6 research outputs found

    An Organizational Perspective On GIS Payoffs for the Public Sector: Is Usage the Missing Link?

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    GIS offers a unique way of layering spatial data, and its related tabular data, that can be visualized through a single map. This feature has made GIS attractive for governments, and especially local governments, as they work with such data on daily basis. Many local governments are currently using GIS and are planning to expand their usage; many are expected to follow in kind. Now is the time to ask the question, “What benefits have the public sector gained from GIS?” This study seeks to answer this question and investigates the role of GIS usage in determining GIS value at the organizational level. A survey was carried out with Southern California local governments. Results suggest that increasing actual GIS usage leads to an increase in GIS value. Results further show that efficiency and effectiveness benefits of GIS are mostly realized, however, societal benefits of GIS are small

    Error processes in the integration of digital cartographic data in geographic information systems.

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    Errors within a Geographic Information System (GIS) arise from several factors. In the first instance receiving data from a variety of different sources results in a degree of incompatibility between such information. Secondly, the very processes used to acquire the information into the GIS may in fact degrade the quality of the data. If geometric overlay (the very raison d'etre of many GISs) is to be performed, such inconsistencies need to be carefully examined and dealt with. A variety of techniques exist for the user to eliminate such problems, but all of these tend to rely on the geometry of the information, rather than on its meaning or nature. This thesis explores the introduction of error into GISs and the consequences this has for any subsequent data analysis. Techniques for error removal at the overlay stage are also examined and improved solutions are offered. Furthermore, the thesis also looks at the role of the data model and the potential detrimental effects this can have, in forcing the data to be organised into a pre-defined structure

    Towards a New GIS Maturity Model: An Organizational Usage Perspective

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    The first condition required for an Information Technology (IT) system to produce value is that it be used by its designated target group of users. Despite the prevalence of “system use” in IS literature, it has been often limited to the individual level. The organizational perspective is rarely considered. This dissertation focuses on system usage in the GIS domain through an organizational lens. GIS is a technology with the potential to transform government by enhancing business processes and providing a platform to manage spatial and non-spatial data, which is expected to result in better decision-making. However, little is known about how this technology is actually implemented organization-wide and the environment surrounding its use. Current GIS maturity models have not examined this usage broadly or in depth. These models lack empirical validation and measurement tools to diagnose maturity are not readily available. Based on GIS, maturity models, and system usage literature, this dissertation presents a more comprehensive maturity model for evaluating local government usage of GIS along with a measurement tool. This work followed De Bruin et al., (2005) guidelines for developing maturity models. This new model was discussed with practitioners and academics, was pilot-tested, and then widely tested by Southern California local governments through an online questionnaire. Results show support for the validity of the proposed maturity model and demonstrate its utility. This dissertation revealed that system, task, user, organization and GIS department are viable dimensions of GIS usage from an organizational perspective. Results suggest that increasing actual GIS usage leads to an increase in GIS value. Results further show that the efficiency and effectiveness benefits of GIS are mostly realized; however, the societal benefits of GIS are small

    Base de endereços georreferenciados para uma metodologia estrategica de sistematização na implantação de sistemas de informação geografica

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    Orientador: Quintino DalmolinDissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanáResumo: O trabalho, dedicado principalmente aos principiantes usuários de SIG, apresenta uma descrição histórica e conceituai a respeito de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas - SIG. Os assuntos conceituais abordam questões básicas como: definições, aplicações e capacidades desta tecnologia. Traz ainda, questões sobre o tratamento e interpretação das informações e dos dados manipulados em SIG. Em seguida, são abordadas questões referentes à Implantação de SIG, tais como: considerações gerais; a apresentação resumida dos passos de cinco metodologias de Implantação de SIG; elaboração de uma proposta de metodologia genérica para a Implantação de SIG; e ainda fatores que dificultam esta atividade; e a apresentação de modelos estratégicos segmentando o processo de Implantação de SIG em módulos. Na seqüência considerou-se o Uso Estratégico de Aplicativos para Implantação de SIG, os quais visam facilitar a migração para a tecnologia SIG de forma a causar menor impacto à instituição. Finalmente, a última parte apresenta a Elaboração de uma Base de Endereços Georreferenciados para Uso em Aplicativos SIG, onde a principal fonte de dados utilizada foi a Lista Telefônica de Endereços. Este aplicativo SIG, mostra vantagens como: facilidade e baixo custo de produção, o alcance de resultados a curto prazo e ainda vantagens impli citas às aplicações práticas que trazem a familiarização com a tecnologia utilizada, treinamento dos usuários e a possibilidade de oferecer melhores serviços decorrentes do uso de meios mais eficientes.Abstract: This dissertation, mainly dedicated to GIS beginners, presents a conceptual and historic description. Conceptual topics deal with basic questions such as technology, definition, aplication and ability. Moreover, it brings about GIS data and information treatment. Then questions such as the GIS implantation such as: general considerations, a summarized presentation of five methodology steps of GIS Implantation; elaboration of a proposal of generic methodology for GIS Implantation; some fators which make this difficult; the presentation of strategic patterns which build up the process of GIS Implantation in steps. In the sequence the Strategic Use of Appliances for GIS Implantation, which aim at making the migration to GIS technology easien and not to damage the institution. Finally, the last part presents the Elaboration of Data Base of Georeferenced Addresses for the Use of GIS Appliances, where the main database is the Phone Listbook of Addresses. The GIS appliance gives advantages such as production ease and low cost, result achievement at short time and implicit advantages to practical applications which make the used technology familiar, and which also make users' training possible and a possibility of better services is offered due to more efficient use means

    Geographic information systems in business

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    1st edition, ©200