673 research outputs found

    Overløpskontroll i avløpsnett med forskjellige modelleringsteknikker og internet of things

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    Increased urbanization and extreme rainfall events are causing more frequent instances of sewer overflow, leading to the pollution of water resources and negative environmental, health, and fiscal impacts. At the same time, the treatment capacity of wastewater treatment plants is seriously affected. The main aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to use the Internet of Things and various modeling techniques to investigate the use of real-time control on existing sewer systems to mitigate overflow. The role of the Internet of Things is to provide continuous monitoring and real-time control of sewer systems. Data collected by the Internet of Things are also useful for model development and calibration. Models are useful for various purposes in real-time control, and they can be distinguished as those suitable for simulation and those suitable for prediction. Models that are suitable for a simulation, which describes the important phenomena of a system in a deterministic way, are useful for developing and analyzing different control strategies. Meanwhile, models suitable for prediction are usually employed to predict future system states. They use measurement information about the system and must have a high computational speed. To demonstrate how real-time control can be used to manage sewer systems, a case study was conducted for this thesis in Drammen, Norway. In this study, a hydraulic model was used as a model suitable for simulation to test the feasibility of different control strategies. Considering the recent advances in artificial intelligence and the large amount of data collected through the Internet of Things, the study also explored the possibility of using artificial intelligence as a model suitable for prediction. A summary of the results of this work is presented through five papers. Paper I demonstrates that one mainstream artificial intelligence technique, long short-term memory, can precisely predict the time series data from the Internet of Things. Indeed, the Internet of Things and long short-term memory can be powerful tools for sewer system managers or engineers, who can take advantage of real-time data and predictions to improve decision-making. In Paper II, a hydraulic model and artificial intelligence are used to investigate an optimal in-line storage control strategy that uses the temporal storage volumes in pipes to reduce overflow. Simulation results indicate that during heavy rainfall events, the response behavior of the sewer system differs with respect to location. Overflows at a wastewater treatment plant under different control scenarios were simulated and compared. The results from the hydraulic model show that overflows were reduced dramatically through the intentional control of pipes with in-line storage capacity. To determine available in-line storage capacity, recurrent neural networks were employed to predict the upcoming flow coming into the pipes that were to be controlled. Paper III and Paper IV describe a novel inter-catchment wastewater transfer solution. The inter-catchment wastewater transfer method aims at redistributing spatially mismatched sewer flows by transferring wastewater from a wastewater treatment plant to its neighboring catchment. In Paper III, the hydraulic behaviors of the sewer system under different control scenarios are assessed using the hydraulic model. Based on the simulations, inter-catchment wastewater transfer could efficiently reduce total overflow from a sewer system and wastewater treatment plant. Artificial intelligence was used to predict inflow to the wastewater treatment plant to improve inter-catchment wastewater transfer functioning. The results from Paper IV indicate that inter-catchment wastewater transfer might result in an extra burden for a pump station. To enhance the operation of the pump station, long short-term memory was employed to provide multi-step-ahead water level predictions. Paper V proposes a DeepCSO model based on large and high-resolution sensors and multi-task learning techniques. Experiments demonstrated that the multi-task approach is generally better than single-task approaches. Furthermore, the gated recurrent unit and long short-term memory-based multi-task learning models are especially suitable for capturing the temporal and spatial evolution of combined sewer overflow events and are superior to other methods. The DeepCSO model could help guide the real-time operation of sewer systems at a citywide level.publishedVersio

    Forecasting and Risk Management Techniques for Electricity Markets

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    This book focuses on the recent development of forecasting and risk management techniques for electricity markets. In addition, we discuss research on new trading platforms and environments using blockchain-based peer-to-peer (P2P) markets and computer agents. The book consists of two parts. The first part is entitled “Forecasting and Risk Management Techniques” and contains five chapters related to weather and electricity derivatives, and load and price forecasting for supporting electricity trading. The second part is entitled “Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Electricity Trading System and Strategy” and contains the following five chapters related to the feasibility and enhancement of P2P energy trading from various aspects

    New Statistical Learning Methods for Evaluating Dynamic Treatment Regimes and Optimal Dosing

