4 research outputs found

    Computing the Partial Word Avoidability Indices of Ternary Patterns

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    We study pattern avoidance in the context of partial words. The problem of classifying the avoidable binary patterns has been solved, so we move on to ternary and more general patterns. Our results, which are based on morphisms (iterated or not), determine all the ternary patterns' avoidability indices or at least give bounds for them

    Computing the Partial Word Avoidability Indices of Binary Patterns

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    We complete the classification of binary patterns in partial words that was started in earlier publications by proving that the partial word avoidability index of the binary pattern ABABA is two and the one of the binary pattern ABBA is three

    Strict Bounds for Pattern Avoidance

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    Cassaigne conjectured in 1994 that any pattern with m distinct variables of length at least 3(2m-1) is avoidable over a binary alphabet, and any pattern with m distinct variables of length at least 2m is avoidable over a ternary alphabet. Building upon the work of Rampersad and the power series techniques of Bell and Goh, we obtain both of these suggested strict bounds. Similar bounds are also obtained for pattern avoidance in partial words, sequences where some characters are unknown

    Computing the partial word avoidability indices of ternary patterns

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