18 research outputs found

    Towards computing low-makespan solutions for multi-arm multi-task planning problems

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    We propose an approach to find low-makespan solutions to multi-robot multi-task planning problems in environments where robots block each other from completing tasks simultaneously. We introduce a formulation of the problem that allows for an approach based on greedy descent with random restarts for generation of the task assignment and task sequence. We then use a multi-agent path planner to evaluate the makespan of a given assignment and sequence. The planner decomposes the problem into multiple simple subproblems that only contain a single robots and a single task, and can thus be solved quickly to produce a solution for a fixed task sequence. The solutions to the subproblems are then combined to form a valid solution to the original problem. We showcase the approach on robotic stippling and robotic bin picking with up to 4 robot arms. The makespan of the solutions found by our algorithm are up to 30% lower compared to a greedy approach.Comment: Workshop for Planning and Robotics (PlanRob), International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 202

    An Extension of BIM Using AI: a Multi Working-Machines Pathfinding Solution

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    Multi working-machines pathfinding solution enables more mobile machines simultaneously to work inside of a working site so that the productivity can be expected to increase evolutionary. To date, the potential cooperation conflicts among construction machinery limit the amount of construction machinery investment in a concrete working site. To solve the cooperation problem, civil engineers optimize the working site from a logistic perspective while computer scientists improve pathfinding algorithms’ performance on the given benchmark maps. In the practical implementation of a construction site, it is sensible to solve the problem with a hybrid solution; therefore, in our study, we proposed an algorithm based on a cutting-edge multi-pathfinding algorithm to enable the massive number of machines cooperation and offer the advice to modify the unreasonable part of the working site in the meantime. Using the logistic information from BIM, such as unloading and loading point, we added a pathfinding solution for multi machines to improve the whole construction fleet’s productivity. In the previous study, the experiments were limited to no more than ten participants, and the computational time to gather the solution was not given; thus, we publish our pseudo-code, our tested map, and benchmark our results. Our algorithm’s most extensive feature is that it can quickly replan the path to overcome the emergency on a construction site

    Solving Multi-Agent Target Assignment and Path Finding with a Single Constraint Tree

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    Combined Target-Assignment and Path-Finding problem (TAPF) requires simultaneously assigning targets to agents and planning collision-free paths for agents from their start locations to their assigned targets. As a leading approach to address TAPF, Conflict-Based Search with Target Assignment (CBS-TA) leverages both K-best target assignments to create multiple search trees and Conflict-Based Search (CBS) to resolve collisions in each search tree. While being able to find an optimal solution, CBS-TA suffers from scalability due to the duplicated collision resolution in multiple trees and the expensive computation of K-best assignments. We therefore develop Incremental Target Assignment CBS (ITA-CBS) to bypass these two computational bottlenecks. ITA-CBS generates only a single search tree and avoids computing K-best assignments by incrementally computing new 1-best assignments during the search. We show that, in theory, ITA-CBS is guaranteed to find an optimal solution and, in practice, is computationally efficient

    Multi-Robot Task Assignment and Path Finding for Time-Sensitive Missions with Online Task Generation

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    Executing time-sensitive multi-robot missions involves two distinct problems: Multi-Robot Task Assignment (MRTA) and Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF). Computing safe paths that complete every task and minimize the time to mission completion, or makespan, is a significant computational challenge even for small teams. In many missions, tasks can be generated during execution which is typically handled by either recomputing task assignments and paths from scratch, or by modifying existing plans using approximate approaches. While performing task reassignment and path finding from scratch produces theoretically optimal results, the computational load makes it too expensive for online implementation. In this work, we present Time-Sensitive Online Task Assignment and Navigation (TSOTAN), a framework which can quickly incorporate online generated tasks while guaranteeing bounded suboptimal task assignment makespans. It does this by assessing the quality of partial task reassignments and only performing a complete reoptimization when the makespan exceeds a user specified suboptimality bound. Through experiments in 2D environments we demonstrate TSOTAN's ability to produce quality solutions with computation times suitable for online implementation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    A Conflict-Based Search Framework for Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Path Finding

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    Conventional multi-agent path planners typically compute an ensemble of paths while optimizing a single objective, such as path length. However, many applications may require multiple objectives, say fuel consumption and completion time, to be simultaneously optimized during planning and these criteria may not be readily compared and sometimes lie in competition with each other. Naively applying existing multi-objective search algorithms, such as multi-objective A* (MOA*), to multi-agent path finding may prove to be inefficient as the size of the space of possible solutions, i.e., the Pareto-optimal set, can grow exponentially with the number of agents (the dimension of the search space). This article presents an approach named Multi-Objective Conflict-Based Search (MO-CBS) that bypasses this so-called curse of dimensionality by leveraging prior Conflict-Based Search (CBS), a well-known algorithm for single-objective multi-agent path finding, and principles of dominance from multi-objective optimization literature. We also develop several variants of MO-CBS to further improve its performance. We prove that MO-CBS and its variants are able to compute the entire Pareto-optimal set. Numerical results show that MO-CBS outperforms both MOA* as well as MOM*, a recently developed state-of-the-art multi-objective multi-agent planner.Comment: 11 pages, preliminary version published in ICRA 2021, journal version submitte

    Optimal and Bounded-Suboptimal Multi-Goal Task Assignment and Path Finding

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    We formalize and study the multi-goal task assignment and path finding (MG-TAPF) problem from theoretical and algorithmic perspectives. The MG-TAPF problem is to compute an assignment of tasks to agents, where each task consists of a sequence of goal locations, and collision-free paths for the agents that visit all goal locations of their assigned tasks in sequence. Theoretically, we prove that the MG-TAPF problem is NP-hard to solve optimally. We present algorithms that build upon algorithmic techniques for the multi-agent path finding problem and solve the MG-TAPF problem optimally and bounded-suboptimally. We experimentally compare these algorithms on a variety of different benchmark domains.Comment: ICRA 202

    Optimizations of a Multi-Agent System for a Real-World Warehouse Problem

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    In recent years, many warehouses applied mobile robots to move products from one location to another. We focus on a traditional warehouse where agents are humans, and they are engaged with tasks to navigate to the next destination one after the other. The possible destinations are determined at the beginning of the daily shift. Our real-world warehouse client asked us to minimize the total wage cost, and to minimize the irritation of the workers because of conflicts in their tasks. We define a heuristic for the optimizations for splitting the orders into warehouse carts, defining the sequence of the products within the carts, and the assignment of the carts to workers. We extend Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) solution techniques. Furthermore, we have implemented our proposal in a simulation software, and we have run several experiments. According to the experiments, the make-span and the wage cost cannot be reduced with the heuristic optimization, however the heuristic optimization considerably reduces the irritation of the workers. We conclude our work with a guideline for the warehouse