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    Dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs) have gained increasing interest in the field of personalized health care in the last two decades, as they provide a sequence of individualized decision rules for treating patients over time. In a DTR, treatment is adapted in response to the changes in an individual's disease progression and health care history. However, specific challenges emerge when applying the current methods of DTR in practice. For example, a treatment decision often happens after a medical test, and is thus nested within the decision of whether a test is needed or not. Such nested test-and-treat strategies are attractive to improve cost-effectiveness. In the first project of this dissertation, we develop a Step-adjusted Tree-based Learning (SAT-Learning) method to estimate the optimal DTR within such a step-nested multiple-stage multiple-treatment dynamic decision framework using test-and-treat observational data. At each step within each stage, we combine a doubly robust semiparametric estimator via Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting with a tree-based reinforcement learning procedure to achieve the counterfactual optimization. SAT-Learning is robust and easy to interpret for the strategies of disease screening and subsequent treatments when necessary. We applied our method to a Johns Hopkins University prostate cancer active surveillance dataset to evaluate the necessity of prostate biopsy and identify the optimal test-and-treatment regimes for prostate cancer patients. Our second project is motivated by scenarios in medical practice where one need to decide on patients radiation or drug doses over time. Due to the complexity of continuous dose scales, few existing studies have extended their methods of multi-treatment decision making to a method to estimate the optimal DTR with continuous doses. We develop a new method, Kernel-Involved-Dosage-Decision learning (KIDD-Learning), which combines a kernel estimation of the dose-response function with a tree-based dose-search algorithm, in a multiple-stage setting. At each stage, KIDD-Learning recursively estimates a personalized dose-response function using kernel regression and then identifies the interpretable optimal dosage regime by growing an interpretable decision tree. The application of KIDD-Learning is illustrated by evaluating the dynamic dosage regimes of the adaptive radiation therapy using a Michigan Medicine liver cancer dataset. In KIDD-Learning, our algorithm splits each node of a tree-based decision rule from the root node to terminal nodes. This heuristic algorithm may fail to identify the optimal decision rule when there are critical tailoring variables hidden from an imperceptible parent node. Therefore, in the third project, we propose an important modification of KIDD-Learning, Stochastic Spline-Involved Tree Search (SSITS), to estimate a more robust optimal dosage regime. This new method uses a simulated annealing algorithm to stochastically search the space of tree-based decision rules. In each visited decision rule, a non-parametric smooth coefficient model is applied to estimate the dose-response function. We further implement backward induction to estimate the optimal regime from the final stage in a reverse sequential order to previous treatment stages. We apply SSITS to determine the optimal dosing strategy for patients treated with Warfarin using data from the International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium.PHDBiostatisticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163090/1/mingtang_1.pd

    Ny forståelse av gasshydratfenomener og naturlige inhibitorer i råoljesystemer gjennom massespektrometri og maskinlæring

