623 research outputs found

    Special Libraries, Spring 1995

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    Volume 86, Issue 2https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1995/1001/thumbnail.jp

    SGML-based publishing

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    Development of Use Cases, Part I

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    For determining requirements and constructs appropriate for a Web query language, or in fact any language, use cases are of essence. The W3C has published two sets of use cases for XML and RDF query languages. In this article, solutions for these use cases are presented using Xcerpt. a novel Web and Semantic Web query language that combines access to standard Web data such as XML documents with access to Semantic Web metadata such as RDF resource descriptions with reasoning abilities and rules familiar from logicprogramming. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first in depth study of how to solve use cases for accessing XML and RDF in a single language: Integrated access to data and metadata has been recognized by industry and academia as one of the key challenges in data processing for the next decade. This article is a contribution towards addressing this challenge by demonstrating along practical and recognized use cases the usefulness of reasoning abilities, rules, and semistructured query languages for accessing both data (XML) and metadata (RDF)

    An audit perspective of document management systems

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    M.Com. (Computer Auditing)Electronic document management has become an integral part of many modem organisations. This means that the auditor will have to come to grips with electronic document management and assess the risks the new technology will create and the impact this will have on his work and the achievement of his audit objectives. The main objective of this research will be to assess the impact of electronic document management on the auditors traditional audit procedures used to meet his objectives and how the auditor can ensure that his audit objectives of completeness, accuracy, validity and maintenance can still be achieved

    The corpus of the Danish dictionary

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    A Danish corpus, holding 40 million words of general language from the period 1983-92, was designed and compiled by DSL (The Society for Danish Language and Literature) in order to serve as a major source for a new six volume dictionary of contemporary Danish. The corpus includes written and spoken, private and professional, general and specialised language, and each of the 44 000 text samples is annotated with formalized information on these and other features of linguistic and sociological importance. The resulting multidimensional text type specification is useful for the extraction of (virtual or real) subcorpora and for statistical analyses. Specialized software has been developed for flexible interactive concordancing and analysis. The corpus is currently only accessible at the site of DSL; nevertheless, several scholars and students have been using it in their research. The experience gained by the staff of DSL is being reused in co-operative language engineering projects within the European Union, and in 1998 a publicly available corpus will be released as an outcome of the PAROLE project.  Keywords: concordance; copyright; corpus; danish; dictionary; frequency; language engineering; mutual information; sgml; statistics; subcorpus; t-score; text typology; word distributio

    BCR’s CDP Digital Imaging Best Practices, Version 2.0

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    This is the published version.These Best Practices — also referred to as the CDP Best Practices -- have been created through the collaboration of working groups pulled from library, museum and archive practitioners. Version 1 was created through funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services through a grant to the University of Denver and the Colorado Digitization Program in 2003. Version 2 of the guidelines were published by BCR in 2008 and represents a significant update of practices under the leadership of their CDP Digital Imaging Best Practices Working Group. The intent has been to help standardize and share protocols governing the implementation of digital projects. The result of these collaborations is a set of best practice documents that cover issues such as digital imaging, Dublin Core metadata and digital audio. These best practice documents are intended to help with the design and implementation of digitization projects. Because they were collaboratively designed by experts in the field, you can be certain they include the best possible information, in addition to having been field tested and proven in practice. These best practice documents are an ongoing collaborative project, and LYRASIS will add information and new documents as they are developed

    Telematics programme (1991-1994). EUR 15402 EN

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    Functional requirements for computer conferencing and computer mediated communications

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    This paper is a compilation of the desirable functionality for Computerized Conferencing Systems. It is based upon the research and evaluation activities of the Conferencing Center at NJIT and can he considered as an overall set of objectives for the development of its Conferencing Systems
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