153 research outputs found

    Speech Decomposition and Enhancement

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    The goal of this study is to investigate the roles of steady-state speech sounds and transitions between these sounds in the intelligibility of speech. The motivation for this approach is that the auditory system may be particularly sensitive to time-varying frequency edges, which in speech are produced primarily by transitions between vowels and consonants and within vowels. The possibility that selectively amplifying these edges may enhance speech intelligibility is examined. Computer algorithms to decompose speech into two different components were developed. One component, which is defined as a tonal component, was intended to predominately include formant activity. The second component, which is defined as a non-tonal component, was intended to predominately include transitions between and within formants.The approach to the decomposition is to use a set of time-varying filters whose center frequencies and bandwidths are controlled to identify the strongest formant components in speech. Each center frequency and bandwidth is estimated based on FM and AM information of each formant component. The tonal component is composed of the sum of the filter outputs. The non-tonal component is defined as the difference between the original speech signal and the tonal component.The relative energy and intelligibility of the tonal and non-tonal components were compared to the original speech. Psychoacoustic growth functions were used to assess the intelligibility. Most of the speech energy was in the tonal component, but this component had a significantly lower maximum word recognition than the original and non-tonal component had. The non-tonal component averaged 2% of the original speech energy, but this component had almost equal maximum word recognition as the original speech. The non-tonal component was amplified and recombined with the original speech to generate enhanced speech. The energy of the enhanced speech was adjusted to be equal to the original speech, and the intelligibility of the enhanced speech was compared to the original speech in background noise. The enhanced speech showed higher recognition scores at lower SNRs, and the differences were significant. The original and enhanced speech showed similar recognition scores at higher SNRs. These results suggest that amplification of transient information can enhance the speech in noise and this enhancement method is more effective at severe noise conditions

    Features of hearing: applications of machine learning to uncover the building blocks of hearing

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    Recent advances in machine learning have instigated a renewed interest in using machine learning approaches to better understand human sensory processing. This line of research is particularly interesting for speech research since speech comprehension is uniquely human, which complicates obtaining detailed neural recordings. In this thesis, I explore how machine learning can be used to uncover new knowledge about the auditory system, with a focus on discovering robust auditory features. The resulting increased understanding of the noise robustness of human hearing may help to better assist those with hearing loss and improve Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems. First, I show how computational neuroscience and machine learning can be combined to generate hypotheses about auditory features. I introduce a neural feature detection model with a modest number of parameters that is compatible with auditory physiology. By testing feature detector variants in a speech classification task, I confirm the importance of both well-studied and lesser-known auditory features. Second, I investigate whether ASR software is a good candidate model of the human auditory system. By comparing several state-of-the-art ASR systems to the results from humans on a range of psychometric experiments, I show that these ASR systems diverge markedly from humans in at least some psychometric tests. This implies that none of these systems act as a strong proxy for human speech recognition, although some may be useful when asking more narrowly defined questions. For neuroscientists, this thesis exemplifies how machine learning can be used to generate new hypotheses about human hearing, while also highlighting the caveats of investigating systems that may work fundamentally differently from the human brain. For machine learning engineers, I point to tangible directions for improving ASR systems. To motivate the continued cross-fertilization between these fields, a toolbox that allows researchers to assess new ASR systems has been released.Open Acces

    The effect of nonlinear frequency compression and linear frequency transposition on speech perception in school-aged children

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    The primary objective of this study is to determine whether nonlinear frequency compression and linear transposition algorithms provide speech perception benefit in school-aged children

    The use of acoustic cues in phonetic perception: Effects of spectral degradation, limited bandwidth and background noise

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    Hearing impairment, cochlear implantation, background noise and other auditory degradations result in the loss or distortion of sound information thought to be critical to speech perception. In many cases, listeners can still identify speech sounds despite degradations, but understanding of how this is accomplished is incomplete. Experiments presented here tested the hypothesis that listeners would utilize acoustic-phonetic cues differently if one or more cues were degraded by hearing impairment or simulated hearing impairment. Results supported this hypothesis for various listening conditions that are directly relevant for clinical populations. Analysis included mixed-effects logistic modeling of contributions of individual acoustic cues for various contrasts. Listeners with cochlear implants (CIs) or normal-hearing (NH) listeners in CI simulations showed increased use of acoustic cues in the temporal domain and decreased use of cues in the spectral domain for the tense/lax vowel contrast and the word-final fricative voicing contrast. For the word-initial stop voicing contrast, NH listeners made less use of voice-onset time and greater use of voice pitch in conditions that simulated high-frequency hearing impairment and/or masking noise; influence of these cues was further modulated by consonant place of articulation. A pair of experiments measured phonetic context effects for the "s/sh" contrast, replicating previously observed effects for NH listeners and generalizing them to CI listeners as well, despite known deficiencies in spectral resolution for CI listeners. For NH listeners in CI simulations, these context effects were absent or negligible. Audio-visual delivery of this experiment revealed enhanced influence of visual lip-rounding cues for CI listeners and NH listeners in CI simulations. Additionally, CI listeners demonstrated that visual cues to gender influence phonetic perception in a manner consistent with gender-related voice acoustics. All of these results suggest that listeners are able to accommodate challenging listening situations by capitalizing on the natural (multimodal) covariance in speech signals. Additionally, these results imply that there are potential differences in speech perception by NH listeners and listeners with hearing impairment that would be overlooked by traditional word recognition or consonant confusion matrix analysis

