113 research outputs found

    On Approximating Multi-Criteria TSP

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    We present approximation algorithms for almost all variants of the multi-criteria traveling salesman problem (TSP). First, we devise randomized approximation algorithms for multi-criteria maximum traveling salesman problems (Max-TSP). For multi-criteria Max-STSP, where the edge weights have to be symmetric, we devise an algorithm with an approximation ratio of 2/3 - eps. For multi-criteria Max-ATSP, where the edge weights may be asymmetric, we present an algorithm with a ratio of 1/2 - eps. Our algorithms work for any fixed number k of objectives. Furthermore, we present a deterministic algorithm for bi-criteria Max-STSP that achieves an approximation ratio of 7/27. Finally, we present a randomized approximation algorithm for the asymmetric multi-criteria minimum TSP with triangle inequality Min-ATSP. This algorithm achieves a ratio of log n + eps.Comment: Preliminary version at STACS 2009. This paper is a revised full version, where some proofs are simplifie

    New Inapproximability Bounds for TSP

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    In this paper, we study the approximability of the metric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and prove new explicit inapproximability bounds for that problem. The best up to now known hardness of approximation bounds were 185/184 for the symmetric case (due to Lampis) and 117/116 for the asymmetric case (due to Papadimitriou and Vempala). We construct here two new bounded occurrence CSP reductions which improve these bounds to 123/122 and 75/74, respectively. The latter bound is the first improvement in more than a decade for the case of the asymmetric TSP. One of our main tools, which may be of independent interest, is a new construction of a bounded degree wheel amplifier used in the proof of our results

    The Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem with Submodular Rewards

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    In this paper, we look at the problem of finding the tour of maximum reward on an undirected graph where the reward is a submodular function, that has a curvature of κ\kappa, of the edges in the tour. This problem is known to be NP-hard. We analyze two simple algorithms for finding an approximate solution. Both algorithms require O(V3)O(|V|^3) oracle calls to the submodular function. The approximation factors are shown to be 12+κ\frac{1}{2+\kappa} and max{23(2+κ),2/3(1κ)}\max\set{\frac{2}{3(2+\kappa)},2/3(1-\kappa)}, respectively; so the second method has better bounds for low values of κ\kappa. We also look at how these algorithms perform for a directed graph and investigate a method to consider edge costs in addition to rewards. The problem has direct applications in monitoring an environment using autonomous mobile sensors where the sensing reward depends on the path taken. We provide simulation results to empirically evaluate the performance of the algorithms.Comment: Extended version of ACC 2013 submission (including p-system greedy bound with curvature

    On Approximating Restricted Cycle Covers

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    A cycle cover of a graph is a set of cycles such that every vertex is part of exactly one cycle. An L-cycle cover is a cycle cover in which the length of every cycle is in the set L. The weight of a cycle cover of an edge-weighted graph is the sum of the weights of its edges. We come close to settling the complexity and approximability of computing L-cycle covers. On the one hand, we show that for almost all L, computing L-cycle covers of maximum weight in directed and undirected graphs is APX-hard and NP-hard. Most of our hardness results hold even if the edge weights are restricted to zero and one. On the other hand, we show that the problem of computing L-cycle covers of maximum weight can be approximated within a factor of 2 for undirected graphs and within a factor of 8/3 in the case of directed graphs. This holds for arbitrary sets L.Comment: To appear in SIAM Journal on Computing. Minor change