6 research outputs found

    Confluence of graph rewriting with interfaces

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    For terminating double-pushout (DPO) graph rewriting systems confluence is, in general, undecidable. We show that confluence is decidable for an extension of DPO rewriting to graphs with interfaces. This variant is important due to it being closely related to rewriting of string diagrams. We show that our result extends, under mild conditions, to decidability of confluence for terminating rewriting systems of string diagrams in symmetric monoidal categories

    Rewriting in Free Hypegraph Categories

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    We study rewriting for equational theories in the context of symmetric monoidal categories where there is a separable Frobenius monoid on each object. These categories, also called hypergraph categories, are increasingly relevant: Frobenius structures recently appeared in cross-disciplinary applications, including the study of quantum processes, dynamical systems and natural language processing. In this work we give a combinatorial characterisation of arrows of a free hypergraph category as cospans of labelled hypergraphs and establish a precise correspondence between rewriting modulo Frobenius structure on the one hand and double-pushout rewriting of hypergraphs on the other. This interpretation allows to use results on hypergraphs to ensure decidability of confluence for rewriting in a free hypergraph category. Our results generalise previous approaches where only categories generated by a single object (props) were considered

    Confluence of graph rewriting with interfaces

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    For terminating double-pushout (DPO) graph rewriting systems confluence is, in general, undecidable. We show that confluence is decidable for an extension of DPO rewriting to graphs with interfaces. This variant is important due to it being closely related to rewriting of string diagrams. We show that our result extends, under mild conditions, to decidability of confluence for terminating rewriting systems of string diagrams in symmetric monoidal categories

    Confluence of graph rewriting with interfaces

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    For terminating double-pushout (DPO) graph rewriting systems confluence is, in general, undecidable. We show that confluence is decidable for an extension of DPO rewriting to graphs with interfaces. This variant is important due to it being closely related to rewriting of string diagrams. We show that our result extends, under mild conditions, to decidability of confluence for terminating rewriting systems of string diagrams in symmetric monoidal categories