10 research outputs found

    Lifted Variable Elimination for Probabilistic Logic Programming

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    Lifted inference has been proposed for various probabilistic logical frameworks in order to compute the probability of queries in a time that depends on the size of the domains of the random variables rather than the number of instances. Even if various authors have underlined its importance for probabilistic logic programming (PLP), lifted inference has been applied up to now only to relational languages outside of logic programming. In this paper we adapt Generalized Counting First Order Variable Elimination (GC-FOVE) to the problem of computing the probability of queries to probabilistic logic programs under the distribution semantics. In particular, we extend the Prolog Factor Language (PFL) to include two new types of factors that are needed for representing ProbLog programs. These factors take into account the existing causal independence relationships among random variables and are managed by the extension to variable elimination proposed by Zhang and Poole for dealing with convergent variables and heterogeneous factors. Two new operators are added to GC-FOVE for treating heterogeneous factors. The resulting algorithm, called LP2^2 for Lifted Probabilistic Logic Programming, has been implemented by modifying the PFL implementation of GC-FOVE and tested on three benchmarks for lifted inference. A comparison with PITA and ProbLog2 shows the potential of the approach.Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1402.0565 by other author

    Graphical Models and Symmetries : Loopy Belief Propagation Approaches

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    Whenever a person or an automated system has to reason in uncertain domains, probability theory is necessary. Probabilistic graphical models allow us to build statistical models that capture complex dependencies between random variables. Inference in these models, however, can easily become intractable. Typical ways to address this scaling issue are inference by approximate message-passing, stochastic gradients, and MapReduce, among others. Exploiting the symmetries of graphical models, however, has not yet been considered for scaling statistical machine learning applications. One instance of graphical models that are inherently symmetric are statistical relational models. These have recently gained attraction within the machine learning and AI communities and combine probability theory with first-order logic, thereby allowing for an efficient representation of structured relational domains. The provided formalisms to compactly represent complex real-world domains enable us to effectively describe large problem instances. Inference within and training of graphical models, however, have not been able to keep pace with the increased representational power. This thesis tackles two major aspects of graphical models and shows that both inference and training can indeed benefit from exploiting symmetries. It first deals with efficient inference exploiting symmetries in graphical models for various query types. We introduce lifted loopy belief propagation (lifted LBP), the first lifted parallel inference approach for relational as well as propositional graphical models. Lifted LBP can effectively speed up marginal inference, but cannot straightforwardly be applied to other types of queries. Thus we also demonstrate efficient lifted algorithms for MAP inference and higher order marginals, as well as the efficient handling of multiple inference tasks. Then we turn to the training of graphical models and introduce the first lifted online training for relational models. Our training procedure and the MapReduce lifting for loopy belief propagation combine lifting with the traditional statistical approaches to scaling, thereby bridging the gap between statistical relational learning and traditional statistical machine learning

    Lifted Bayesian filtering in multi-entity systems

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    This thesis focuses on Bayesian filtering for systems that consist of multiple, interacting entites (e.g. agents or objects), which can naturally be described by Multiset Rewriting Systems (MRSs). The main insight is that the state space that is underling an MRS exhibits a certain symmetry, which can be exploited to increase inference efficiency. We provide an efficient, lifted filtering algorithm, which is able to achieve a factorial reduction in space and time complexity, compared to conventional, ground filtering.Diese Arbeit betrachtet Bayes'sche Filter in Systemen, die aus mehreren, interagierenden Entitäten (z.B. Agenten oder Objekten) bestehen. Die Systemdynamik solcher Systeme kann auf natürliche Art durch Multiset Rewriting Systems (MRS) spezifiziert werden. Die wesentliche Erkenntnis ist, dass der Zustandraum Symmetrien aufweist, die ausgenutzt werden können, um die Effizienz der Inferenz zu erhöhen. Wir führen einen effizienten, gelifteten Filter-Algorithmus ein, dessen Zeit- und Platzkomplexität gegenüber dem grundierten Algorithmus um einen faktoriellen Faktor reduziert ist

    Aggregation and constraint processing in lifted probabilistic inference

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    Representations that mix graphical models and first-order logic - called either first-order or relational probabilistic models — were proposed nearly twenty years ago and many more have since emerged. In these models, random variables are parameterized by logical variables. One way to perform inference in first-order models is to propositionalize the model, that is, to explicitly consider every element from the domains of logical variables. This approach might be intractable even for simple first-order models. The idea behind lifted inference is to carry out as much inference as possible without propositionalizing. An exact lifted inference procedure for first-order probabilistic models was developed by Poole [2003] and later extended to a broader range of problems by de Salvo Braz et al. [2007]. The C-FOVE algorithm by Milch et al. [2008] expanded the scope of lifted inference and is currently the state of the art in exact lifted inference. In this thesis we address two problems related to lifted inference: aggregation in directed first-order probabilistic models and constraint processing during lifted inference. Recent work on exact lifted inference focused on undirected models. Directed first-order probabilistic models require an aggregation operator when a parent random variable is parameterized by logical variables that are not present in a child random variable. We introduce a new data structure, aggregation parfactors, to describe aggregation in directed first-order models. We show how to extend the C-FOVE algorithm to perform lifted inference in the presence of aggregation parfactors. There are cases where the polynomial time complexity (in the domain size of logical variables) of the C-FOVE algorithm can be reduced to logarithmic time complexity using aggregation parfactors. First-order models typically contain constraints on logical variables. Constraints are important for capturing knowledge regarding particular individuals. However, the impact of constraint processing on computational efficiency of lifted inference has been largely overlooked. In this thesis we develop an efficient algorithm for counting the number of solutions to the constraint satisfaction problems encountered during lifted inference. We also compare, both theoretically and empirically, different ways of handling constraints during lifted inference.Science, Faculty ofComputer Science, Department ofGraduat