13 research outputs found

    FMI 2014 - Free Models Initiative:Workshop Proceedings

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    Towards Automatic Support of Software Model Evolution with Large Language~Models

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    Modeling structure and behavior of software systems plays a crucial role, in various areas of software engineering. As with other software engineering artifacts, software models are subject to evolution. Supporting modelers in evolving models by model completion facilities and providing high-level edit operations such as frequently occurring editing patterns is still an open problem. Recently, large language models (i.e., generative neural networks) have garnered significant attention in various research areas, including software engineering. In this paper, we explore the potential of large language models in supporting the evolution of software models in software engineering. We propose an approach that utilizes large language models for model completion and discovering editing patterns in model histories of software systems. Through controlled experiments using simulated model repositories, we conduct an evaluation of the potential of large language models for these two tasks. We have found that large language models are indeed a promising technology for supporting software model evolution, and that it is worth investigating further in the area of software model evolution

    Towards Automatic Parsing of Structured Visual Content through the Use of Synthetic Data

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    Structured Visual Content (SVC) such as graphs, flow charts, or the like are used by authors to illustrate various concepts. While such depictions allow the average reader to better understand the contents, images containing SVCs are typically not machine-readable. This, in turn, not only hinders automated knowledge aggregation, but also the perception of displayed in-formation for visually impaired people. In this work, we propose a synthetic dataset, containing SVCs in the form of images as well as ground truths. We show the usage of this dataset by an application that automatically extracts a graph representation from an SVC image. This is done by training a model via common supervised learning methods. As there currently exist no large-scale public datasets for the detailed analysis of SVC, we propose the Synthetic SVC (SSVC) dataset comprising 12,000 images with respective bounding box annotations and detailed graph representations. Our dataset enables the development of strong models for the interpretation of SVCs while skipping the time-consuming dense data annotation. We evaluate our model on both synthetic and manually annotated data and show the transferability of synthetic to real via various metrics, given the presented application. Here, we evaluate that this proof of concept is possible to some extend and lay down a solid baseline for this task. We discuss the limitations of our approach for further improvements. Our utilized metrics can be used as a tool for future comparisons in this domain. To enable further research on this task, the dataset is publicly available at https://bit.ly/3jN1pJ

    A conceptual model for unifying variability in space and time: Rationale, validation, and illustrative applications

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    With the increasing demand for customized systems and rapidly evolving technology, software engineering faces many challenges. A particular challenge is the development and maintenance of systems that are highly variable both in space (concurrent variations of the system at one point in time) and time (sequential variations of the system, due to its evolution). Recent research aims to address this challenge by managing variability in space and time simultaneously. However, this research originates from two different areas, software product line engineering and software configuration management, resulting in non-uniform terminologies and a varying understanding of concepts. These problems hamper the communication and understanding of involved concepts, as well as the development of techniques that unify variability in space and time. To tackle these problems, we performed an iterative, expert-driven analysis of existing tools from both research areas to derive a conceptual model that integrates and unifies concepts of both dimensions of variability. In this article, we first explain the construction process and present the resulting conceptual model. We validate the model and discuss its coverage and granularity with respect to established concepts of variability in space and time. Furthermore, we perform a formal concept analysis to discuss the commonalities and differences among the tools we considered. Finally, we show illustrative applications to explain how the conceptual model can be used in practice to derive conforming tools. The conceptual model unifies concepts and relations used in software product line engineering and software configuration management, provides a unified terminology and common ground for researchers and developers for comparing their works, clarifies communication, and prevents redundant developments

    Semi-Automatische Deduktion von Feature-Lokalisierung während der Softwareentwicklung: Masterarbeit