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    Gas hydrates represent one of the main flow assurance issues in the oil and gas industry as they can cause complete blockage of pipelines and process equipment, forcing shut downs. Previous studies have shown that some crude oils form hydrates that do not agglomerate or deposit, but remain as transportable dispersions. This is commonly believed to be due to naturally occurring components present in the crude oil, however, despite decades of research, their exact structures have not yet been determined. Some studies have suggested that these components are present in the acid fractions of the oils or are related to the asphaltene content of the oils. Crude oils are among the worlds most complex organic mixtures and can contain up to 100 000 different constituents, making them difficult to characterise using traditional mass spectrometers. The high mass accuracy of Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) yields a resolution greater than traditional techniques, making FT-ICR MS able to characterise crude oils to a greater extent, and possibly identify hydrate active components. FT-ICR MS spectra usually contain tens of thousands of peaks, and data treatment methods able to find underlying relationships in big data sets are required. Machine learning and multivariate statistics include many methods suitable for big data. A literature review identified a number of promising methods, and the current status for the use of machine learning for analysis of gas hydrates and FT-ICR MS data was analysed. The literature study revealed that although many studies have used machine learning to predict thermodynamic properties of gas hydrates, very little work have been done in analysing gas hydrate related samples measured by FT-ICR MS. In order to aid their identification, a successive accumulation procedure for increasing the concentrations of hydrate active components was developed by SINTEF. Comparison of the mass spectra from spiked and unspiked samples revealed some peaks that increased in intensity over the spiking levels. Several classification methods were used in combination with variable selection, and peaks related to hydrate formation were identified. The corresponding molecular formulas were determined, and the peaks were assumed to be related to asphaltenes, naphthenes and polyethylene glycol. To aid the characterisation of the oils, infrared spectroscopy (both Fourier Transform infrared and near infrared) was combined with FT-ICR MS in a multiblock analysis to predict the density of crude oils. Two different strategies for data fusion were attempted, and sequential fusion of the blocks achieved the highest prediction accuracy both before and after reducing the dimensions of the data sets by variable selection. As crude oils have such complex matrixes, samples are often very different, and many methods are not able to handle high degrees of variations or non-linearities between the samples. Hierarchical cluster-based partial least squares regression (HC-PLSR) clusters the data and builds local models within each cluster. HC-PLSR can thus handle non-linearities between clusters, but as PLSR is a linear model the data is still required to be locally linear. HC-PLSR was therefore expanded into deep learning (HC-CNN and HC-RNN) and SVR (HC-SVR). The deep learning-based models outperformed HC-PLSR for a data set predicting average molecular weights from hydrolysed raw materials. The analysis of the FT-ICR MS spectra revealed that the large amounts of information contained in the data (due to the high resolution) can disturb the predictive models, but the use of variable selection counteracts this effect. Several methods from machine learning and multivariate statistics were proven valuable for prediction of various parameters from FT-ICR MS using both classification and regression methods.Gasshydrater er et av hovedproblemene for Flow assurance i olje- og gassnæringen ettersom at de kan forårsake blokkeringer i oljerørledninger og prosessutstyr som krever at systemet må stenges ned. Tidligere studier har vist at noen råoljer danner hydrater som ikke agglomererer eller avsetter, men som forblir som transporterbare dispersjoner. Dette antas å være på grunn av naturlig forekommende komponenter til stede i råoljen, men til tross for årevis med forskning er deres nøyaktige strukturer enda ikke bestemt i detalj. Noen studier har indikert at disse komponentene kan stamme fra syrefraksjonene i oljen eller være relatert til asfalteninnholdet i oljene. Råoljer er blant verdens mest komplekse organiske blandinger og kan inneholde opptil 100 000 forskjellige bestanddeler, som gjør dem vanskelig å karakterisere ved bruk av tradisjonelle massespektrometre. Den høye masseoppløsningen Fourier-transform ion syklotron resonans massespektrometri (FT-ICR MS) gir en høyere oppløsning enn tradisjonelle teknikker, som gjør FT-ICR MS i stand til å karakterisere råoljer i større grad og muligens identifisere hydrataktive komponenter. FT-ICR MS spektre inneholder vanligvis titusenvis av topper, og det er nødvendig å bruke databehandlingsmetoder i stand til å håndtere store datasett, med muligheter til å finne underliggende forhold for å analysere spektrene. Maskinlæring og multivariat statistikk har mange metoder som er passende for store datasett. En litteratur studie identifiserte flere metoder og den nåværende statusen for bruken av maskinlæring for analyse av gasshydrater og FT-ICR MS data. Litteraturstudien viste at selv om mange studier har brukt maskinlæring til å predikere termodynamiske egenskaper for gasshydrater, har lite arbeid blitt gjort med å analysere gasshydrat relaterte prøver målt med FT-ICR MS. For å bistå identifikasjonen ble en suksessiv akkumuleringsprosedyre for å øke konsentrasjonene av hydrataktive komponenter utviklet av SINTEF. Sammenligninger av massespektrene fra spikede og uspikede prøver viste at noen topper økte sammen med spikingnivåene. Flere klassifikasjonsmetoder ble brukt i kombinasjon med ariabelseleksjon for å identifisere topper relatert til hydratformasjon. Molekylformler ble bestemt og toppene ble antatt å være relatert til asfaltener, naftener og polyetylenglykol. For å bistå karakteriseringen av oljene ble infrarød spektroskopi inkludert med FT-ICR MS i en multiblokk analyse for å predikere tettheten til råoljene. To forskjellige strategier for datafusjonering ble testet og sekvensiell fusjonering av blokkene oppnådde den høyeste prediksjonsnøyaktigheten både før og etter reduksjon av datasettene med bruk av variabelseleksjon. Ettersom råoljer har så kompleks sammensetning, er prøvene ofte veldig forskjellige og mange metoder er ikke egnet for å håndtere store variasjoner eller ikke-lineariteter mellom prøvene. Hierarchical cluster-based partial least squares regression (HCPLSR) grupperer dataene og lager lokale modeller for hver gruppe. HC-PLSR kan dermed håndtere ikke-lineariteter mellom gruppene, men siden PLSR er en lokal modell må dataene fortsatt være lokalt lineære. HC-PLSR ble derfor utvidet til convolutional neural networks (HC-CNN) og recurrent neural networks (HC-RNN) og support vector regression (HC-SVR). Disse dyp læring metodene utkonkurrerte HC-PLSR for et datasett som predikerte gjennomsnittlig molekylvekt fra hydrolyserte råmaterialer. Analysen av FT-ICR MS spektre viste at spektrene inneholder veldig mye informasjon. Disse store mengdene med data kan forstyrre prediksjonsmodeller, men bruken av variabelseleksjon motvirket denne effekten. Flere metoder fra maskinlæring og multivariat statistikk har blitt vist å være nyttige for prediksjon av flere parametere from FT-ICR MS data ved bruk av både klassifisering og regresjon

    Pattern recognition and machine learning for magnetic resonance images with kernel methods

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    The aim of this thesis is to apply a particular category of machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms, namely the kernel methods, to both functional and anatomical magnetic resonance images (MRI). This work specifically focused on supervised learning methods. Both methodological and practical aspects are described in this thesis. Kernel methods have the computational advantage for high dimensional data, therefore they are idea for imaging data. The procedures can be broadly divided into two components: the construction of the kernels and the actual kernel algorithms themselves. Pre-processed functional or anatomical images can be computed into a linear kernel or a non-linear kernel. We introduce both kernel regression and kernel classification algorithms in two main categories: probabilistic methods and non-probabilistic methods. For practical applications, kernel classification methods were applied to decode the cognitive or sensory states of the subject from the fMRI signal and were also applied to discriminate patients with neurological diseases from normal people using anatomical MRI. Kernel regression methods were used to predict the regressors in the design of fMRI experiments, and clinical ratings from the anatomical scans

    Study on multi-SVM systems and their applications to pattern recognition

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3136号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2010/7/12 ; 早大学位記番号:新541