3 research outputs found

    Determination of salinity and sugar concentration by means of a circular-ring monopole textile antenna-based sensor

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a monopole antenna-based sensor for measuring different amounts and concentrations of salt and sugar in water. The proposed antenna sensor consists of a textile monopole antenna with circular-ring and partial ground plane. It is implemented by means of embroidery on a felt textile substrate and it resonates at 2.4 GHz. The textile substrate can absorb liquids through the sensing area incorporated within the monopole antenna structure. Therefore, the substrate dielectric properties are changed according to the liquid properties of the absorbed solution. The proposed antenna sensor uses microwave signals to track different amount and concentrations of salt and sugar in terms of the magnitude of the return loss and resonance frequency shift. The measurements are recorded and compared before and after applying different solutions. The rinsing reliability of the proposed antenna sensor has been also studied. The proposed antenna sensor demonstrates a high sensitivity of 800 MHz/mL with a good correlation with the linear fit ( R2=0.9737 ) and 550 MHz/mL with linear response ( R2=0.9135 ) for 5% salt and sugar concentration solutions, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this article demonstrates for the first time the capability of a fully-textile antenna sensor to detect different amounts and concentrations of salt and sugar using microwave signals.This work was supported by the Spanish Goverment MINECO under Project TEC2016-79465-R.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Microwave Devices for Wearable Sensors and IoT

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is currently highly demanded in multiple scenarios and in particular plays an important role in solving medical-related challenges. RF and microwave technologies, coupled with wireless energy transfer, are interesting candidates because of their inherent contactless spectrometric capabilities and for the wireless transmission of sensing data. This article reviews some recent achievements in the field of wearable sensors, highlighting the benefits that these solutions introduce in operative contexts, such as indoor localization and microwave sensing. Wireless power transfer is an essential requirement to be fulfilled to allow these sensors to be not only wearable but also compact and lightweight while avoiding bulky batteries. Flexible materials and 3D printing polymers, as well as daily garments, are widely exploited within the presented solutions, allowing comfort and wearability without renouncing the robustness and reliability of the built-in wearable sensor

    Design and Evaluation of a Button Sensor Antenna for On-Body Monitoring Activity in Healthcare Applications

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    A button sensor antenna for on-body monitoring in wireless body area network (WBAN) systems is presented. Due to the close coupling between the sensor antenna and the human body, it is highly challenging to design sensor antenna devices. In this paper, a mechanically robust system is proposed that integrates a dual-band button antenna with a wireless sensor module designed on a printed circuit board (PCB). The system features a small footprint and has good radiation characteristics and efficiency. This was fabricated, and the measured and simulated results are in good agreement. The design offers a wide range of omnidirectional radiation patterns in free space, with a reflection coefficient (S11) of −29.30 (−30.97) dB, a maximum gain of 1.75 (5.65) dBi, and radiation efficiency of 71.91 (92.51)% in the lower and upper bands, respectively. S11 reaches −23.07 (−27.07) dB and −30.76 (−31.12) dB, respectively, with a gain of 2.09 (6.70) dBi and 2.16 (5.67) dBi, and radiation efficiency of 65.12 (81.63)% and 75.00 (85.00)%, when located on the body for the lower and upper bands, respectively. The performance is minimally affected by bending, movement, and fabrication tolerances. The specific absorption rate (SAR) values are below the regulatory limitations for the spatial average over 1 g (1.6 W/Kg) and 10 g of tissues (2.0 W/Kg). For both indoor and outdoor conditions, experimental results of the range tests confirm the coverage of up to 40 m