6 research outputs found

    Considering a pull mechanism for an informal learning activities collector

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    There is a recent interest in the research of Lifelong Learning and other related kinds of learning (formal, non-formal and informal). Some projects have been held in order to propose frameworks for managing all these types of learning, giving special attention to the informal learning. The TRAILER project is one of them. It supports the identification and management of informal learning activities. It gathers informal learning activities with an Informal Learning Collector (ILC) and a Portfolio is used to make visible how much a learner acquires informal learning. The main way for registering informal learning activities data into the ILC is using push mechanisms where the users explicitly introduce such information. In this paper, we propose an alternative way to register information about informal learning activities, but using a pull mechanism, where the ILC collects data from external applications. In this sense, we improve ILC usability.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Integració de l'educació no formal a l'institut com a línia educativa paral·lela i suport motivacional per a l'alumnat. L'exemple de la ciència-ficció

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    L'educació no formal, definida com el conjunt d'activitats educatives no pertanyents a l'educació formal reglada de les aules, és una eina d'enorme potencial educatiu comunament poc valorada i mal gestionada, si no desaprofitada. Aquest projecte vol proposar la implantació d'una nova estructura institucional que contempli l'educació no formal, permetent la seva organització en una línia educativa coherent. El projecte pretén generar una coordinació entre les diferents activitats extraescolars existents, així com menjador i colònies, i integrar activitats de lleure regulars a l'organització escolar. Al mateix temps, es proposa una implantació d'un fil conductor coordinat entre l'activitat de lleure i l'activitat docent. Es proposa una unitat didàctica experimental centrada en una única assignatura, tecnologia, que permeti la integració parcial inicial en els centres. La unitat proposada centra la seva temàtica en la ciència-ficció, fil conductor que es adaptable a ambdós àmbits d'aprenentatge

    Considering a pull mechanism for an informal learning activities collector

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    There is a recent interest in the research of Lifelong Learning and other related kinds of learning (formal, non-formal and informal). Some projects have been held in order to propose frameworks for managing all these types of learning, giving special attention to the informal learning. The TRAILER project is one of them. It supports the identification and management of informal learning activities. It gathers informal learning activities with an Informal Learning Collector (ILC) and a Portfolio is used to make visible how much a learner acquires informal learning. The main way for registering informal learning activities data into the ILC is using push mechanisms where the users explicitly introduce such information. In this paper, we propose an alternative way to register information about informal learning activities, but using a pull mechanism, where the ILC collects data from external applications. In this sense, we improve ILC usability.Peer Reviewe

    Considering a pull mechanism for an informal learning activities collector

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    There is a recent interest in the research of Lifelong Learning and other related kinds of learning (formal, non-formal and informal). Some projects have been held in order to propose frameworks for managing all these types of learning, giving special attention to the informal learning. The TRAILER project is one of them. It supports the identification and management of informal learning activities. It gathers informal learning activities with an Informal Learning Collector (ILC) and a Portfolio is used to make visible how much a learner acquires informal learning. The main way for registering informal learning activities data into the ILC is using push mechanisms where the users explicitly introduce such information. In this paper, we propose an alternative way to register information about informal learning activities, but using a pull mechanism, where the ILC collects data from external applications. In this sense, we improve ILC usability.Peer Reviewe

    O que aprendemos em silêncio : aprendizagem informal e ecossistemas de aprendizagem

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    Aprendizagem é mudança que acontece no indivíduo autônomo, de modo contínuo, ao longo da vida, a partir de suas interações ecológicas, em múltiplos espaços, que envolve a pessoa inteira, suas experiências e seus recursos de aprendizagem. Nessa direção, as pessoas aprendem muito mais em espaços não tradicionalmente educacionais. Mesmo assim, muito do que os adultos aprendem não é explicitado, de um lado porque aprender é um processo complexo e de outro a educação, como sistema, está fragmentada em modalidades e espaços, o que dificulta a compreensão da aprendizagem integral. O conceito de ecossistemas de aprendizagem, por sua vez, se apresenta como alternativa para lidar com a complexidade do aprender, especialmente neste contexto de rápido desenvolvimento tecnológico e, aliado às tecnologias para learning analytics, aponta caminhos para explicitar mais eventos de aprendizagem não-formal e informal. Assim, tendo como base referências sobre aprendizagem, essencialmente a partir do social-construtivismo de Rogers, Illeris, Jarvis, Freire, na perspectiva da aprendizagem de adultos, a partir das teorias de Mezirow, Knowles, Alheit passando pelo conectivismo de Siemens e teorias de Lave e Wenger sobre espaços de aprendizagem interconectados, este estudo pretende investigar os ecossistemas de aprendizagem e suas representações, identificar estratégias e interfaces digitais assim como seu potencial de revelar mais eventos de aprendizagem informal no continuum da aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Para alcançar esses objetivos, serão adotados procedimentos de levantamento bibliográfico e análise documental, para compreender os conceitos, caracterizar e representar ecossistemas de aprendizagem e identificar estratégias para revelar aprendizagem informal e então poder escolher e analisar interfaces que possam ajudar a capturar eventos de aprendizagem não-formal e informal, reconhecendo potencialidades e desafios para esmaecer algumas fronteiras que segmentam a educação.Learning is the change that happens within autonomous individual, continuously, throughout life, from their ecological interactions, in multiple spaces, that involves the whole person, their experiences and their learning resources. Thus, people learn much more in nontraditionally educational spaces. Even so, much of what adults learn is not explicit. On the one hand, because learning is a complex process and on the other hand education, as a system, is fragmented in modalities and spaces, which makes comprehension of integral learning difficult. The concept of learning ecosystems, in turn, presents itself as an alternative to deal with the complexity of learning, mainly in this context of rapid technological development and, together with learning analytics technologies, points out paths to explain more about non-formal and informal learning events. Based on socialconstructivism learning theories from Rogers, Illeris, Jarvis, Alheit and Freire besides adult learning theories from Mezirow, Knowles, Tough, and, from the Siemens' connectivism, Lave and Wenger perspectives, this study aims to investigate learning ecosystems concepts and schemes, informal learning recognition strategies and digital interfaces as well as their potential to retrieve informal adult learning events. To achieve these goals, bibliographic procedures and documental analysis will be adopted to understand the concepts, to characterize and represent learning ecosystems, to identify strategies to reveal informal learning and then to be able to choose and analyze interfaces that can help capturing nonformal and informal learning events, recognizing their possible impacts on blurring some boundaries that segment education