4,155 research outputs found

    Consensus and meta-analysis regulatory networks for combining multiple microarray gene expression datasets

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    Microarray data is a key source of experimental data for modelling gene regulatory interactions from expression levels. With the rapid increase of publicly available microarray data comes the opportunity to produce regulatory network models based on multiple datasets. Such models are potentially more robust with greater confidence, and place less reliance on a single dataset. However, combining datasets directly can be difficult as experiments are often conducted on different microarray platforms, and in different laboratories leading to inherent biases in the data that are not always removed through pre-processing such as normalisation. In this paper we compare two frameworks for combining microarray datasets to model regulatory networks: pre- and post-learning aggregation. In pre-learning approaches, such as using simple scale-normalisation prior to the concatenation of datasets, a model is learnt from a combined dataset, whilst in post-learning aggregation individual models are learnt from each dataset and the models are combined. We present two novel approaches for post-learning aggregation, each based on aggregating high-level features of Bayesian network models that have been generated from different microarray expression datasets. Meta-analysis Bayesian networks are based on combining statistical confidences attached to network edges whilst Consensus Bayesian networks identify consistent network features across all datasets. We apply both approaches to multiple datasets from synthetic and real (Escherichia coli and yeast) networks and demonstrate that both methods can improve on networks learnt from a single dataset or an aggregated dataset formed using a standard scale-normalisation

    Study of meta-analysis strategies for network inference using information-theoretic approaches

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    Ā© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from gene expression data is a classical challenge in systems biology. Thanks to high-throughput technologies, a massive amount of gene-expression data has been accumulated in the public repositories. Modelling GRNs from multiple experiments (also called integrative analysis) has; therefore, naturally become a standard procedure in modern computational biology. Indeed, such analysis is usually more robust than the traditional approaches focused on individual datasets, which typically suffer from some experimental bias and a small number of samples. To date, there are mainly two strategies for the problem of interest: the first one (ā€data mergingā€) merges all datasets together and then infers a GRN whereas the other (ā€networks ensembleā€) infers GRNs from every dataset separately and then aggregates them using some ensemble rules (such as ranksum or weightsum). Unfortunately, a thorough comparison of these two approaches is lacking. In this paper, we evaluate the performances of various metaanalysis approaches mentioned above with a systematic set of experiments based on in silico benchmarks. Furthermore, we present a new meta-analysis approach for inferring GRNs from multiple studies. Our proposed approach, adapted to methods based on pairwise measures such as correlation or mutual information, consists of two steps: aggregating matrices of the pairwise measures from every dataset followed by extracting the network from the meta-matrix.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Bioinformatics tools in predictive ecology: Applications to fisheries

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    This article is made available throught the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copygith @ 2012 Tucker et al.There has been a huge effort in the advancement of analytical techniques for molecular biological data over the past decade. This has led to many novel algorithms that are specialized to deal with data associated with biological phenomena, such as gene expression and protein interactions. In contrast, ecological data analysis has remained focused to some degree on off-the-shelf statistical techniques though this is starting to change with the adoption of state-of-the-art methods, where few assumptions can be made about the data and a more explorative approach is required, for example, through the use of Bayesian networks. In this paper, some novel bioinformatics tools for microarray data are discussed along with their ā€˜crossover potentialā€™ with an application to fisheries data. In particular, a focus is made on the development of models that identify functionally equivalent species in different fish communities with the aim of predicting functional collapse

    Discovering study-specific gene regulatory networks

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Microarrays are commonly used in biology because of their ability to simultaneously measure thousands of genes under different conditions. Due to their structure, typically containing a high amount of variables but far fewer samples, scalable network analysis techniques are often employed. In particular, consensus approaches have been recently used that combine multiple microarray studies in order to find networks that are more robust. The purpose of this paper, however, is to combine multiple microarray studies to automatically identify subnetworks that are distinctive to specific experimental conditions rather than common to them all. To better understand key regulatory mechanisms and how they change under different conditions, we derive unique networks from multiple independent networks built using glasso which goes beyond standard correlations. This involves calculating cluster prediction accuracies to detect the most predictive genes for a specific set of conditions. We differentiate between accuracies calculated using cross-validation within a selected cluster of studies (the intra prediction accuracy) and those calculated on a set of independent studies belonging to different study clusters (inter prediction accuracy). Finally, we compare our method's results to related state-of-the art techniques. We explore how the proposed pipeline performs on both synthetic data and real data (wheat and Fusarium). Our results show that subnetworks can be identified reliably that are specific to subsets of studies and that these networks reflect key mechanisms that are fundamental to the experimental conditions in each of those subsets

    Integrated genomics and proteomics define huntingtin CAG length-dependent networks in mice.

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    To gain insight into how mutant huntingtin (mHtt) CAG repeat length modifies Huntington's disease (HD) pathogenesis, we profiled mRNA in over 600 brain and peripheral tissue samples from HD knock-in mice with increasing CAG repeat lengths. We found repeat length-dependent transcriptional signatures to be prominent in the striatum, less so in cortex, and minimal in the liver. Coexpression network analyses revealed 13 striatal and 5 cortical modules that correlated highly with CAG length and age, and that were preserved in HD models and sometimes in patients. Top striatal modules implicated mHtt CAG length and age in graded impairment in the expression of identity genes for striatal medium spiny neurons and in dysregulation of cyclic AMP signaling, cell death and protocadherin genes. We used proteomics to confirm 790 genes and 5 striatal modules with CAG length-dependent dysregulation at the protein level, and validated 22 striatal module genes as modifiers of mHtt toxicities in vivo

    Wisdom of crowds for robust gene network inference

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    Reconstructing gene regulatory networks from high-throughput data is a long-standing challenge. Through the Dialogue on Reverse Engineering Assessment and Methods (DREAM) project, we performed a comprehensive blind assessment of over 30 network inference methods on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in silico microarray data. We characterize the performance, data requirements and inherent biases of different inference approaches, and we provide guidelines for algorithm application and development. We observed that no single inference method performs optimally across all data sets. In contrast, integration of predictions from multiple inference methods shows robust and high performance across diverse data sets. We thereby constructed high-confidence networks for E. coli and S. aureus, each comprising ~1,700 transcriptional interactions at a precision of ~50%. We experimentally tested 53 previously unobserved regulatory interactions in E. coli, of which 23 (43%) were supported. Our results establish community-based methods as a powerful and robust tool for the inference of transcriptional gene regulatory networks.National Institutes of Health (U.S.)National Centers for Biomedical Computing (U.S.) (Roadmap Initiative (U54CA121852))Howard Hughes Medical InstituteNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Director's Pioneer Award DPI OD003644)Swiss National Science Foundation (Fellowship
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