8 research outputs found

    Automated analysis of feature models: Quo vadis?

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    Feature models have been used since the 90's to describe software product lines as a way of reusing common parts in a family of software systems. In 2010, a systematic literature review was published summarizing the advances and settling the basis of the area of Automated Analysis of Feature Models (AAFM). From then on, different studies have applied the AAFM in different domains. In this paper, we provide an overview of the evolution of this field since 2010 by performing a systematic mapping study considering 423 primary sources. We found six different variability facets where the AAFM is being applied that define the tendencies: product configuration and derivation; testing and evolution; reverse engineering; multi-model variability-analysis; variability modelling and variability-intensive systems. We also confirmed that there is a lack of industrial evidence in most of the cases. Finally, we present where and when the papers have been published and who are the authors and institutions that are contributing to the field. We observed that the maturity is proven by the increment in the number of journals published along the years as well as the diversity of conferences and workshops where papers are published. We also suggest some synergies with other areas such as cloud or mobile computing among others that can motivate further research in the future.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-186

    Supporting distributed product configuration by integrating heterogeneous variability modeling approaches

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    Context In industrial settings products are developed by more than one organization. Software vendors and suppliers commonly typically maintain their own product lines, which contribute to a larger (multi) product line or software ecosystem. It is unrealistic to assume that the participating organizations will agree on using a specific variability modeling technique—they will rather use different approaches and tools to manage the variability of their systems. Objective We aim to support product configuration in software ecosystems based on several variability models with different semantics that have been created using different notations. Method We present an integrative approach that provides a unified perspective to users configuring products in multi product line environments, regardless of the different modeling methods and tools used internally. We also present a technical infrastructure and a prototype implementation based on web services. Results We show the feasibility of the approach and its implementation by using it with the three most widespread types of variability modeling approaches in the product line community, i.e., feature-based, OVM-style, and decision-oriented modeling. To demonstrate the feasibility and flexibility of our approach, we present an example derived from industrial experience in enterprise resource planning. We further applied the approach to support the configuration of privacy settings in the Android ecosystem based on multiple variability models. We also evaluated the performance of different model enactment strategies used in our approach. Conclusions Tools and techniques allowing stakeholders to handle variability in a uniform manner can considerably foster the initiation and growth of software ecosystems from the perspective of software reuse and configuration.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-32273Junta de Andalucía TIC-186

    Configuration of multi product lines by bridging heterogeneous variability modeling approaches

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    In industrial settings, products are rarely built by one organization alone. Software vendors and suppliers typically maintain their own product lines, which can contribute to a larger (multi) product line. The teams involved often use different approaches and tools to manage variability of their systems. It is unrealistic to assume that all participating units can use a standardized and prescribed variability modeling technique. The configuration of products based on several models in different notations and with different semantics is not well supported by existing approaches. In this paper we present an integrative approach that provides a unified perspective to users configuring products in multi product line environments, regardless of the different modeling methods and tools used internally. We also present a technical infrastructure and a prototypic implementation based on Web Services. We show the feasibility of the approach and its implementation by using it with two different variability modeling approaches (i.e., one feature-based and one decision-oriented approach) on an example derived from industrial experience

    Management of customizable software-as-a-service in cloud and network environments

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    Business applications development based on software product lines approach

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    Planski pristup ponovnoj upotrebi (engl.reuse) kod razvoja softvera, koji se naziva linijaza proizvodnju softvera (engl.software product lines), uspješno se primjenjuje u poslovnim sektorima kao što su mobilna telefonija, kućna elektronika, auto industrija, brodogradnja, avio industrija, vojna industrija, medicinska oprema, itd.Područje primjene ovog pristupa nije ograničeno samo na navedene industrije, već se odnosi na razvoj softvera općenito, pa tako i na razvoj poslovnih aplikacija. Međutim, primjena linija za proizvodnju softvera u razvoju poslovnih aplikacija nije uobičajena. Studije slučaja i znanstvena literatura iz ovog područja, uglavnom opisuju primjenuovog pristupa u navedenim sektorima, dok područje primjene u razvoju poslovnih aplikacija nije dovoljno istraženo. U ovoj disertaciji definiraju se: (1) funkcionalni zahtjevi referentne arhitekture za poslovne aplikacije prema pristupu linija za proizvodnju softvera, (2) implementiraju se artefakti referentne arhitekture,(3) provjerava korisnost (engl.usefulness) referentne arhitekture, te (4) predlažu i provjeravaju nove metrike za mjerenje utjecaja referentne arhitekture na održavljivost linije za proizvodnju softvera. Istraživanje je provedeno kroz primjenu artefakata predložene referentne arhitekture u jednoj financijskoj instituciji. Znanstveni doprinos odnosi se unaprjeđenje referentne arhitekture poslovnih aplikacija prema pristupu linija za proizvodnju softvera s ciljem njihovog jeftinijeg i bržeg razvoja i održavanja, te povećanja njihove kvalitete.Za mjerenje kvalitete poslovnih aplikacija razvijen je i potvrđen novi model i metrikeza ocjenu održavljivosti linije za proizvodnju softveraza poslovne primjene.A software product lines as a planned approach to reuse in software development, has been successfully applied in business domains such as mobile phones, home electronics, automobile industry, shipbuilding, airline industry, military industry, medical equipment,etc. The use of this approach is not limited to those industries, but it could also be applied to the software development in general, including the development of business applications, which is not usual. Case studies and scientific literature in this area, mainly describe the use of this approach in mentioned domains, while the area of the business applications development has not been addressed enough. This dissertation defines: (1) functional requirements of reference architecture for business applications based on software product lines approach, (2) implementation of the reference architecture artifacts, (3) evaluate the usefulness of the reference architecture, and (4) propose and validate novel metrics to measure the impact of reference architecture on software product lines maintainability.The research wasdone usingthe proposed reference architecture artifacts in a financial institution. The scientific contributionis related to the improvement of reference architecture for business applications based on software product lines approach,with the goalto decrease cost and time of their development and maintenance, and increase the irquality. To measure the qualityof business application swe have developed and validated a new modeland metrics for assessing the maintainability of the software product line for business applications

