750 research outputs found

    Optimal Orchestration of Virtual Network Functions

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    -The emergence of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is bringing a set of novel algorithmic challenges in the operation of communication networks. NFV introduces volatility in the management of network functions, which can be dynamically orchestrated, i.e., placed, resized, etc. Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) can belong to VNF chains, where nodes in a chain can serve multiple demands coming from the network edges. In this paper, we formally define the VNF placement and routing (VNF-PR) problem, proposing a versatile linear programming formulation that is able to accommodate specific features and constraints of NFV infrastructures, and that is substantially different from existing virtual network embedding formulations in the state of the art. We also design a math-heuristic able to scale with multiple objectives and large instances. By extensive simulations, we draw conclusions on the trade-off achievable between classical traffic engineering (TE) and NFV infrastructure efficiency goals, evaluating both Internet access and Virtual Private Network (VPN) demands. We do also quantitatively compare the performance of our VNF-PR heuristic with the classical Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) approach proposed for NFV orchestration, showing the computational differences, and how our approach can provide a more stable and closer-to-optimum solution

    Resource Allocation in SDN/NFV-Enabled Core Networks

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    For next generation core networks, it is anticipated to integrate communication, storage and computing resources into one unified, programmable and flexible infrastructure. Software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) become two enablers. SDN decouples the network control and forwarding functions, which facilitates network management and enables network programmability. NFV allows the network functions to be virtualized and placed on high capacity servers located anywhere in the network, not only on dedicated devices in current networks. Driven by SDN and NFV platforms, the future network architecture is expected to feature centralized network management, virtualized function chaining, reduced capital and operational costs, and enhanced service quality. The combination of SDN and NFV provides a potential technical route to promote the future communication networks. It is imperative to efficiently manage, allocate and optimize the heterogeneous resources, including computing, storage, and communication resources, to the customized services to achieve better quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning. This thesis makes some in-depth researches on efficient resource allocation for SDN/NFV-enabled core networks in multiple aspects and dimensionality. Typically, the resource allocation task is implemented in three aspects. Given the traffic metrics, QoS requirements, and resource constraints of the substrate network, we first need to compose a virtual network function (VNF) chain to form a virtual network (VN) topology. Then, virtual resources allocated to each VNF or virtual link need to be optimized in order to minimize the provisioning cost while satisfying the QoS requirements. Next, we need to embed the virtual network (i.e., VNF chain) onto the substrate network, in which we need to assign the physical resources in an economical way to meet the resource demands of VNFs and links. This involves determining the locations of NFV nodes to host the VNFs and the routing from source to destination. Finally, we need to schedule the VNFs for multiple services to minimize the service completion time and maximize the network performance. In this thesis, we study resource allocation in SDN/NFV-enabled core networks from the aforementioned three aspects. First, we jointly study how to design the topology of a VN and embed the resultant VN onto a substrate network with the objective of minimizing the embedding cost while satisfying the QoS requirements. In VN topology design, optimizing the resource requirement for each virtual node and link is necessary. Without topology optimization, the resources assigned to the virtual network may be insufficient or redundant, leading to degraded service quality or increased embedding cost. The joint problem is formulated as a Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), where queueing theory is utilized as the methodology to analyze the network delay and help to define the optimal set of physical resource requirements at network elements. Two algorithms are proposed to obtain the optimal/near-optimal solutions of the MINLP model. Second, we address the multi-SFC embedding problem by a game theoretical approach, considering the heterogeneity of NFV nodes, the effect of processing-resource sharing among various VNFs, and the capacity constraints of NFV nodes. In the proposed resource constrained multi-SFC embedding game (RC-MSEG), each SFC is treated as a player whose objective is to minimize the overall latency experienced by the supported service flow, while satisfying the capacity constraints of all its NFV nodes. Due to processing-resource sharing, additional delay is incurred and integrated into the overall latency for each SFC. The capacity constraints of NFV nodes are considered by adding a penalty term into the cost function of each player, and are guaranteed by a prioritized admission control mechanism. We first prove that the proposed game RC-MSEG is an exact potential game admitting at least one pure Nash Equilibrium (NE) and has the finite improvement property (FIP). Then, we design two iterative algorithms, namely, the best response (BR) algorithm with fast convergence and the spatial adaptive play (SAP) algorithm with great potential to obtain the best NE of the proposed game. Third, the VNF scheduling problem is investigated to minimize the makespan (i.e., overall completion time) of all services, while satisfying their different end-to-end (E2E) delay requirements. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear program (MILP) which is NP-hard with exponentially increasing computational complexity as the network size expands. To solve the MILP with high efficiency and accuracy, the original problem is reformulated as a Markov decision process (MDP) problem with variable action set. Then, a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm is developed to learn the best scheduling policy by continuously interacting with the network environment. The proposed learning algorithm determines the variable action set at each decision-making state and accommodates different execution time of the actions. The reward function in the proposed algorithm is carefully designed to realize delay-aware VNF scheduling. To sum up, it is of great importance to integrate SDN and NFV in the same network to accelerate the evolution toward software-enabled network services. We have studied VN topology design, multi-VNF chain embedding, and delay-aware VNF scheduling to achieve efficient resource allocation in different dimensions. The proposed approaches pave the way for exploiting network slicing to improve resource utilization and facilitate QoS-guaranteed service provisioning in SDN/NFV-enabled networks

    Semi-distributed Traffic Engineering for Elastic Flows in Software Defined Networks

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is becoming the reference paradigm to provide advanced Traffic Engineering (TE) solutions for future networks. However, taking all TE decisions at the controller, in a centralized fashion, may require long delays to react to network changes. With the most recent advancements in SDN programmability some decisions can (and should indeed) be offloaded to switches. In this paper we present a model to route elastic demands in a general network topology adopting a semi-distributed approach of the control plane to deal with path congestion. Specifically, we envision a Stackelberg approach where the SDN controller takes the role of Leader, choosing the most appropriate subset of routing paths for the selfish users (network switches), which behave as Followers, making local routing decisions based on path congestion. To overcome the complexity of the problem and meet the time requirements of real-life settings, we propose effective heuristic procedures which take into accurate account traffic dynamics, considering a stochastic scenario where both the number and size of flows change over time. We test our framework with a custom-developed simulator in different network topologies and instance sizes. Numerical results show how our model and heuristics achieve the desired balance between making global decisions and reacting rapidly to congestion events

    GAN-powered Deep Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Resource Management in Network Slicing

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    Network slicing is a key technology in 5G communications system. Its purpose is to dynamically and efficiently allocate resources for diversified services with distinct requirements over a common underlying physical infrastructure. Therein, demand-aware resource allocation is of significant importance to network slicing. In this paper, we consider a scenario that contains several slices in a radio access network with base stations that share the same physical resources (e.g., bandwidth or slots). We leverage deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to solve this problem by considering the varying service demands as the environment state and the allocated resources as the environment action. In order to reduce the effects of the annoying randomness and noise embedded in the received service level agreement (SLA) satisfaction ratio (SSR) and spectrum efficiency (SE), we primarily propose generative adversarial network-powered deep distributional Q network (GAN-DDQN) to learn the action-value distribution driven by minimizing the discrepancy between the estimated action-value distribution and the target action-value distribution. We put forward a reward-clipping mechanism to stabilize GAN-DDQN training against the effects of widely-spanning utility values. Moreover, we further develop Dueling GAN-DDQN, which uses a specially designed dueling generator, to learn the action-value distribution by estimating the state-value distribution and the action advantage function. Finally, we verify the performance of the proposed GAN-DDQN and Dueling GAN-DDQN algorithms through extensive simulations