14 research outputs found

    Introduction: Advances in E-business Engineering

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    (First paragraph) E-business is more than just e-commerce. It is one of the most challenging areas for industry and research communities. E-business has evolved from business-to-business, business-to-customer, customer-to-business, customer-to-customer, and business-to-government systems to the integrated and collaborative business services among various information systems and e-marketplaces. In this evolving process, integrated e-business systems and their related supporting platforms have to be rapidly designed and developed in order to meet different requirements. A variety of e-business engineering paradigms and technologies have been developed to tackle these challenges. There are many research issues needed to be addressed. These issues include heterogeneous services integration, disparate e-business functions collaboration, semantic level e-business messaging, etc. Today, not only large companies, but also medium or small-sized companies are learning that e-business is a required component of doing business. As a result, there is a growing demand for insights into challenges, issues, and solutions related to the design, implementation, and management of e-business systems

    Staff turnover costs in the Czech Republic

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    The aim of the paper is to calculate the costs of staff turnover in the Czech Republic and to quantify the loss of production and costs of public budgets and organizations due to employee turnover. The outputs show that the analysed costs of staff turnover in the Czech Republic form a relatively large part of the costs of organizations and public budgets. The costs of employee turnover exert a significant impact on the economy of organizations and the state from the socio-economic point of view. The resulting amount is comparable to the average of European states and the USA. The average total employee turnover cost in the mentioned states is CZK 194,555 per employee. The paper also contains a recommendation to support the retention of critical key workers and ensure their continuity, leading to an increase in production and support of the knowledge-based economy as well as to a reduction of the negative effects of employee turnover


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    The primary goal of all organisations is efficiency of human resources. Therefore activities as HR controlling, performance management but also cutting costs are the main theme. Current organisations need to monitor human resources to keep their competitiveness. Thus paper describes the key factor of organisational efficiency - employee education, talent management and the necessity to retain skilled employees. The aim of the paper is to reveal the current approach in organisations to education and learning based on primary survey of employees. The data were collected using quantitative primary survey in Czech organisations across sectors. The questionnaire was compiled based on the theoretical background. The paper has been processed based on the analysis of secondary sources, outcome synthesis and the evaluation of results of a questionnaire survey. The data were analysed using descriptive statistic, correlation analysis and factor analysis. The SPSS programme was used for the analyses. The outcomes were categorized and the analyses revealed the main factors affecting organisational approach to employee learning and development. The results identify three possible approaches in organisations to employee learning and development. The first type of organisations educates employees by their own rules, second type does not support education of employees in any way, it is only an interest of employees themselves and thirdly knowledgeable employees were identified as those employees do as much as possible to learn and grow and they choose job position in order to develop constantly. The results can be taken into account in further analysis and in organisation of adult education

    Predicting voluntary turnover in employees using demographic characteristics: A South African case study

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    Abstract: Employee turnover presents arguably the biggest threat to business sustainability and is a dynamic challenge faced by businesses globally. In South Africa, organisations compete to attract and retain skilled employees in an environment characterised by a burgeoning skills deficit. Turnover risk management is becoming an important strategy to ensure organisational stability and promote the effective retention of employees. The purpose of this research was to contribute to the practice of turnover risk management by proposing an approach and constructing a model to predict employee turnover based on demographic characteristics readily available in a human resource information system. Design: An exploratory research design was employed. Secondary quantitative data were extracted from an existing human resources database and analysed. Data obtained for 2592 employees in a general insurance company based in South Africa and Namibia formed the basis for the analysis. Logistic regression analysis was employed to predict employee turnover using various demographic characteristics available within the database. A likelihood ratio test was used to build a predictive model and the Akaike information criterion and Schwarz criterion were used to test how much value each variable added to the model and if its inclusion was warranted. The model was tested by conducting statistical tests of the significance of the coefficients. Deviance and Pearson goodness-of-fit statistics as well as the R-square test of significance were used. The overall goodness-of-fit of the model was also tested using the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test. Findings: The current findings provide partial support for a predictive model explaining employee turnover. The model tested 14 demographic variables and the following five variables were found to have statistically significant predictive value: age, years of service, cost centre, performance score and the interaction between number of dependants and years of service. It is proposed that these five demographic variables be used as a model to help identify employees at risk of turnover or termed as flight risks. Practical implications: Gaining an understanding of the factors that influence employee voluntary turnover can be instrumental in sustaining workforce stability. The proposed model could help human resources professionals identify employees at risk of turnover using data that are readily available to them. This will further enable the use of targeted interventions to prevent turnover before it happens. Decreased levels of turnover will result in cost saving, enhanced talent management and greater competitive advantage

