell in mehreren Sprachen mit herkömmlichen Modellen. (3) Eine Evaluierungsumgebung für Algorithmen zur Plagiaterkennung. Die Umgebung besteht aus Maßen, die die Güte der Erkennung eines Algorithmus' quantifizieren, und einem großen Korpus von Plagiaten. Die Plagiate wurden automatisch generiert sowie mit Hilfe von Crowdsourcing manuell erstellt. Darüber hinaus haben wir zwei Workshops veranstaltet, in denen unsere Evaluierungsumgebung erfolgreich zur Evaluierung aktueller Plagiaterkennungsalgorithmen eingesetzt wurde. Im zweiten Teil präsentieren wir auf Sprachwiederverwendung basierende Technologien für drei verschiedene Retrievalaufgaben und leisten folgende Beiträge: (4) Ein neues Modell zum medienübergreifenden, inhaltlichen Vergleich von Objekten aus dem Web. Das Modell basiert auf der Auswertung der zu einem Objekt vorliegenden Kommentare. In diesem Zusammenhang identifizieren wir Webkommentare als eine in der Forschung bislang vernachlässigte Informationsquelle und stellen die Grundlagen des Kommentarretrievals vor. (5) Zwei neue Algorithmen zur Segmentierung von Websuchanfragen. Die Algorithmen nutzen Web n-Gramme sowie Wikipedia, um die Intention des Suchenden in einer Suchanfrage festzustellen. Darüber hinaus haben wir mittels Crowdsourcing ein neues Evaluierungskorpus erstellt, das zwei Größenordnungen größer ist als bisherige Korpora. (6) Eine neuartige Suchmaschine, genannt Netspeak, die die Suche nach gebräuchlicher Sprache ermöglicht. Netspeak indiziert das Web als Quelle für gebräuchliche Sprache in der Form von n-Grammen und implementiert eine Wildcardsuche darauf

    Technologies for Reusing Text from the Web

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    Texts from the web can be reused individually or in large quantities. The former is called text reuse and the latter language reuse. We first present a comprehensive overview of the different ways in which text and language is reused today, and how exactly information retrieval technologies can be applied in this respect. The remainder of the thesis then deals with specific retrieval tasks. In general, our contributions consist of models and algorithms, their evaluation, and for that purpose, large-scale corpus construction. The thesis divides into two parts. The first part introduces technologies for text reuse detection, and our contributions are as follows: (1) A unified view of projecting-based and embedding-based fingerprinting for near-duplicate detection and the first time evaluation of fingerprint algorithms on Wikipedia revision histories as a new, large-scale corpus of near-duplicates. (2) A new retrieval model for the quantification of cross-language text similarity, which gets by without parallel corpora. We have evaluated the model in comparison to other models on many different pairs of languages. (3) An evaluation framework for text reuse and particularly plagiarism detectors, which consists of tailored detection performance measures and a large-scale corpus of automatically generated and manually written plagiarism cases. The latter have been obtained via crowdsourcing. This framework has been successfully applied to evaluate many different state-of-the-art plagiarism detection approaches within three international evaluation competitions. The second part introduces technologies that solve three retrieval tasks based on language reuse, and our contributions are as follows: (4) A new model for the comparison of textual and non-textual web items across media, which exploits web comments as a source of information about the topic of an item. In this connection, we identify web comments as a largely neglected information source and introduce the rationale of comment retrieval. (5) Two new algorithms for query segmentation, which exploit web n-grams and Wikipedia as a means of discerning the user intent of a keyword query. Moreover, we crowdsource a new corpus for the evaluation of query segmentation which surpasses existing corpora by two orders of magnitude. (6) A new writing assistance tool called Netspeak, which is a search engine for commonly used language. Netspeak indexes the web in the form of web n-grams as a source of writing examples and implements a wildcard query processor on top of it.Texte aus dem Web können einzeln oder in großen Mengen wiederverwendet werden. Ersteres wird Textwiederverwendung und letzteres Sprachwiederverwendung genannt. Zunächst geben wir einen ausführlichen Überblick darüber, auf welche Weise Text und Sprache heutzutage wiederverwendet und wie Technologien des Information Retrieval in diesem Zusammenhang angewendet werden können. In der übrigen Arbeit werden dann spezifische Retrievalaufgaben behandelt. Unsere Beiträge bestehen dabei aus Modellen und Algorithmen, ihrer empirischen Auswertung und der Konstruktion von großen Korpora hierfür. Die Dissertation ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Im ersten Teil präsentieren wir Technologien zur Erkennung von Textwiederverwendungen und leisten folgende Beiträge: (1) Ein Überblick über projektionsbasierte- und einbettungsbasierte Fingerprinting-Verfahren für die Erkennung nahezu identischer Texte, sowie die erstmalige Evaluierung einer Reihe solcher Verfahren auf den Revisionshistorien der Wikipedia. (2) Ein neues Modell zum sprachübergreifenden, inhaltlichen Vergleich von Texten. Das Modell basiert auf einem mehrsprachigen Korpus bestehend aus Pärchen themenverwandter Texte, wie zum Beispiel der Wikipedia. Wir vergleichen das Modell in mehreren Sprachen mit herkömmlichen Modellen. (3) Eine Evaluierungsumgebung für Algorithmen zur Plagiaterkennung. Die Umgebung besteht aus Maßen, die die Güte der Erkennung eines Algorithmus' quantifizieren, und einem großen Korpus von Plagiaten. Die Plagiate wurden automatisch generiert sowie mit Hilfe von Crowdsourcing manuell erstellt. Darüber hinaus haben wir zwei Workshops veranstaltet, in denen unsere Evaluierungsumgebung erfolgreich zur Evaluierung aktueller Plagiaterkennungsalgorithmen eingesetzt wurde. Im zweiten Teil präsentieren wir auf Sprachwiederverwendung basierende Technologien für drei verschiedene Retrievalaufgaben und leisten folgende Beiträge: (4) Ein neues Modell zum medienübergreifenden, inhaltlichen Vergleich von Objekten aus dem Web. Das Modell basiert auf der Auswertung der zu einem Objekt vorliegenden Kommentare. In diesem Zusammenhang identifizieren wir Webkommentare als eine in der Forschung bislang vernachlässigte Informationsquelle und stellen die Grundlagen des Kommentarretrievals vor. (5) Zwei neue Algorithmen zur Segmentierung von Websuchanfragen. Die Algorithmen nutzen Web n-Gramme sowie Wikipedia, um die Intention des Suchenden in einer Suchanfrage festzustellen. Darüber hinaus haben wir mittels Crowdsourcing ein neues Evaluierungskorpus erstellt, das zwei Größenordnungen größer ist als bisherige Korpora. (6) Eine neuartige Suchmaschine, genannt Netspeak, die die Suche nach gebräuchlicher Sprache ermöglicht. Netspeak indiziert das Web als Quelle für gebräuchliche Sprache in der Form von n-Grammen und implementiert eine Wildcardsuche darauf

