419 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Cylindrical Panoramic Video

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    We introduce a convolutional neural network model for unsupervised learning of depth and ego-motion from cylindrical panoramic video. Panoramic depth estimation is an important technology for applications such as virtual reality, 3D modeling, and autonomous robotic navigation. In contrast to previous approaches for applying convolutional neural networks to panoramic imagery, we use the cylindrical panoramic projection which allows for the use of the traditional CNN layers such as convolutional filters and max pooling without modification. Our evaluation of synthetic and real data shows that unsupervised learning of depth and ego-motion on cylindrical panoramic images can produce high-quality depth maps and that an increased field-of-view improves ego-motion estimation accuracy. We also introduce Headcam, a novel dataset of panoramic video collected from a helmet-mounted camera while biking in an urban setting.Comment: Accepted to IEEE AIVR 201

    The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Deep Features as a Perceptual Metric

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    While it is nearly effortless for humans to quickly assess the perceptual similarity between two images, the underlying processes are thought to be quite complex. Despite this, the most widely used perceptual metrics today, such as PSNR and SSIM, are simple, shallow functions, and fail to account for many nuances of human perception. Recently, the deep learning community has found that features of the VGG network trained on ImageNet classification has been remarkably useful as a training loss for image synthesis. But how perceptual are these so-called "perceptual losses"? What elements are critical for their success? To answer these questions, we introduce a new dataset of human perceptual similarity judgments. We systematically evaluate deep features across different architectures and tasks and compare them with classic metrics. We find that deep features outperform all previous metrics by large margins on our dataset. More surprisingly, this result is not restricted to ImageNet-trained VGG features, but holds across different deep architectures and levels of supervision (supervised, self-supervised, or even unsupervised). Our results suggest that perceptual similarity is an emergent property shared across deep visual representations.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2018; Code and data available at https://www.github.com/richzhang/PerceptualSimilarit

    Realistic and interactive high-resolution 4D environments for real-time surgeon and patient interaction

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    Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Background: Remote consultations that are realistic enough to be useful medically offer considerable clinical, logistical and cost benefits. Despite advances in virtual reality and vision hardware and software, these benefits are currently often unrealised. Method: The proposed approach combines high spatial and temporal resolution 3D and 2D machine vision with virtual reality techniques, in order to develop new environments and instruments that will enable realistic remote consultations and the generation of new types of useful clinical data. Results: New types of clinical data have been generated for skin analysis and respiration measurement; and the combination of 3D with 2D data was found to offer potential for the generation of realistic virtual consultations. Conclusion: An innovative combination of high resolution machine vision data and virtual reality online methods, promises to provide advanced functionality and significant medical benefits, particularly in regions where populations are dispersed or access to clinicians is limited. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Towards High-Frequency Tracking and Fast Edge-Aware Optimization

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    This dissertation advances the state of the art for AR/VR tracking systems by increasing the tracking frequency by orders of magnitude and proposes an efficient algorithm for the problem of edge-aware optimization. AR/VR is a natural way of interacting with computers, where the physical and digital worlds coexist. We are on the cusp of a radical change in how humans perform and interact with computing. Humans are sensitive to small misalignments between the real and the virtual world, and tracking at kilo-Hertz frequencies becomes essential. Current vision-based systems fall short, as their tracking frequency is implicitly limited by the frame-rate of the camera. This thesis presents a prototype system which can track at orders of magnitude higher than the state-of-the-art methods using multiple commodity cameras. The proposed system exploits characteristics of the camera traditionally considered as flaws, namely rolling shutter and radial distortion. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of the method for various degrees of motion. Furthermore, edge-aware optimization is an indispensable tool in the computer vision arsenal for accurate filtering of depth-data and image-based rendering, which is increasingly being used for content creation and geometry processing for AR/VR. As applications increasingly demand higher resolution and speed, there exists a need to develop methods that scale accordingly. This dissertation proposes such an edge-aware optimization framework which is efficient, accurate, and algorithmically scales well, all of which are much desirable traits not found jointly in the state of the art. The experiments show the effectiveness of the framework in a multitude of computer vision tasks such as computational photography and stereo.Comment: PhD thesi

    Monocular slam for deformable scenarios.