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    Despite extensive research on software product lines in the last decades, ad-hoc clone-and-own development is still the dominant way for introducing variability to software systems. Therefore, the same issues for which software product lines were developed in the first place are still imminent in clone-and-own development: Fixing bugs consistently throughout clones and avoiding duplicate implementation effort is extremely diffcult as similarities and differences between variants are unknown. In order to remedy this, we enhance clone-and-own development with techniques from product-line engineering for targeted variant synchronisation such that domain knowledge can be integrated stepwise and without obligation. Contrary to retroactive feature mapping recovery (e.g., mining) techniques, we infer feature-to-code mappings directly during software development when concrete domain knowledge is present. In this thesis, we focus on the first step towards targeted synchronisation between variants: the recording of feature mappings. By letting developers specify on which feature they are working on, we derive feature mappings directly during software development. We ensure syntactic validity of feature mappings and variant synchronisation by implementing disciplined annotations through abstract syntax trees. To bridge the mismatch between change classification in the implementation and abstract layer, we synthesise semantic edits on abstract syntax trees. We show that our derivation can be used to reproduce variability-related real-world code changes and compare it to the feature mapping derivation of the projectional variation control system VTS by Stanciulescu et al.Trotz umfangreicher Forschung zu Software-Produktlinien in den letzten Jahrzehnten ist Clone-and-Own immer noch der dominierende Ansatz zur Einführung von Variabilität in Softwaresystemen. Daher stehen bei Clone-and-Own immer noch die gleichen Probleme im Vordergrund, für die Software-Produktlinien überhaupt erst entwickelt wurden: Die konsistente Behebung von Fehlern in allen Klonen und die Vermeidung von doppeltem Implementierungsaufwand sind äußerst schwierig, da Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den Varianten unbekannt sind. Um hier Abhilfe zu schaffen, erweitern wir die Clone-and-Own-Entwicklung mit Techniken aus der Produktlinien-Entwicklung zur gezielten Synchronisierung von Varianten, sodass Entwickler ihr Domänenwissen schrittweise und unverbindlich integrieren können. Im Gegensatz zu nachträglich arbeitenden Feature-Mapping-Recovery- oder auch Mining-Techniken, leiten wir Zuordungen von Features zu Quellcode direkt während der Softwareentwicklung ab, wenn konkretes Domänenwissen vorhanden ist. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir den ersten Schritt zur gezielten Synchronisation von Varianten: die Aufzeichnung von Feature-Mappings. Indem Entwickler spezifizieren an welchem Feature sie arbeiten, leiten wir Feature-Mappings direkt während der Softwareentwicklung ab. Wir stellen die syntaktische Korrektheit von Feature-Mappings und der Synchronisation von Varianten sicher, indem wir disziplinierte Annotationen mithilfe von abstrakten Syntaxbäumen implementieren. Um die Diskrepanz der Klassifizierung von Änderungen zwischen der Implementierungs- und der Abstraktionsschicht zu überbrücken, synthetisieren wir Semantic Edits auf abstrakten Syntaxbäumen. Wir zeigen, dass unsere Ableitung von Feature-Mappings in der Lage ist reale Codeänderungen zu reproduzieren und vergleichen sie mit der Feature-Mapping-Ableitung des Variationskontrollsystems VTS von Stanciulescu et al

    Coupled Transformations of Graph Structures applied to Model Migration

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a relatively new paradigm in software engineering that pursues the goal to master the increased complexity of modern software products. While software applications have been developed for a specific platform in the past, today they are targeting various platforms and devices from classical desktop PCs to smart phones. In addition, they interact with other applications. To easier cope with these new requirements, software applications are specified in MDE at a high abstraction level in so called models prior to their implementation. Afterward, model transformations are used to automate recurring development tasks as well as to generate software artifacts for different runtime environments. Thereby, software artifacts are not necessarily files containing program code, they can also cover configuration files as well as machine readable input for model checking tools. However, MDE does not only address software engineering problems, it also raises new challenges. One of these new challenges is connected to the specification of modeling languages, which are used to create models. The creation of a modeling language is a creative process that requires several iterations similar to the creation of models. New requirements as well as a better understanding of the application domain result in an evolution of modeling languages over time. Models developed in an earlier version of a modeling language often needs to be co-adopted (migrated) to language changes. This migration should be automated, as migrating models manually is time consuming and error-prone. While application modelers use ad-hoc solutions to migrate their models, there is still a lack of theory to ensure well-defined migration results. This work contributes to a formalization of modeling language evolution with corresponding model migration on the basis of algebraic graph transformations that have successfully been used earlier as theoretical foundations of model transformation. The goal of this research is to develop a theory that considers the problem of modeling language evolution with corresponding model migration on a conceptual level, independent of a specific modeling framework

    Consistency-preserving edit scripts in model versioning

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    Flexible Views for View-based Model-driven Development

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    Modern software development faces the problem of fragmentation of information across heterogeneous artefacts in different modelling and programming languages. In this dissertation, the Vitruvius approach for view-based engineering is presented. Flexible views offer a compact definition of user-specific views on software systems, and can be defined the novel ModelJoin language. The process is supported by a change metamodel for metamodel evolution and change impact analysis