    A lightweight, graph-theoretic model of class-based similarity to support object-oriented code reuse.

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    The work presented in this thesis is principally concerned with the development of a method and set of tools designed to support the identification of class-based similarity in collections of object-oriented code. Attention is focused on enhancing the potential for software reuse in situations where a reuse process is either absent or informal, and the characteristics of the organisation are unsuitable, or resources unavailable, to promote and sustain a systematic approach to reuse. The approach builds on the definition of a formal, attributed, relational model that captures the inherent structure of class-based, object-oriented code. Based on code-level analysis, it relies solely on the structural characteristics of the code and the peculiarly object-oriented features of the class as an organising principle: classes, those entities comprising a class, and the intra and inter-class relationships existing between them, are significant factors in defining a two-phase similarity measure as a basis for the comparison process. Established graph-theoretic techniques are adapted and applied via this model to the problem of determining similarity between classes. This thesis illustrates a successful transfer of techniques from the domains of molecular chemistry and computer vision. Both domains provide an existing template for the analysis and comparison of structures as graphs. The inspiration for representing classes as attributed relational graphs, and the application of graph-theoretic techniques and algorithms to their comparison, arose out of a well-founded intuition that a common basis in graph-theory was sufficient to enable a reasonable transfer of these techniques to the problem of determining similarity in object-oriented code. The practical application of this work relates to the identification and indexing of instances of recurring, class-based, common structure present in established and evolving collections of object-oriented code. A classification so generated additionally provides a framework for class-based matching over an existing code-base, both from the perspective of newly introduced classes, and search "templates" provided by those incomplete, iteratively constructed and refined classes associated with current and on-going development. The tools and techniques developed here provide support for enabling and improving shared awareness of reuse opportunity, based on analysing structural similarity in past and ongoing development, tools and techniques that can in turn be seen as part of a process of domain analysis, capable of stimulating the evolution of a systematic reuse ethic

    FCAIR 2012 Formal Concept Analysis Meets Information Retrieval Workshop co-located with the 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2013) March 24, 2013, Moscow, Russia

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    International audienceFormal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematically well-founded theory aimed at data analysis and classifiation. The area came into being in the early 1980s and has since then spawned over 10000 scientific publications and a variety of practically deployed tools. FCA allows one to build from a data table with objects in rows and attributes in columns a taxonomic data structure called concept lattice, which can be used for many purposes, especially for Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval. The Formal Concept Analysis Meets Information Retrieval (FCAIR) workshop collocated with the 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2013) was intended, on the one hand, to attract researchers from FCA community to a broad discussion of FCA-based research on information retrieval, and, on the other hand, to promote ideas, models, and methods of FCA in the community of Information Retrieval
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