14 research outputs found


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    In today?s volatile business environments, enterprises need to be able to flexibly adapt their information systems and add new functionality quickly. Component-based enterprise architectures promise to help solving these challenges by structuring information systems landscapes into modular business components. However, the derivation of business components from conceptual models still poses research challenges as current methods do not adequately involve the architect and his/her situational preferences. In this paper, we propose an advanced method that facilitates a systematic, reflected derivation of business components. The novel contribution of this paper thereby is to show (i) how the architect can define the derivation of business components from conceptual models as a multi-criteria decision-making problem according to his/her situational preferences and (ii) how the architect can systematically verify the stability of the derivation results. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method by demonstrating its implementation as part of the SeaCoAST tool and applying it to the after-sales processes of a world-wide leading automobile manufacturer

    The Relationships Between Competence, Methods, and Practice in Information Systems Development

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    This paper investigates the relationships that unfold between an actor’s compe- tence, methods, and practice during information systems development (ISD). The data was gathered in a case study of a successful ISD in a Norwegian municipality. In theory, compe- tence, methods, and practice are separate and clearly distinct elements. In actual ISD, how- ever, the three elements form close and integrated relationships. While previous research has addressed some of the relationships between competence, methods, and practice, re- searchers have yet to describe fully how the three elements relate to and influence each other. This paper’s main contribution is a new and more detailed understanding of the tight and intrinsic relationships between competence, methods, and practice and how the three elements dynamically influence each other during ISD processes. The result is a deeper un- derstanding of the ISD process that will help systems developers better establish, monitor, and succeed in their ISD projects

    Location of inertia and inertial mechanisms: spatial concepts for information systems-enabled organizational transformations

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    While an abundant literature describes what, when and why organizational inertia impedes Information Systems-enabled Organizational Transformations (ISOT), the question of where inertia lies and how it is maintained received scant attention. These questions are all the more important as emerging digital technologies such as AI, data analytics or blockchain fuel new waves of transformations and tie organizations’ transformation dynamics to external platforms, algorithms, gig workers or partners. This paper introduces two new concepts, namely the location of inertia and types of inertial mechanisms, as the foundation for a spatial approach to inertia. This approach aims to better locate inertia and what underlying mechanisms maintain it. We also discuss how these concepts can advance our understanding of ISOT and how they could further be developed into a broader theory

    Enterprise architecture operationalization and institutional pluralism: The case of the Norwegian Hospital sector

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    Enterprise architecture (EA) is a systematic way of designing, planning, and implementing process and technology changes to address the complexity of information system (IS) landscapes. EA is operationalized when architecture visions move towards realization through concrete projects. We report a case study on the dynamics of operationalizing EA in the Norwegian hospital sector by exploring different EA project trajectories. Our empirical context is an institutionally pluralistic setting where multiple logics coexist. We show that the distinct logic of EA is added to the institutional context and we find that tensions among existing medical, technical, and managerial logics and EA principles and assumptions emerge. We contribute to the under‐researched topic of EA operationalization by suggesting a model that demonstrates how the meeting of multiple institutional logics can lead to varying degrees of differentiation or even disassociation from EA visions during decision‐taking in projects. Furthermore, we advance extant research on IS projects' implementation in institutionally pluralistic settings by providing an empirical account of actors' interactions and project leadership arrangements that contribute to the persistence of coexisting logics in a dynamic equilibrium.publishedVersio

    Software architectures: Blueprint, Literature, Language or Decision

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    Abstract This study questions the traditional view of software architecture as a specification that needs only be understood by software architects and engineers. Based on an intensive study of three software-producing organizations, we identify multiple metaphors ('Blueprint,' 'Literature,' 'Language' and 'Decision') that stakeholders use to understand the term software architecture, which in turn, allows them to effectively participate in its creation and use. Our results point to new research directions that may better encompass a broader view of software architecture

    Competence, methods and practice in information systems development

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    Institutional perspective on introducing enterprise architecture : The case of the Norwegian hospital sector

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    Paper I, II, and III are not available as a part of the dissertation due to the copyright.The findings from this thesis point to the incongruence between the characteristics of EA and the healthcare domain as specific tensions among the EA logic and different professional logics as a source of deviation. The incongruence comes from the long-term plan-driven EA approach versus healthcare traditions and needs for ad-hoc initiatives. Other themes stem from the EA logic of process standardisation, which poses challenges in gaining acceptance and trust that the processes dinscribe appropriate clinical knowledge and provide support for local variations. Moreover, the EA vision of data integration across organisational units and across IS has implications for concerns about privacy and protection of sensitive data, but this can collide with the healthcare view on patient safety and the need for mission-critical data. This dissertation makes several contributions to research and practice. First, it augments the EA research stream by offering rich insights and specific implications related to challenges of EA institutionalisation in healthcare. A description of the enterprise architects’ logics and the EA logic supplements the EA knowledge base. Likewise, it presents a model of a predicted evolution of the EA initiatives through the phases of optimism, resistance, decline and finally, reconsolidation of the most persistent ones, unless firm mandates are established from the start. Furthermore, the study provides a model that illustrates how coexisting institutional logics maintain their distinct character while allowing compromises that shape EA operationalisation. The model shows a set of scenarios for settling tensions in project decisions. In these scenarios, EA is foregrounded, blended with other available institutional logics or suppressed. Second, this dissertation contributes to an enhanced theoretical and empirical understanding of EA institutionalisation, where regulative, normative and culturalcognitive elements create and maintain EA as an institution, and unsurprisingly, the organisational response impedes the institutionalisation process. The organisational response can be explained by selective activated institutional logics among the actors. However, with targeted institutional work from the actors that want EA to be institutionalised, the process can be reinforced. This thesis also offers some practical suggestions at the national policy level. First, financial arrangements should be assessed to encourage broader involvement from the sub-organisations. Second, through active ownership, they can address the need for enhanced EA understanding and should secure the education of the actors, not the least at the executive level, together with the targeted hires. Furthermore, the need for organisational changes related to EA is under-communicated. The thesis also makes practical suggestions to deal with the challenges, the incongruence and the consequent tensions, mainly by finding solutions that balance between the institutional logics of EA and of healthcare.publishedVersio