    Spectral discontinuity in concatenative speech synthesis – perception, join costs and feature transformations

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    This thesis explores the problem of determining an objective measure to represent human perception of spectral discontinuity in concatenative speech synthesis. Such measures are used as join costs to quantify the compatibility of speech units for concatenation in unit selection synthesis. No previous study has reported a spectral measure that satisfactorily correlates with human perception of discontinuity. An analysis of the limitations of existing measures and our understanding of the human auditory system were used to guide the strategies adopted to advance a solution to this problem. A listening experiment was conducted using a database of concatenated speech with results indicating the perceived continuity of each concatenation. The results of this experiment were used to correlate proposed measures of spectral continuity with the perceptual results. A number of standard speech parametrisations and distance measures were tested as measures of spectral continuity and analysed to identify their limitations. Time-frequency resolution was found to limit the performance of standard speech parametrisations.As a solution to this problem, measures of continuity based on the wavelet transform were proposed and tested, as wavelets offer superior time-frequency resolution to standard spectral measures. A further limitation of standard speech parametrisations is that they are typically computed from the magnitude spectrum. However, the auditory system combines information relating to the magnitude spectrum, phase spectrum and spectral dynamics. The potential of phase and spectral dynamics as measures of spectral continuity were investigated. One widely adopted approach to detecting discontinuities is to compute the Euclidean distance between feature vectors about the join in concatenated speech. The detection of an auditory event, such as the detection of a discontinuity, involves processing high up the auditory pathway in the central auditory system. The basic Euclidean distance cannot model such behaviour. A study was conducted to investigate feature transformations with sufficient processing complexity to mimic high level auditory processing. Neural networks and principal component analysis were investigated as feature transformations. Wavelet based measures were found to outperform all measures of continuity based on standard speech parametrisations. Phase and spectral dynamics based measures were found to correlate with human perception of discontinuity in the test database, although neither measure was found to contribute a significant increase in performance when combined with standard measures of continuity. Neural network feature transformations were found to significantly outperform all other measures tested in this study, producing correlations with perceptual results in excess of 90%

    Acoustic analysis of Sindhi speech - a pre-curser for an ASR system

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    The functional and formative properties of speech sounds are usually referred to as acoustic-phonetics in linguistics. This research aims to demonstrate acoustic-phonetic features of the elemental sounds of Sindhi, which is a branch of the Indo-European family of languages mainly spoken in the Sindh province of Pakistan and in some parts of India. In addition to the available articulatory-phonetic knowledge; acoustic-phonetic knowledge has been classified for the identification and classification of Sindhi language sounds. Determining the acoustic features of the language sounds helps to bring together the sounds with similar acoustic characteristics under the name of one natural class of meaningful phonemes. The obtained acoustic features and corresponding statistical results for a particular natural class of phonemes provides a clear understanding of the meaningful phonemes of Sindhi and it also helps to eliminate redundant sounds present in the inventory. At present Sindhi includes nine redundant, three interchanging, three substituting, and three confused pairs of consonant sounds. Some of the unique acoustic-phonetic features of Sindhi highlighted in this study are determining the acoustic features of the large number of the contrastive voiced implosives of Sindhi and the acoustic impact of the language flexibility in terms of the insertion and digestion of the short vowels in the utterance. In addition to this the issue of the presence of the affricate class of sounds and the diphthongs in Sindhi is addressed. The compilation of the meaningful language phoneme set by learning their acoustic-phonetic features serves one of the major goals of this study; because twelve such sounds of Sindhi are studied that are not yet part of the language alphabet. The main acoustic features learned for the phonological structures of Sindhi are the fundamental frequency, formants, and the duration — along with the analysis of the obtained acoustic waveforms, the formant tracks and the computer generated spectrograms. The impetus for doing such research comes from the fact that detailed knowledge of the sound characteristics of the language-elements has a broad variety of applications — from developing accurate synthetic speech production systems to modeling robust speaker-independent speech recognizers. The major research achievements and contributions this study provides in the field include the compilation and classification of the elemental sounds of Sindhi. Comprehensive measurement of the acoustic features of the language sounds; suitable to be incorporated into the design of a Sindhi ASR system. Understanding of the dialect specific acoustic variation of the elemental sounds of Sindhi. A speech database comprising the voice samples of the native Sindhi speakers. Identification of the language‘s redundant, substituting and interchanging pairs of sounds. Identification of the language‘s sounds that can potentially lead to the segmentation and recognition errors for a Sindhi ASR system design. The research achievements of this study create the fundamental building blocks for future work to design a state-of-the-art prototype, which is: gender and environment independent, continuous and conversational ASR system for Sindhi

