128 research outputs found

    Metriwave final report

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    The superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixer is a device which is being used in the construction of very sensitive receivers in the millimeter and submillimeter wavelength regions. With its potential for conversion gain and quantum-limited performance, it is becoming a device of prime importance in radio astronomy as well as earth and planetary atmospheric research. Many of the parameters of the SIS mixer cannot be readily measured in the laboratory, however, since most commercially available test instruments use test signal powers large enough to saturate or destroy SIS junctions. Detailed here is the construction of a microwave network analyzer with extremely low test signal powers. The results of a development performed by Dynamics Technology, Inc., under a Phase 2 SBIR contract from NASA (NAS7-1025) are documented. The work resulted in a network analyzer to be delivered to workers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which should be capable of SIS mixer characterization in support of their ongoing work in this area


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    This book is a collection of 19 excellent works presenting different applications of several MATLAB tools that can be used for educational, scientific and engineering purposes. Chapters include tips and tricks for programming and developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), power system analysis, control systems design, system modelling and simulations, parallel processing, optimization, signal and image processing, finite different solutions, geosciences and portfolio insurance. Thus, readers from a range of professional fields will benefit from its content

    Space programs summary no. 37-63, volume 1 for the period 1 March - 30 April 1970. Flight projects

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    Mariner Mars 1971, Mariner Venus-Mercury 1973 and Viking Orbiter 1975 status report

    Aerosol physical properties in the stratosphere (APPS) radiometer design

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    The measurement concepts and radiometer design developed to obtain earth-limb spectral radiance measurements for the Aerosol Physical Properties in the Stratosphere (APPS) measurement program are presented. The measurements made by a radiometer of this design can be inverted to yield vertical profiles of Rayleigh scatterers, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, aerosol extinction, and aerosol physical properties, including a Junge size-distribution parameter, and a real and imaginary index of refraction. The radiometer design provides the capacity for remote sensing of stratospheric constituents from space on platforms such as the space shuttle and satellites, and therefore provides for global measurements on a daily basis

    Space Communications: Theory and Applications. Volume 3: Information Processing and Advanced Techniques. A Bibliography, 1958 - 1963

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    Annotated bibliography on information processing and advanced communication techniques - theory and applications of space communication

    Space shuttle booster Data Management System (DMS) requirements analysis. Volume 2: Detail requirements

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    Space shuttle subsystem interface description, subsystem computational requirements, and analysis program - Vol.

    Oceanographic scanner system design study, volume 1

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    The design is reported of a dual mode multispectral scanner, capable of satisfying both overland and oceanographic requirements. A complete system description and performance summary of the scanner are given. In addition, subsystem and component descriptions and performance analyses are treated in individual sections. The design of the scanner, with minimum modifications, interfaces to the ERTS spacecraft and the ground data handling system

    Photoheliograph study for the Apollo telescope mount

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    Photoheliograph study for Apollo telescope moun

    Publications of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, July 1969 - June 1970

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    JPL bibliography of technical reports released from July 1969 through June 197
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