199 research outputs found

    Fast Biconnectivity Restoration in Multi-Robot Systems for Robust Communication Maintenance

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    Maintaining a robust communication network plays an important role in the success of a multi-robot team jointly performing an optimization task. A key characteristic of a robust multi-robot system is the ability to repair the communication topology itself in the case of robot failure. In this paper, we focus on the Fast Biconnectivity Restoration (FBR) problem, which aims to repair a connected network to make it biconnected as fast as possible, where a biconnected network is a communication topology that cannot be disconnected by removing one node. We develop a Quadratically Constrained Program (QCP) formulation of the FBR problem, which provides a way to optimally solve the problem. We also propose an approximation algorithm for the FBR problem based on graph theory. By conducting empirical studies, we demonstrate that our proposed approximation algorithm performs close to the optimal while significantly outperforming the existing solutions

    Concepts and evolution of research in the field of wireless sensor networks

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    The field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is experiencing a resurgence of interest and a continuous evolution in the scientific and industrial community. The use of this particular type of ad hoc network is becoming increasingly important in many contexts, regardless of geographical position and so, according to a set of possible application. WSNs offer interesting low cost and easily deployable solutions to perform a remote real time monitoring, target tracking and recognition of physical phenomenon. The uses of these sensors organized into a network continue to reveal a set of research questions according to particularities target applications. Despite difficulties introduced by sensor resources constraints, research contributions in this field are growing day by day. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of most recent literature of WSNs and outline open research issues in this field

    Efficient Actor Recovery Paradigm For Wireless Sensor And Actor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are becoming widely used worldwide. Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs) represent a special category of WSNs wherein actors and sensors collaborate to perform specific tasks. WSANs have become one of the most preeminent emerging type of WSNs. Sensors with nodes having limited power resources are responsible for sensing and transmitting events to actor nodes. Actors are high-performance nodes equipped with rich resources that have the ability to collect, process, transmit data and perform various actions. WSANs have a unique architecture that distinguishes them from WSNs. Due to the characteristics of WSANs, numerous challenges arise. Determining the importance of factors usually depends on the application requirements. The actor nodes are the spine of WSANs that collaborate to perform the specific tasks in an unsubstantiated and uneven environment. Thus, there is a possibility of high failure rate in such unfriendly scenarios due to several factors such as power fatigue of devices, electronic circuit failure, software errors in nodes or physical impairment of the actor nodes and inter-actor connectivity problem. It is essential to keep inter-actor connectivity in order to insure network connectivity. Thus, it is extremely important to discover the failure of a cut-vertex actor and network-disjoint in order to improve the Quality-of-Service (QoS). For network recovery process from actor node failure, optimal re-localization and coordination techniques should take place. In this work, we propose an efficient actor recovery (EAR) paradigm to guarantee the contention-free traffic-forwarding capacity. The EAR paradigm consists of Node Monitoring and Critical Node Detection (NMCND) algorithm that monitors the activities of the nodes to determine the critical node. In addition, it replaces the critical node with backup node prior to complete node-failure which helps balances the network performance. The packet is handled using Network Integration and Message Forwarding (NIMF) algorithm that determines the source of forwarding the packets (Either from actor or sensor). This decision-making capability of the algorithm controls the packet forwarding rate to maintain the network for longer time. Furthermore, for handling the proper routing strategy, Priority-Based Routing for Node Failure Avoidance (PRNFA) algorithm is deployed to decide the priority of the packets to be forwarded based on the significance of information available in the packet. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed EAR paradigm, we compare the performance of our proposed work with state-of the art localization algorithms. Our experimental results show superior performance in regards to network life, residual energy, reliability, sensor/ actor recovery time and data recovery

    Cross-Layer Resilience Based On Critical Points in MANETs

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    A fundamental problem in mobile ad hoc and unstructured sensor networks is maintaining connectivity. A network is connected if all nodes have a communication route (typically multi-hop) to each other. Maintaining connectivity is a challenge due to the unstructured nature of the network topology and the frequent occurrence of link and node failures due to interference, mobility, radio channel effects and battery limitations. In order to effectively deploy techniques to improve the resilience of sensor and mobile ad hoc networks against failures or attacks one must be able to identify all the weak points of a network topology. Here we define the weak or critical points of the topology as those links and nodes whose failure results in partitioning of the network. In this dissertation, we propose a set of algorithms to identify the critical points of a network topology. Utilizing these algorithms we study the behavior of critical points and the effect of using only local information in identifying global critical points. Then, we propose both local and global based resilient techniques that can improve the wireless network connectivity around critical points to lessen their importance and improve the network resilience. Next we extend the work to examine the network connectivity for heterogeneous wireless networks that can be result due to factors such as variations in transmission power and signal propagation environments and propose an algorithm to identify the connectivity of the network. We also propose two schemes for constructing additional links to enhance the connectivity of the network and evaluate the network performance of when a random interference factor occurs. Lastly, we implement our resilience techniques to improve the performance

    Planning the deployment of fault-tolerant wireless sensor networks

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    Since Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are subject to failures, fault-tolerance becomes an important requirement for many WSN applications. Fault-tolerance can be enabled in different areas of WSN design and operation, including the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer and the initial topology design. To be robust to failures, a MAC protocol must be able to adapt to traffic fluctuations and topology dynamics. We design ER-MAC that can switch from energy-efficient operation in normal monitoring to reliable and fast delivery for emergency monitoring, and vice versa. It also can prioritise high priority packets and guarantee fair packet deliveries from all sensor nodes. Topology design supports fault-tolerance by ensuring that there are alternative acceptable routes to data sinks when failures occur. We provide solutions for four topology planning problems: Additional Relay Placement (ARP), Additional Backup Placement (ABP), Multiple Sink Placement (MSP), and Multiple Sink and Relay Placement (MSRP). Our solutions use a local search technique based on Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures (GRASP). GRASP-ARP deploys relays for (k,l)-sink-connectivity, where each sensor node must have k vertex-disjoint paths of length ≤ l. To count how many disjoint paths a node has, we propose Counting-Paths. GRASP-ABP deploys fewer relays than GRASP-ARP by focusing only on the most important nodes – those whose failure has the worst effect. To identify such nodes, we define Length-constrained Connectivity and Rerouting Centrality (l-CRC). Greedy-MSP and GRASP-MSP place minimal cost sinks to ensure that each sensor node in the network is double-covered, i.e. has two length-bounded paths to two sinks. Greedy-MSRP and GRASP-MSRP deploy sinks and relays with minimal cost to make the network double-covered and non-critical, i.e. all sensor nodes must have length-bounded alternative paths to sinks when an arbitrary sensor node fails. We then evaluate the fault-tolerance of each topology in data gathering simulations using ER-MAC
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