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    El problema de localizar la posición de un sensor en un mapa incierto que se estima simultáneamente se conoce como Localización y Mapeo Simultáneo --SLAM--. Es un problema desafiante comparable al paradigma del huevo y la gallina. Para ubicar el sensor necesitamos conocer el mapa, pero para construir el mapa, necesitamos la posición del sensor. Cuando se utiliza un sensor visual, por ejemplo, una cámara, se denomina Visual SLAM o VSLAM. Los sensores visuales para SLAM se dividen entre los que proporcionan información de profundidad (por ejemplo, cámaras RGB-D o equipos estéreo) y los que no (por ejemplo, cámaras monoculares o cámaras de eventos). En esta tesis hemos centrado nuestra investigación en SLAM con cámaras monoculares.Debido a la falta de percepción de profundidad, el SLAM monocular es intrínsecamente más duro en comparación con el SLAM con sensores de profundidad. Los trabajos estado del arte en VSLAM monocular han asumido normalmente que la escena permanece rígida durante toda la secuencia, lo que es una suposición factible para entornos industriales y urbanos. El supuesto de rigidez aporta las restricciones suficientes al problema y permite reconstruir un mapa fiable tras procesar varias imágenes. En los últimos años, el interés por el SLAM ha llegado a las áreas médicas donde los algoritmos SLAM podrían ayudar a orientar al cirujano o localizar la posición de un robot. Sin embargo, a diferencia de los escenarios industriales o urbanos, en secuencias dentro del cuerpo, todo puede deformarse eventualmente y la suposición de rigidez acaba siendo inválida en la práctica, y por extensión, también los algoritmos de SLAM monoculares. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo es ampliar los límites de los algoritmos de SLAM y concebir el primer sistema SLAM monocular capaz de hacer frente a la deformación de la escena.Los sistemas de SLAM actuales calculan la posición de la cámara y la estructura del mapa en dos subprocesos concurrentes: la localización y el mapeo. La localización se encarga de procesar cada imagen para ubicar el sensor de forma continua, en cambio el mapeo se encarga de construir el mapa de la escena. Nosotros hemos adoptado esta estructura y concebimos tanto la localización deformable como el mapeo deformable ahora capaces de recuperar la escena incluso con deformación.Nuestra primera contribución es la localización deformable. La localización deformable utiliza la estructura del mapa para recuperar la pose de la cámara con una única imagen. Simultáneamente, a medida que el mapa se deforma durante la secuencia, también recupera la deformación del mapa para cada fotograma. Hemos propuesto dos familias de localización deformable. En el primer algoritmo de localización deformable, asumimos que todos los puntos están embebidos en una superficie denominada plantilla. Podemos recuperar la deformación de la superficie gracias a un modelo de deformación global que permite estimar la deformación más probable del objeto. Con nuestro segundo algoritmo de localización deformable, demostramos que es posible recuperar la deformación del mapa sin un modelo de deformación global, representando el mapa como surfels individuales. Nuestros resultados experimentales mostraron que, recuperando la deformación del mapa, ambos métodos superan tanto en robustez como en precisión a los métodos rígidos.Nuestra segunda contribución es la concepción del mapeo deformable. Es el back-end del algoritmo SLAM y procesa un lote de imágenes para recuperar la estructura del mapa para todas las imágenes y hacer crecer el mapa ensamblando las observaciones parciales del mismo. Tanto la localización deformable como el mapeo que se ejecutan en paralelo y juntos ensamblan el primer SLAM monocular deformable: \emph{DefSLAM}. Una evaluación ampliada de nuestro método demostró, tanto en secuencias controladas por laboratorio como en secuencias médicas, que nuestro método procesa con éxito secuencias en las que falla el sistema monocular SLAM actual.Nuestra tercera contribución son dos métodos para explotar la información fotométrica en SLAM monocular deformable. Por un lado, SD-DefSLAM que aprovecha el emparejamiento semi-directo para obtener un emparejamiento mucho más fiable de los puntos del mapa en las nuevas imágenes, como consecuencia, se demostró que es más robusto y estable en secuencias médicas. Por otro lado, proponemos un método de Localización Deformable Directa y Dispersa en el que usamos un error fotométrico directo para rastrear la deformación de un mapa modelado como un conjunto de surfels 3D desconectados. Podemos recuperar la deformación de múltiples superficies desconectadas, deformaciones no isométricas o superficies con una topología cambiante.<br /

    3D SEM Surface Reconstruction: An Optimized, Adaptive, and Intelligent Approach

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    Structural analysis of microscopic objects is a longstanding topic in several scientific disciplines, including biological, mechanical, and material sciences. The scanning electron microscope (SEM), as a promising imaging equipment has been around to determine the surface properties (e.g., compositions or geometries) of specimens by achieving increased magnification, contrast, and resolution greater than one nanometer. Whereas SEM micrographs still remain two-dimensional (2D), many research and educational questions truly require knowledge and information about their three-dimensional (3D) surface structures. Having 3D surfaces from SEM images would provide true anatomic shapes of micro samples which would allow for quantitative measurements and informative visualization of the systems being investigated. In this research project, we novel design and develop an optimized, adaptive, and intelligent multi-view approach named 3DSEM++ for 3D surface reconstruction of SEM images, making a 3D SEM dataset publicly and freely available to the research community. The work is expected to stimulate more interest and draw attention from the computer vision and multimedia communities to the fast-growing SEM application area

    View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes based on Deep 3D Mask Volume

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    Image view synthesis has seen great success in reconstructing photorealistic visuals, thanks to deep learning and various novel representations. The next key step in immersive virtual experiences is view synthesis of dynamic scenes. However, several challenges exist due to the lack of high-quality training datasets, and the additional time dimension for videos of dynamic scenes. To address this issue, we introduce a multi-view video dataset, captured with a custom 10-camera rig in 120FPS. The dataset contains 96 high-quality scenes showing various visual effects and human interactions in outdoor scenes. We develop a new algorithm, Deep 3D Mask Volume, which enables temporally-stable view extrapolation from binocular videos of dynamic scenes, captured by static cameras. Our algorithm addresses the temporal inconsistency of disocclusions by identifying the error-prone areas with a 3D mask volume, and replaces them with static background observed throughout the video. Our method enables manipulation in 3D space as opposed to simple 2D masks, We demonstrate better temporal stability than frame-by-frame static view synthesis methods, or those that use 2D masks. The resulting view synthesis videos show minimal flickering artifacts and allow for larger translational movements