    Um Estudo sobre Rotatividade de Pessoal com Profissionais de Empresas Brasileiras de Desenvolvimento de Software

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    Employee turnover is one of the major challenges for many software development companies. This work presents a study whose objective is to identify the main causes and effects of employee turnover in Brazilian software development companies. Strategies applied to minimize employee turnover were also investigated. A survey methodology was used to collect data from software development professionals of Brazilian companies. The results of this study indicate that inappropriate management style, personal expectation not achieved within the company, lack of professional recognition, and lack of organizational involvement influences the decision of professionals to leave the company. These factors can contribute decisively in rates of employee turnover. The paper concludes with discussion and recommendations for future research

    AI-Augmented HRM: Literature review and a proposed multilevel framework for future research.

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    The research using artificial intelligence (AI) applications in HRM functional areas has gained much traction and a steep surge over the last three years. The extant literature observes that contemporary AI applications have augmented HR functionalities. AI-Augmented HRM HRM(AI) has assumed strategic importance for achieving HRM domain-level outcomes and organisational outcomes for a sustainable competitive advantage. Moreover, there is increasing evidence of literature reviews pertaining to the use of AI applications in different management disciplines (i.e., marketing, supply chain, accounting, hospitality, and education). There is a considerable gap in existing studies regarding a focused, systematic literature review on HRM(AI), specifically for a multilevel framework that can offer research scholars a platform to conduct potential future research. To address this gap, the authors present a systematic literature review (SLR) of 56 articles published in 35 peer-reviewed academic journals from October 1990 to December 2021. The purpose is to analyse the context (i.e., chronological distribution, geographic spread, sector-wise distribution, theories, and methods used) and the theoretical content (key themes) of HRM(AI) research and identify gaps to present a robust multilevel framework for future research. Based upon this SLR, the authors identify noticeable research gaps, mainly stemming from - unequal distribution of previous HRM(AI) research in terms of the smaller number of sector/country-specific studies, absence of sound theoretical base/frameworks, more research on routine HR functions(i.e. recruitment and selection) and significantly less empirical research. We also found minimal research evidence that links HRM(AI) and organisational-level outcomes. To overcome this gap, we propose a multilevel framework that offers a platform for future researchers to draw linkage among diverse variables starting from the contextual level to HRM and organisational level outcomes that eventually enhance operational and financial organisational performance

    Rotatividade de Pessoal: Pesquisa com Profissionais de Empresas Brasileiras de Desenvolvimento de Software

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    A rotatividade de pessoal é um dos principais desafios para muitas empresas de desenvolvimento de software. Neste artigo é apresentado um estudo para identificar as principais causas e efeitos da rotatividade de pessoal entre profissionais de empresas brasileiras de desenvolvimento de software. As estratégias empregadas para minimizar a rotatividade de pessoal e seus efeitos também foram investigadas. A metodologia de levantamento foi utilizada para obter informações dos profissionais de desenvolvimento de software. A análise dos dados de 67 respondentes foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva e estatística inferencial. Os resultados indicaram que o estilo gerencial inadequado, expectativa pessoal não alcançada na empresa, falta de reconhecimento profissional e falta de comprometimento da organização influenciam a decisão dos profissionais de sair da empresa e podem contribuir decisivamente nas taxas de rotatividade de pessoal. Os resultados também indicaram outros aspectos que são importantes para a intenção de rotatividade. A empresa deve se preocupar com fatores que podem motivar a permanência do funcionário, como comunicação, plano de carreira, ambiente de trabalho, promoção por desempenho e treinamento periódico

    Um estudo sobre a rotatividade de pessoal entre profissionais de empresas brasileiras de desenvolvimento de software