    Business applications development based on software product lines approach

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    Planski pristup ponovnoj upotrebi (engl.reuse) kod razvoja softvera, koji se naziva linijaza proizvodnju softvera (engl.software product lines), uspješno se primjenjuje u poslovnim sektorima kao što su mobilna telefonija, kućna elektronika, auto industrija, brodogradnja, avio industrija, vojna industrija, medicinska oprema, itd.Područje primjene ovog pristupa nije ograničeno samo na navedene industrije, već se odnosi na razvoj softvera općenito, pa tako i na razvoj poslovnih aplikacija. Međutim, primjena linija za proizvodnju softvera u razvoju poslovnih aplikacija nije uobičajena. Studije slučaja i znanstvena literatura iz ovog područja, uglavnom opisuju primjenuovog pristupa u navedenim sektorima, dok područje primjene u razvoju poslovnih aplikacija nije dovoljno istraženo. U ovoj disertaciji definiraju se: (1) funkcionalni zahtjevi referentne arhitekture za poslovne aplikacije prema pristupu linija za proizvodnju softvera, (2) implementiraju se artefakti referentne arhitekture,(3) provjerava korisnost (engl.usefulness) referentne arhitekture, te (4) predlažu i provjeravaju nove metrike za mjerenje utjecaja referentne arhitekture na održavljivost linije za proizvodnju softvera. Istraživanje je provedeno kroz primjenu artefakata predložene referentne arhitekture u jednoj financijskoj instituciji. Znanstveni doprinos odnosi se unaprjeđenje referentne arhitekture poslovnih aplikacija prema pristupu linija za proizvodnju softvera s ciljem njihovog jeftinijeg i bržeg razvoja i održavanja, te povećanja njihove kvalitete.Za mjerenje kvalitete poslovnih aplikacija razvijen je i potvrđen novi model i metrikeza ocjenu održavljivosti linije za proizvodnju softveraza poslovne primjene.A software product lines as a planned approach to reuse in software development, has been successfully applied in business domains such as mobile phones, home electronics, automobile industry, shipbuilding, airline industry, military industry, medical equipment,etc. The use of this approach is not limited to those industries, but it could also be applied to the software development in general, including the development of business applications, which is not usual. Case studies and scientific literature in this area, mainly describe the use of this approach in mentioned domains, while the area of the business applications development has not been addressed enough. This dissertation defines: (1) functional requirements of reference architecture for business applications based on software product lines approach, (2) implementation of the reference architecture artifacts, (3) evaluate the usefulness of the reference architecture, and (4) propose and validate novel metrics to measure the impact of reference architecture on software product lines maintainability.The research wasdone usingthe proposed reference architecture artifacts in a financial institution. The scientific contributionis related to the improvement of reference architecture for business applications based on software product lines approach,with the goalto decrease cost and time of their development and maintenance, and increase the irquality. To measure the qualityof business application swe have developed and validated a new modeland metrics for assessing the maintainability of the software product line for business applications

