5 research outputs found

    Context-based resolution of semantic conflicts in biological pathways

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    BACKGROUND: Interactions between biological entities such as genes, proteins and metabolites, so called pathways, are key features to understand molecular mechanisms of life. As pathway information is being accumulated rapidly through various knowledge resources, there are growing interests in maintaining the integrity of the heterogeneous databases. METHODS: Here, we defined conflict as a status where two contradictory pieces of evidence (i.e. 'A increases B' and 'A decreases B') coexist in a same pathway. This conflict damages unity so that inference of simulation on the integrated pathway network might be unreliable. We defined rule and rule group. A rule consists of interaction of two entities, meta-relation (increase or decrease), and contexts terms about tissue specificity or environmental conditions. The rules, which have the same interaction, are grouped into a rule group. If the rules don't have a unanimous meta-relation, the rule group and the rules are judged as being conflicting. RESULTS: This analysis revealed that almost 20% of known interactions suffer from conflicting information and conflicting information occurred much more frequently in the literature than the public database. CONCLUSIONS: By identifying and resolving the conflicts, we expect that pathway databases can be cleaned and used for better secondary analyses such as gene/protein annotation, network dynamics and qualitative/quantitative simulation.ope

    Computational strategies for a system-level understanding of metabolism

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    Cell metabolism is the biochemical machinery that provides energy and building blocks to sustain life. Understanding its fine regulation is of pivotal relevance in several fields, from metabolic engineering applications to the treatment of metabolic disorders and cancer. Sophisticated computational approaches are needed to unravel the complexity of metabolism. To this aim, a plethora of methods have been developed, yet it is generally hard to identify which computational strategy is most suited for the investigation of a specific aspect of metabolism. This review provides an up-to-date description of the computational methods available for the analysis of metabolic pathways, discussing their main advantages and drawbacks. In particular, attention is devoted to the identification of the appropriate scale and level of accuracy in the reconstruction of metabolic networks, and to the inference of model structure and parameters, especially when dealing with a shortage of experimental measurements. The choice of the proper computational methods to derive in silico data is then addressed, including topological analyses, constraint-based modeling and simulation of the system dynamics. A description of some computational approaches to gain new biological knowledge or to formulate hypotheses is finally provided

    Consensus and conflict cards for metabolic pathway databases

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    <p>Background: The metabolic network of H. sapiens and many other organisms is described in multiple pathway databases. The level of agreement between these descriptions, however, has proven to be low. We can use these different descriptions to our advantage by identifying conflicting information and combining their knowledge into a single, more accurate, and more complete description. This task is, however, far from trivial.</p><p>Results: We introduce the concept of Consensus and Conflict Cards (C(2)Cards) to provide concise overviews of what the databases do or do not agree on. Each card is centered at a single gene, EC number or reaction. These three complementary perspectives make it possible to distinguish disagreements on the underlying biology of a metabolic process from differences that can be explained by different decisions on how and in what detail to represent knowledge. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented C(2)Cards(Human), as a web application http://www.molgenis.org/c2cards, covering five human pathway databases.</p><p>Conclusions: C(2)Cards can contribute to ongoing reconciliation efforts by simplifying the identification of consensus and conflicts between pathway databases and lowering the threshold for experts to contribute. Several case studies illustrate the potential of the C(2)Cards in identifying disagreements on the underlying biology of a metabolic process. The overviews may also point out controversial biological knowledge that should be subject of further research. Finally, the examples provided emphasize the importance of manual curation and the need for a broad community involvement.</p>

    Systems Toxicology: Beyond Animal Models

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    Toxicology – much like the rest of biology – is undergoing a profound change as new technologies begin to offer a more systems oriented view of cellular physiology. For toxicology in particular, this means moving away from black-box animal models that provide limited information about mechanisms of toxicity towards the use of in vitro approaches which can both expedite hazard assessment while at the same time providing a more data –rich insight into toxic effects at the molecular level. One motivator of this shift is Green Toxciology, which seeks to support the Green Chemistry movement. In order for this approach to succeed, it will require two separate but parallel efforts. The first is an Integrated Testing Strategy which seeks to use machine learning and data mining techniques to combine QSARs and in vitro tests in the most efficient way possible to accurately estimate hazard, which is discussed both theoretically and demonstrated practically with the example of skin sensitization. Secondly, toxicology will require new approaches that exploit the insights of network biology to look at toxic mechanisms from a systems perspective. The theoretical concept of a Pathway of Toxicity is outlined, and an example of how to extract a suggested Pathway of Toxicity is given, using a Weighted Gene Correlation Network Analysis of a small microarray study of MPTP toxicity combined with text-mining and other high-throughput data to suggest novel candidate transcription factors and proteins. In conclusion, it discusses some of the current limitations of another promising –omics technology, metabolomics