6 research outputs found

    Conceptualising how SMEs incorporate green content in their websites

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    This paper presents a framework on how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can proactively incorporate content relating to their ecological responsibility (or green) activities in their websites. SME studies offer limited guidance on, and conceptualisation of, how organisations can incorporate different types of content into their website designs. This paper addresses this problem by presenting the results of an exploratory, qualitative content analysis of Australian SME websites where emergent themes are interpreted using framing and legitimacy theories. It describes three dimensions (location, presentation, and specificity) which comprise the framework, under which the themes are grouped. The paper outlines how scholars can use the framework to develop models and carry out evaluations regarding how SMEs embed green content, and potentially other specific content types, in their websites. It also summarises how the framework can assist SMEs (or website developers serving them) make informed decisions regarding framing their websites as green, or de-emphasising this content, by paying attention to its location (e.g. homepage, navigation bars) and presentation (e.g. how paragraphs, images, etc are used) within webpages. The legitimacy or credibility of the green content can be enhanced using different types of specificity (e.g. statistics, detail of processes and actions, and third-party substantiation)

    Understanding the Impact of Sustainability and CSR Information in D2C Online Shops on Consumer Attitudes and Behavior – A Literature Review

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    Many brands nowadays use direct-to-consumer channels such as proprietary online shops, in order to provide information related to their sustainability and CSR initiatives and to increase consumers’ perceptions of legitimacy of the company and its products. However, so far little is known about the effects of such information on consumer attitudes and behavior. This implies that the true benefit of S/CSR initiatives is currently not well understood by most companies and resource allocation in this area may be distorted. Therefore, in this literature review we consolidate and map existing research that can inform our understanding of this phenomenon. By analyzing a sample of 46 papers we find that research on the topic in a direct-to-consumer context is sparse, but that theories and empirical evidence from related contexts can help us grasp the issue to some extent

    Revealing the moderating impact of spatial context on the relationship between intellectual capital efficiency and the sustained success of family SMEs

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    This study investigates the behavioral patterns of Small and Medium-Sized Family Firms (SMFFs) in terms of translating intellectual capital efficiency into economic performance while considering their geographical location. The findings underscore the paramount importance of effective intellectual capital management in driving business performance, particularly for SMFFs, drawing upon the knowledge-based perspective. In line with behavioral theory, this study also provides empirical evidence demonstrating that SMFFs located in rural areas adeptly navigate locational challenges by effectively translating their Added Value Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) into sustainable performance, thereby outperforming their urban counterparts. This phenomenon, referred to as SMFF heterogeneity, can be attributed to their profound emotional connection and deep-rooted bonds with their local communities, intensifying their commitment to the regional milieu. Consequently, their success becomes intricately linked with the spatial context they inhabit. In this regard, this research offers significant practical and theoretical contributions to the understanding of SMFFs, shedding light on the interplay between intellectual capital, geographic location, and sustainable performance in the intricate landscape of family firm

    Multi-disciplinary Green IT Archival Analysis: A Pathway for Future Studies

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    With the growth of information technology (IT), there is a growing global concern about the environmental impact of such technologies. As such, academics in several research disciplines consider research on green IT a vibrant theme. While the disparate knowledge in each discipline is gaining substantial momentum, we need a consolidated multi-disciplinary view of the salient findings of each research discipline for green IT research to reach its full potential. We reviewed 390 papers published on green IT from 2007 to 2015 in three disciplines: computer science, information systems and management. The prevailing literature demonstrates the value of this consolidated approach for advancing our understanding on this complex global issue of environmental sustainability. We provide an overarching theoretical perspective to consolidate multi-disciplinary findings and to encourage information systems researchers to develop an effective cumulative tradition of research

    A model for teaching green information systems in higher education

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    The purpose of this study was to respond to a call to the Information Systems (IS) discipline to provide solutions to address global challenges such as the seventh Millennium Development Goal of ensuring an interconnectedness of society and the environment. Many academic disciplines have recognised that sustainability is one of the most significant challenges of our time and thus needs to be included in curricula; IS, as a discipline, needed to fill this gap. A longitudinal six-year study was undertaken at the University of Cape Town (UCT) Department of IS to introduce the concept of “Green” IS into a project management course with students required to measure an aspect of the campus carbon footprint. Drawing on Design Science Research, the author used kernel theories of Butler’s Model of Green IS and the Scharmer’s Theory U to inform the design. The goal of the curriculum intervention was to design a model with outputs of key Green IS technical and social competences. The intention was also to create an impact with a reduced Carbon Footprint at UCT, despite the current absence of regulatory pressure. A total of 183 students were involved in the study over a period of six semesters where the theories of Green IS were presented as the underlying frameworks for their course. Key principles were drawn from international best practice, including how to address “wicked” sustainability problems and adopting a focus on developing sustainability solutions. Formative evaluations were conducted at the end of each cycle of the design development. Archival evidence, as well as student reflective essays, was employed, and content analysis and coding of the empirical data were conducted using a data analysis software tool. Experts were invited to summatively evaluate the model in practice, and their questionnaires were also coded in Atlas-ti and tested for co-occurrences. The contributions are provided on two levels. A contribution is made on a theoretical platform by the design of “The Green U’’, a model that evolved iteratively and has its roots in the kernel theories of both Green IS and change management. On a practical level, the research offers guidance to IS educators on how to integrate sustainability into their courses. Via enabling The Green U to be exapted into other emerging IS themes, this research project thus provides the opportunity for a seam of rich possibilities for further quantitative and qualitative research