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    Employee turnover is one of the major challenges for many software development companies. This work presents a study to identify the main causes and effects of employee turnover among professionals of Brazilian software development companies. Strategies applied to minimize employee turnover and its effects were also investigated. A survey methodology was used to collect data from software development professionals. Data collection was performed using the technique of questionnaire with closed questions using five-point Likert scale and multiple choice questions. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was applied to check the reliability of the answers. The analysis of data from 67 respondents was conducted through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results indicate that inappropriate management style, personal expectation not achieved within the company, lack of professional recognition, and lack of organizational involvement influences the decision of professionals to leave the company. These factors can contribute decisively in rates of employee turnover. The results also indicate other aspects, related to the employee, which are important for turnover intention. The company must be concerned with factors that can motivate the employee to stay with the company, such as communication, career plan, work environment, promotion for performance, and periodic training.A rotatividade de pessoal é um dos principais desafios para muitas empresas de desenvolvimento de software. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo para identificar as principais causas e efeitos da rotatividade de pessoal entre profissionais de empresas brasileiras de desenvolvimento de software. As estratégias empregadas para minimizar a rotatividade de pessoal e seus efeitos também foram investigadas. A metodologia de levantamento, também conhecida como survey, foi utilizada para obter informações dos profissionais de desenvolvimento de software. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da técnica de questionário com questões em escala Likert de cinco pontos e questões de múltipla escolha. O Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach foi aplicado para verificar a confiabilidade das respostas. A análise dos dados de 67 foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva e estatística inferencial. Os resultados indicaram que o estilo gerencial inadequado, expectativa pessoal não alcançada na empresa, falta de reconhecimento profissional e falta de comprometimento organizacional influenciam a decisão dos profissionais de sair da empresa. Esses fatores podem contribuir decisivamente nas taxas de rotatividade de pessoal. Os resultados também indicaram outros aspectos, relacionados a recursos humanos, que são importantes para a intenção de rotatividade. A empresa deve se preocupar com fatores que podem motivar a permanência do funcionário, como comunicação, plano de carreira, ambiente de trabalho, promoção por desempenho e treinamento periódico

    Análise e comparação do processo de recrutamento de recém-formados por parte das grandes consultoras: falhas e sucessos

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    A fase final do percurso académico é das fases mais marcantes para qualquer estudante. A passagem para o mundo do trabalho é uma ambição da maior parte desses estudantes, mas o seu alcance pode, muitas vezes, ser demorado e exigente. Ao longo dos tempos, tem-se vindo a assistir a uma alteração nas prioridades e ambições dos mais jovens, pelo que se torna um grande desafio para todas as empresas, a capacidade de corresponder a todas essas expectativas. Deparando-se com estas mudanças, o mundo empresarial viu-se obrigado a apostar em equipas de recrutamento e seleção de topo e em estratégias devidamente definidas de gestão de recursos humanos, vendo nestas equipas a capacidade de atrair e selecionar os candidatos ideais. Este trabalho foca algumas das maiores consultoras do nosso país, conhecidas não só pelo trabalho fulcral que desempenham como também pela sua capacidade empregadora. Todos os anos, alunos de diversas áreas e faculdades, fazem parte dos processos de recrutamento destas empresas, sendo, também eles, objeto de estudo nesta dissertação. O objetivo deste trabalho centra-se, então, na comparação entre os vários processos de recrutamento destas consultoras e na compreensão das condições oferecidas e ainda numa avaliação da imagem destas empresas aos olhos dos recém-formados, avaliando, nesta perspetiva, os seus pontos positivos e negativos. De forma a alcançar o objetivo proposto, foram inquiridos alguns responsáveis do recrutamento e seleção das firmas estudadas e foi enviado um questionário a diversos alunos universitários. O "work-life balance" foi dos pontos com mais relevância nos resultados deste estudo.The final phase of the academic course is one of the most striking phases for any student. The transition to the world of work is an ambition to most of these students, but their reach can often be time consuming and demanding. Over time there has been a change in the priorities and ambitions of young people, and it is therefore a great challenge for all companies to meet all these expectations. Faced with these changes, the business world has been forced to rely on top recruitment and selection teams and well-defined human resources management strategies, seeing in these teams the ability to attract and select the ideal candidates. This work focuses on some of the largest consultancies in our country, known not only for the core work they perform but also for their employability. Every year, students from different areas and colleges are part of the recruitment processes of these companies, and they are the object of study in this dissertation. The objective of this paper is to compare the various recruitment processes of these consultants and to understand the conditions offered, as well as, to evaluate the image of these companies in the eyes of the new graduates, evaluating, in this perspective the positive and negative aspects. To reach the proposed objective, some of the responsible for the recruitment and selection of the studied firms were interviewed and a questionnaire was sent to several university students. The work-life balance was one of the most relevant points in the results of this study