    Enterprise architecture in practice : from IT concept towards enterprise architecture leadership

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    Informaatioteknologia (Information Technology, IT) on kaikkialla ja liiketoimintakriittisesti välttämätön osa yritysten nykytoimintaa, viestintää ja tulevaisuuden strategioita (Nolan 2012). Informaatiota tarvitaan ihmisten ja organisaatioiden hyvinvointiin, kasvuun ja selviytymiseen. IT muuttaa liiketoimintaa, työtä ja työnjakoa nopeammin ja laajemmin kuin mikään aikaisempi tekninen keksintö. Teknologiaa käytetään informaation hankkimiseen, hallintaan ja jakamiseen. Teknologioiden, tietojärjestelmien (Information Systems, IS) ja informaation hallinta vaativat uutta ajattelua, konsepteja ja välineitä työn organisointiin (Orlikowski 2007). Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii kokonaisarkkitehtuurin (Enterprise Architecture, EA) mahdollisuuksia hallita teknologioita ja digitalisaatiota osana nykyaikaista liiketoimintaa. EA-käsitteellä ei ole vakiintunutta määritelmää. Burgess, Ramakrishnan, Salmans ja Kappelman (2010, 252) raportoi 10 erilaista tapaa määritellä EA-käsite, joista korkeimman abstraktiotason määritelmä on “kaikki tietämys yrityksestä”. EA-käsitteen moniselitteisyys johtuu osittain informaatioteknologian nopeasta kehityksestä ja hyvin teknisestä näkökulmasta. Viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana kokonaisarkkitehtuurin hallinnan (EA management; EAM) idea on kasvanut tietotekniikasta ja IT-arkkitehtuureista kohti hallinnollista innovaatiota, jolla ohjataan organisaation rahan käyttöä (Luftman & Ben-Zvi 2011, 206), tietojärjestelmien kehitystä (Makiya 2012, 6) ja strategian toteutusta (Simon, Fischbach & Schoder 2014). EAM on uusi käsite, joka lupaa moninaisia hyötyjä, mutta sisältää samalla ristiriitaisia odotuksia ja monimutkaisia systeemisiä ja sosiaalisia haasteita mahdollisten hyötyjen realisoimiseksi. Tämä työ tarkastelee kokonaisarkkitehtuuria IT-käsitteenä ja monimutkaisena sosioteknisenä ilmiönä. Etenemme EA:n tietoteknisistä juurista, arkkitehtuureista, liiketoiminnan ja tietotekniikan samansuuntaisuuden (alignment) kautta kokonaisarkkitehtuurin hallintaan. Kokonaisarkkitehtuurin hallinnasta jatkamme toiminnan teorian (Vygotsky 1978, Leontiev 1978, 1981; Engeström 1987), toimijaverkostoteorian (Actor-Network Theory, ANT: Latour 1999a; Monteiro 2000), strukturaatioteorian (Giddens 1984) ja sosiomateriaalisuuden (Orlikowski 2007) avulla kohti kokonaisarkkitehtuurin johtamista (EA leadership). Teoriaosuudessa esittelemme kolme viitekehystä ja näkökulman analysoida organisaation tietotekniikan, kokonaisarkkitehtuurin ja tietämyksen hallinnan sosiomaterialistista kokonaisuutta. Opinnäytetyön kokeellinen osuus on tapaustutkimus kohdeyrityksemme kokonaisarkkitehtuurin kehittymisestä. Teoriaosuuden viitekehyksiä testataan analysoimalla kohdeyrityksen kokonaisarkkitehtuurin kehityksestä tehtyjä etnografisia havaintoja vuosilta 1996-2011. Seitsemän lyhyttä kuvausta (vignettes) kertovat kohdeyrityksen kokonaisarkkitehtuurin kehitystarinoita, joita arvioidaan IT, EA, EAM ja tietämyksen hallinnan näkökulmista. Tämä työ osoittaa kokonaisarkkitehtuurin hallinnan mahdollisuuksia parantaa informaatiotekniikan tuottavuutta integroimalla liiketoiminnan, prosessien ja tietojärjestelmien/tekniikan kehittämistä. Kokonaisarkkitehtuurin hallinta vaatii lisää systeemistä ymmärrystä miten sosiomateriaalisia rakenteita ja käytäntöjä tulisi (uudelleen)määrittää ja sovittaa yrityksen tietämyksen ja muutoksen hallinnan tehostamiseksi. Tutkimuksessa esitettyjä viitekehyksiä voidaan jatkossa käyttää pyrittäessä kohti reflektoivia kokonaisarkkitehtuurin hallinnan ja johtamisen käytäntöjä

    Conflicts, Compromises, and Political Decisions

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