    Towards an Integrative Information Society: Studies on Individuality in Speech and Sign

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    The flow of information within modern information society has increased rapidly over the last decade. The major part of this information flow relies on the individual’s abilities to handle text or speech input. For the majority of us it presents no problems, but there are some individuals who would benefit from other means of conveying information, e.g. signed information flow. During the last decades the new results from various disciplines have all suggested towards the common background and processing for sign and speech and this was one of the key issues that I wanted to investigate further in this thesis. The basis of this thesis is firmly within speech research and that is why I wanted to design analogous test batteries for widely used speech perception tests for signers – to find out whether the results for signers would be the same as in speakers’ perception tests. One of the key findings within biology – and more precisely its effects on speech and communication research – is the mirror neuron system. That finding has enabled us to form new theories about evolution of communication, and it all seems to converge on the hypothesis that all communication has a common core within humans. In this thesis speech and sign are discussed as equal and analogical counterparts of communication and all research methods used in speech are modified for sign. Both speech and sign are thus investigated using similar test batteries. Furthermore, both production and perception of speech and sign are studied separately. An additional framework for studying production is given by gesture research using cry sounds. Results of cry sound research are then compared to results from children acquiring sign language. These results show that individuality manifests itself from very early on in human development. Articulation in adults, both in speech and sign, is studied from two perspectives: normal production and re-learning production when the apparatus has been changed. Normal production is studied both in speech and sign and the effects of changed articulation are studied with regards to speech. Both these studies are done by using carrier sentences. Furthermore, sign production is studied giving the informants possibility for spontaneous speech. The production data from the signing informants is also used as the basis for input in the sign synthesis stimuli used in sign perception test battery. Speech and sign perception were studied using the informants’ answers to questions using forced choice in identification and discrimination tasks. These answers were then compared across language modalities. Three different informant groups participated in the sign perception tests: native signers, sign language interpreters and Finnish adults with no knowledge of any signed language. This gave a chance to investigate which of the characteristics found in the results were due to the language per se and which were due to the changes in modality itself. As the analogous test batteries yielded similar results over different informant groups, some common threads of results could be observed. Starting from very early on in acquiring speech and sign the results were highly individual. However, the results were the same within one individual when the same test was repeated. This individuality of results represented along same patterns across different language modalities and - in some occasions - across language groups. As both modalities yield similar answers to analogous study questions, this has lead us to providing methods for basic input for sign language applications, i.e. signing avatars. This has also given us answers to questions on precision of the animation and intelligibility for the users – what are the parameters that govern intelligibility of synthesised speech or sign and how precise must the animation or synthetic speech be in order for it to be intelligible. The results also give additional support to the well-known fact that intelligibility in fact is not the same as naturalness. In some cases, as shown within the sign perception test battery design, naturalness decreases intelligibility. This also has to be taken into consideration when designing applications. All in all, results from each of the test batteries, be they for signers or speakers, yield strikingly similar patterns, which would indicate yet further support for the common core for all human communication. Thus, we can modify and deepen the phonetic framework models for human communication based on the knowledge obtained from the results of the test batteries within this thesis.Siirretty Doriast

    Speech recognition based on phonetic features and acoustic landmarks

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    A probabilistic and statistical framework is presented for automatic speech recognition based on a phonetic feature representation of speech sounds. In this acoustic-phonetic approach, the speech recognition problem is hypothesized as a maximization of the joint posterior probability of a set of phonetic features and the corresponding acoustic landmarks. Binary classifiers of the manner phonetic features - syllabic, sonorant and continuant - are applied for the probabilistic detection of speech landmarks. The landmarks include stop bursts, vowel onsets, syllabic peaks, syllabic dips, fricative onsets and offsets, and sonorant consonant onsets and offsets. The classifiers use automatically extracted knowledge based acoustic parameters (APs) that are acoustic correlates of those phonetic features. For isolated word recognition with known and limited vocabulary, the landmark sequences are constrained using a manner class pronunciation graph. Probabilistic decisions on place and voicing phonetic features are then made using a separate set of APs extracted using the landmarks. The framework exploits two properties of the knowledge-based acoustic cues of phonetic features: (1) sufficiency of the acoustic cues of a phonetic feature for a decision on that feature and (2) invariance of the acoustic cues with respect to context. The probabilistic framework makes the acoustic-phonetic approach to speech recognition suitable for practical recognition tasks as well as compatible with probabilistic pronunciation and language models. Support vector machines (SVMs) are applied for the binary classification tasks because of their two favorable properties - good generalization and the ability to learn from a relatively small amount of high dimensional data. Performance comparable to Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based systems is obtained on landmark detection as well as isolated word recognition. Applications to rescoring of lattices from a large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer are also presented