16 research outputs found

    Conforming Delaunay Triangulations in 3D

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    We describe an algorithm which, for any piecewise linear complex (PLC) in 3D, builds a Delaunay triangulation conforming to this PLC. The algorithm has been implemented, and yields in practice a relatively small number of Steiner points due to the fact that it adapts to the local geometry of the PLC. It is, to our knowledge, the first practical algorithm devoted to this problem

    Master index of Volumes 21–30

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    VoroCrust: Voronoi Meshing Without Clipping

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    Polyhedral meshes are increasingly becoming an attractive option with particular advantages over traditional meshes for certain applications. What has been missing is a robust polyhedral meshing algorithm that can handle broad classes of domains exhibiting arbitrarily curved boundaries and sharp features. In addition, the power of primal-dual mesh pairs, exemplified by Voronoi-Delaunay meshes, has been recognized as an important ingredient in numerous formulations. The VoroCrust algorithm is the first provably-correct algorithm for conforming polyhedral Voronoi meshing for non-convex and non-manifold domains with guarantees on the quality of both surface and volume elements. A robust refinement process estimates a suitable sizing field that enables the careful placement of Voronoi seeds across the surface circumventing the need for clipping and avoiding its many drawbacks. The algorithm has the flexibility of filling the interior by either structured or random samples, while preserving all sharp features in the output mesh. We demonstrate the capabilities of the algorithm on a variety of models and compare against state-of-the-art polyhedral meshing methods based on clipped Voronoi cells establishing the clear advantage of VoroCrust output.Comment: 18 pages (including appendix), 18 figures. Version without compressed images available on https://www.dropbox.com/s/qc6sot1gaujundy/VoroCrust.pdf. Supplemental materials available on https://www.dropbox.com/s/6p72h1e2ivw6kj3/VoroCrust_supplemental_materials.pd

    Variational tetrahedral meshing

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    In this paper, a novel Delaunay-based variational approach to isotropic tetrahedral meshing is presented. To achieve both robustness and efficiency, we minimize a simple mesh-dependent energy through global updates of both vertex positions and connectivity. As this energy is known to be the ∠1 distance between an isotropic quadratic function and its linear interpolation on the mesh, our minimization procedure generates well-shaped tetrahedra. Mesh design is controlled through a gradation smoothness parameter and selection of the desired number of vertices. We provide the foundations of our approach by explaining both the underlying variational principle and its geometric interpretation. We demonstrate the quality of the resulting meshes through a series of examples

    Tetrahedral Embedded Boundary Methods for Accurate and Flexible Adaptive Fluids

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Batty, C., Xenos, S., & Houston, B. (2010, May). Tetrahedral embedded boundary methods for accurate and flexible adaptive fluids. In Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 695-704). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01639.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.When simulating fluids, tetrahedral methods provide flexibility and ease of adaptivity that Cartesian grids find difficult to match. However, this approach has so far been limited by two conflicting requirements. First, accurate simulation requires quality Delaunay meshes and the use of circumcentric pressures. Second, meshes must align with potentially complex moving surfaces and boundaries, necessitating continuous remeshing. Unfortunately, sacrificing mesh quality in favour of speed yields inaccurate velocities and simulation artifacts. We describe how to eliminate the boundary‐matching constraint by adapting recent embedded boundary techniques to tetrahedra, so that neither air nor solid boundaries need to align with mesh geometry. This enables the use of high quality, arbitrarily graded, non‐conforming Delaunay meshes, which are simpler and faster to generate. Temporal coherence can also be exploited by reusing meshes over adjacent timesteps to further reduce meshing costs. Lastly, our free surface boundary condition eliminates the spurious currents that previous methods exhibited for slow or static scenarios. We provide several examples demonstrating that our efficient tetrahedral embedded boundary method can substantially increase the flexibility and accuracy of adaptive Eulerian fluid simulation

    Automatic Linear and Curvilinear Mesh Generation Driven by Validity Fidelity and Topological Guarantees

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    Image-based geometric modeling and mesh generation play a critical role in computational biology and medicine. In this dissertation, a comprehensive computational framework for both guaranteed quality linear and high-order automatic mesh generation is presented. Starting from segmented images, a quality 2D/3D linear mesh is constructed. The boundary of the constructed mesh is proved to be homeomorphic to the object surface. In addition, a guaranteed dihedral angle bound of up to 19:47o for the output tetrahedra is provided. Moreover, user-specified guaranteed bounds on the distance between the boundaries of the mesh and the boundaries of the materials are allowed. The mesh contains a small number of mesh elements that comply with these guarantees, and the runtime is compatible in performance with other software. Then the curvilinear mesh generator allows for a transformation of straight-sided meshes to curvilinear meshes with C1 or C2 smooth boundaries while keeping all elements valid and with good quality as measured by their Jacobians. The mathematical proof shows that the meshes generated by our algorithm are guaranteed to be homeomorphic to the input images, and all the elements inside the meshes are guaranteed to be with good quality. Experimental results show that the mesh boundaries represent the objects\u27 shapes faithfully, and the accuracy of the representation is improved compared to the corresponding linear mesh