28 research outputs found

    A Soft Constraint-Based Approach to QoS-Aware Service Selection

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    Service-based systems should be able to dynamically seek replacements for faulty or underperforming services, thus performing self-healing. It may however be the case that available services do not match all requirements, leading the system to grind to a halt. In similar situations it would be better to choose alternative candidates which, while not fulfilling all the constraints, allow the system to proceed. Soft constraints, instead of the traditional crisp constraints, can help naturally model and solve replacement problems of this sort. In this work we apply soft constraints to model SLAs and to decide how to rebuild compositions which may not satisfy all the requirements, in order not to completely stop running systems

    A Compositional Framework for Preference-Aware Agents

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    A formal description of a Cyber-Physical system should include a rigorous specification of the computational and physical components involved, as well as their interaction. Such a description, thus, lends itself to a compositional model where every module in the model specifies the behavior of a (computational or physical) component or the interaction between different components. We propose a framework based on Soft Constraint Automata that facilitates the component-wise description of such systems and includes the tools necessary to compose subsystems in a meaningful way, to yield a description of the entire system. Most importantly, Soft Constraint Automata allow the description and composition of components' preferences as well as environmental constraints in a uniform fashion. We illustrate the utility of our framework using a detailed description of a patrolling robot, while highlighting methods of composition as well as possible techniques to employ them.Comment: In Proceedings V2CPS-16, arXiv:1612.0402

    Valued constraint satisfaction problems: Hard and easy problems

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    tschiexOtoulouse.inra.fr fargierOirit.fr verfailOcert.fr In order to deal with over-constrained Constraint Satisfaction Problems, various extensions of the CSP framework have been considered by taking into account costs, uncertainties, preferences, priorities...Each extension uses a specific mathematical operator (+, max...) to aggregate constraint violations. In this paper, we consider a simple algebraic framework, related to Partial Constraint Satisfaction, which subsumes most of these proposals and use it to characterize existing proposals in terms of rationality and computational complexity. We exhibit simple relationships between these proposals, try t

    A Component-oriented Framework for Autonomous Agents

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    The design of a complex system warrants a compositional methodology, i.e., composing simple components to obtain a larger system that exhibits their collective behavior in a meaningful way. We propose an automaton-based paradigm for compositional design of such systems where an action is accompanied by one or more preferences. At run-time, these preferences provide a natural fallback mechanism for the component, while at design-time they can be used to reason about the behavior of the component in an uncertain physical world. Using structures that tell us how to compose preferences and actions, we can compose formal representations of individual components or agents to obtain a representation of the composed system. We extend Linear Temporal Logic with two unary connectives that reflect the compositional structure of the actions, and show how it can be used to diagnose undesired behavior by tracing the falsification of a specification back to one or more culpable components

    Soft Concurrent Constraint Programming

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    Soft constraints extend classical constraints to represent multiple consistency levels, and thus provide a way to express preferences, fuzziness, and uncertainty. While there are many soft constraint solving formalisms, even distributed ones, by now there seems to be no concurrent programming framework where soft constraints can be handled. In this paper we show how the classical concurrent constraint (cc) programming framework can work with soft constraints, and we also propose an extension of cc languages which can use soft constraints to prune and direct the search for a solution. We believe that this new programming paradigm, called soft cc (scc), can be also very useful in many web-related scenarios. In fact, the language level allows web agents to express their interaction and negotiation protocols, and also to post their requests in terms of preferences, and the underlying soft constraint solver can find an agreement among the agents even if their requests are incompatible.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), zipped file

    Semiring-based constraint logic programming

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    We extend the Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) formalism in order to handle semiring-based constraints. This allows us to perform in the same language both constraint solving and optimization. In fact, constraints based on semirings are able to model both classical constraint solving and more sophisticated features like uncertainty, probability, fuzziness, and optimization. We then provide this class of languages with three equivalent semantics: model-theoretic, fix-point, and proof-theoretic, in the style of classical CLP programs

    Constraint-based Temporal Reasoning with Preferences

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    Often we need to work in scenarios where events happen over time and preferences are associated to event distances and durations. Soft temporal constraints allow one to describe in a natural way problems arising in such scenarios. In general, solving soft temporal problems require exponential time in the worst case, but there are interesting subclasses of problems which are polynomially solvable. In this paper we identify one of such subclasses giving tractability results. Moreover, we describe two solvers for this class of soft temporal problems, and we show some experimental results. The random generator used to build the problems on which tests are performed is also described. We also compare the two solvers highlighting the tradeoff between performance and robustness. Sometimes, however, temporal local preferences are difficult to set, and it may be easier instead to associate preferences to some complete solutions of the problem. To model everything in a uniform way via local preferences only, and also to take advantage of the existing constraint solvers which exploit only local preferences, we show that machine learning techniques can be useful in this respect. In particular, we present a learning module based on a gradient descent technique which induces local temporal preferences from global ones. We also show the behavior of the learning module on randomly-generated examples

    Soft Constraint Programming to Analysing Security Protocols

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    Security protocols stipulate how remote principals of a computer network should interact in order to obtain specific security goals. The crucial goals of confidentiality and authentication may be achieved in various forms. Using soft (rather than crisp) constraints, we develop a uniform formal notion for the two goals. They are no longer formalised as mere yes/no properties as in the existing literature, but gain an extra parameter, the security level. For example, different messages can enjoy different levels of confidentiality, or a principal can achieve different levels of authentication with different principals. The goals are formalised within a general framework for protocol analysis that is amenable to mechanisation by model checking. Following the application of the framework to analysing the asymmetric Needham- Schroeder protocol, we have recently discovered a new attack on that protocol. We briefly describe that attack, and demonstrate the framework on a bigger, largely deployed protocol consisting of three phases, Kerberos

    Enabling local computation for partially ordered preferences

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    Many computational problems linked to uncertainty and preference management can be expressed in terms of computing the marginal(s) of a combination of a collection of valuation functions. Shenoy and Shafer showed how such a computation can be performed using a local computation scheme. A major strength of this work is that it is based on an algebraic description: what is proved is the correctness of the local computation algorithm under a few axioms on the algebraic structure. The instantiations of the framework in practice make use of totally ordered scales. The present paper focuses on the use of partially ordered scales and examines how such scales can be cast in the Shafer-Shenoy framework and thus benefit from local computation algorithms. It also provides several examples of such scales, thus showing that each of the algebraic structures explored here is of interest