    Business applications development based on software product lines approach

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    Planski pristup ponovnoj upotrebi (engl.reuse) kod razvoja softvera, koji se naziva linijaza proizvodnju softvera (engl.software product lines), uspješno se primjenjuje u poslovnim sektorima kao što su mobilna telefonija, kućna elektronika, auto industrija, brodogradnja, avio industrija, vojna industrija, medicinska oprema, itd.Područje primjene ovog pristupa nije ograničeno samo na navedene industrije, već se odnosi na razvoj softvera općenito, pa tako i na razvoj poslovnih aplikacija. Međutim, primjena linija za proizvodnju softvera u razvoju poslovnih aplikacija nije uobičajena. Studije slučaja i znanstvena literatura iz ovog područja, uglavnom opisuju primjenuovog pristupa u navedenim sektorima, dok područje primjene u razvoju poslovnih aplikacija nije dovoljno istraženo. U ovoj disertaciji definiraju se: (1) funkcionalni zahtjevi referentne arhitekture za poslovne aplikacije prema pristupu linija za proizvodnju softvera, (2) implementiraju se artefakti referentne arhitekture,(3) provjerava korisnost (engl.usefulness) referentne arhitekture, te (4) predlažu i provjeravaju nove metrike za mjerenje utjecaja referentne arhitekture na održavljivost linije za proizvodnju softvera. Istraživanje je provedeno kroz primjenu artefakata predložene referentne arhitekture u jednoj financijskoj instituciji. Znanstveni doprinos odnosi se unaprjeđenje referentne arhitekture poslovnih aplikacija prema pristupu linija za proizvodnju softvera s ciljem njihovog jeftinijeg i bržeg razvoja i održavanja, te povećanja njihove kvalitete.Za mjerenje kvalitete poslovnih aplikacija razvijen je i potvrđen novi model i metrikeza ocjenu održavljivosti linije za proizvodnju softveraza poslovne primjene.A software product lines as a planned approach to reuse in software development, has been successfully applied in business domains such as mobile phones, home electronics, automobile industry, shipbuilding, airline industry, military industry, medical equipment,etc. The use of this approach is not limited to those industries, but it could also be applied to the software development in general, including the development of business applications, which is not usual. Case studies and scientific literature in this area, mainly describe the use of this approach in mentioned domains, while the area of the business applications development has not been addressed enough. This dissertation defines: (1) functional requirements of reference architecture for business applications based on software product lines approach, (2) implementation of the reference architecture artifacts, (3) evaluate the usefulness of the reference architecture, and (4) propose and validate novel metrics to measure the impact of reference architecture on software product lines maintainability.The research wasdone usingthe proposed reference architecture artifacts in a financial institution. The scientific contributionis related to the improvement of reference architecture for business applications based on software product lines approach,with the goalto decrease cost and time of their development and maintenance, and increase the irquality. To measure the qualityof business application swe have developed and validated a new modeland metrics for assessing the maintainability of the software product line for business applications

    Une modélisation de la variabilité multidimensionnelle pour une évolution incrémentale des lignes de produits

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    Le doctorat s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une bourse CIFRE et d'un partenariat entre l'ENSTA Bretagne, l'IRISA et Thales Air Systems. Les préoccupations de ce dernier, et plus particulièrement de l'équipe de rattachement, sont de réaliser des systèmes à logiciels prépondérants embarqués. La complexité de ces systèmes et les besoins de compétitivité associés font émerger la notion de "Model-Based Product Lines(MBPLs)". Celles-ci tendent à réaliser une synergie de l'abstraction de l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) et de la capacité de gestion de la capitalisation et réutilisation des Lignes de Produits (LdPs). La nature irrévocablement dynamique des systèmes réels induit une évolution permanente des LdPs afin de répondre aux nouvelles exigences des clients et pour refléter les changements des artefacts internes de la LdP. L'objectif de cette thèse est unique, maîtriser des incréments d'évolution d'une ligne de produits de systèmes complexes, les contributions pour y parvenir sont duales. La thèse est que 1) une variabilité multidimensionnelle ainsi qu'une modélisation relationnelle est requise dans le cadre de lignes de produits de systèmes complexes pour en améliorer la compréhension et en faciliter l'évolution (proposition d'un cadre générique de décomposition de la modélisation et d'un langage (DSML) nommé PLiMoS, dédié à l'expression relationnelle et intentionnelle dans les MBPLs), et que 2) les efforts de spécialisation lors de la dérivation d'un produit ainsi que l'évolution de la LdP doivent être guidé par une architecture conceptuelle (introduction de motifs architecturaux autour de PLiMoS et du patron ABCDE) et capitalisés dans un processus outillé semi-automatisé d'évolution incrémentale des lignes de produits par extension.The PhD (CIFRE fundings) was supported by a partnership between three actors: ENSTA Bretagne, IRISA and Thales Air Systems. The latter's concerns, and more precisely the ones from the affiliation team, are to build embedded software-intensive systems. The complexity of these systems, combined to the need of competitivity, reveal the notion of Model-Based Product Lines (MBPLs). They make a synergy of the capabilities of modeling and product line approaches, and enable more efficient solutions for modularization with the distinction of abstraction levels and separation of concerns. Besides, the dynamic nature of real-world systems induces that product line models need to evolve continually to meet new customer requirements and to reflect changes in product line artifacts. The aim of the thesis is to handle the increments of evolution of complex systems product lines, the contributions to achieve it are twofolds. The thesis claims that i) a multidimensional variability and a relational modeling are required within a complex system product line in order to enhance comprehension and ease the PL evolution (Conceptual model modularization framework and PliMoS Domain Specific Modeling Language proposition; the language is dedicated to relational and intentional expressions in MBPLs), and that ii) specialization efforts during product derivation have to be guided by a conceptual architecture (architectural patterns on top of PLiMoS, e.g.~ABCDE) and capitalized within a semi-automatic tooled process allowing the incremental PL evolution by extension.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF