46 research outputs found

    Updating Probabilistic Knowledge on Condition/Event Nets using Bayesian Networks

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    The paper extends Bayesian networks (BNs) by a mechanism for dynamic changes to the probability distributions represented by BNs. One application scenario is the process of knowledge acquisition of an observer interacting with a system. In particular, the paper considers condition/event nets where the observer\u27s knowledge about the current marking is a probability distribution over markings. The observer can interact with the net to deduce information about the marking by requesting certain transitions to fire and observing their success or failure. Aiming for an efficient implementation of dynamic changes to probability distributions of BNs, we consider a modular form of networks that form the arrows of a free PROP with a commutative comonoid structure, also known as term graphs. The algebraic structure of such PROPs supplies us with a compositional semantics that functorially maps BNs to their underlying probability distribution and, in particular, it provides a convenient means to describe structural updates of networks

    The evaluation of educational service integration in integrated virtual courses

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    The effectiveness of an integrated virtual course is determined by factors such as the navigability of the system. We argue that in a virtual course, which offers different educational services for different learning activities, the integration of services is a good indicator for the effectiveness of a virtual course infrastructure. We develop a set of metrics to measure the degree of integration of a virtual course. We combine structural metrics and an analysis of the student usage of the system in order to measure integration

    Repotting the Geraniums: On Nested Graph Transformation Rules

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    We propose a scheme for rule amalgamation based on nested graph predicates. Essentially, we extend all the graphs in such a predicate with right hand sides. Whenever such an enriched nested predicate matches (i.e., is satisfied by) a given host graph, this results in many individual match morphisms, and thus many “small” rule applications. The total effect is described by the amalgamated rule. This makes for a smooth, uniform and very powerful amalgamation scheme, which we demonstrate on a number of examples. Among the examples is the following, which we believe to be inexpressible in very few other parallel rule formalism proposed in the literature: repot all flowering geraniums whose pots have cracked.\u

    Operationalizing Declarative and Procedural Knowledge: A Benchmark on Logic Programming Petri Nets (LPPNs)

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    Modelling, specifying and reasoning about complex systems requires to process in an integrated fashion declarative and procedural aspects of the target domain. The paper reports on an experiment conducted with a propositional version of Logic Programming Petri Nets (LPPNs), a notation extending Petri Nets with logic programming constructs. Two semantics are presented: a denotational semantics that fully maps the notation to ASP via Event Calculus; and a hybrid operational semantics that process separately the causal mechanisms via Petri nets, and the constraints associated to objects and to events via Answer Set Programming (ASP). These two alternative specifications enable an empirical evaluation in terms of computational efficiency. Experimental results show that the hybrid semantics is more efficient w.r.t. sequences, whereas the two semantics follows the same behaviour w.r.t. branchings (although the denotational one performs better in absolute terms).Comment: draft version -- update

    Generating an Algebraic Specification from an ER-Model

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    Entity-Relationship modelling is a rather intuitive technique for specifying the structure of complex data. The technique is popular in part because the structure of an ER-model is easily grasped, and it is usually supported by diagrams or other visualizing tools. This paper deals with a detailed analysis of ER-modelling with the goal of deriving an algebraic specification for a given ER-model. This is motivated by considerations regarding program specification for data intensive applications. We indicate haw the technique demonstrated here may be combined with formal techniques for specifying the functional behavior of a system

    CARTOGRAPHER: A tool for string diagrammatic reasoning

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    We introduce cartographer, a tool for editing and rewriting string diagrams of symmetric monoidal categories. Our approach is principled: the layout exploits the isomorphism between string diagrams and certain cospans of hypergraphs; the implementation of rewriting is based on the soundness and completeness of convex double-pushout rewriting for string diagram rewriting