105 research outputs found

    On state-alternating context-free grammars

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    AbstractState-alternating context-free grammars are introduced, and the language classes obtained from them are compared to the classes of the Chomsky hierarchy as well as to some well-known complexity classes. In particular, state-alternating context-free grammars are compared to alternating context-free grammars (Theoret. Comput. Sci. 67 (1989) 75–85) and to alternating pushdown automata. Further, various derivation strategies are considered, and their influence on the expressive power of (state-) alternating context-free grammars is investigated

    Timed pushdown automata revisited

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    This paper contains two results on timed extensions of pushdown automata (PDA). As our first result we prove that the model of dense-timed PDA of Abdulla et al. collapses: it is expressively equivalent to dense-timed PDA with timeless stack. Motivated by this result, we advocate the framework of first-order definable PDA, a specialization of PDA in sets with atoms, as the right setting to define and investigate timed extensions of PDA. The general model obtained in this way is Turing complete. As our second result we prove NEXPTIME upper complexity bound for the non-emptiness problem for an expressive subclass. As a byproduct, we obtain a tight EXPTIME complexity bound for a more restrictive subclass of PDA with timeless stack, thus subsuming the complexity bound known for dense-timed PDA.Comment: full technical report of LICS'15 pape

    Cost Automata, Safe Schemes, and Downward Closures

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    Higher-order recursion schemes are an expressive formalism used to define languages of possibly infinite ranked trees. They extend regular and context-free grammars, and are equivalent to simply typed ?Y-calculus and collapsible pushdown automata. In this work we prove, under a syntactical constraint called safety, decidability of the model-checking problem for recursion schemes against properties defined by alternating B-automata, an extension of alternating parity automata for infinite trees with a boundedness acceptance condition. We then exploit this result to show how to compute downward closures of languages of finite trees recognized by safe recursion schemes

    08171 Abstracts Collection -- Beyond the Finite: New Challenges in Verification and Semistructured Data

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    From 20.04. to 25.04.2008, the Dagstuhl Seminar 08171 ``Beyond the Finite: New Challenges in Verification and Semistructured Data\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Domains for Higher-Order Games

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    We study two-player inclusion games played over word-generating higher-order recursion schemes. While inclusion checks are known to capture verification problems, two-player games generalize this relationship to program synthesis. In such games, non-terminals of the grammar are controlled by opposing players. The goal of the existential player is to avoid producing a word that lies outside of a regular language of safe words. We contribute a new domain that provides a representation of the winning region of such games. Our domain is based on (functions over) potentially infinite Boolean formulas with words as atomic propositions. We develop an abstract interpretation framework that we instantiate to abstract this domain into a domain where the propositions are replaced by states of a finite automaton. This second domain is therefore finite and we obtain, via standard fixed-point techniques, a direct algorithm for the analysis of two-player inclusion games. We show, via a second instantiation of the framework, that our finite domain can be optimized, leading to a (k+1)EXP algorithm for order-k recursion schemes. We give a matching lower bound, showing that our approach is optimal. Since our approach is based on standard Kleene iteration, existing techniques and tools for fixed-point computations can be applied.Comment: Conference version accepted for presentation and publication at the 42nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2017
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