1,188 research outputs found

    Smooth quasi-developable surfaces bounded by smooth curves

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    Computing a quasi-developable strip surface bounded by design curves finds wide industrial applications. Existing methods compute discrete surfaces composed of developable lines connecting sampling points on input curves which are not adequate for generating smooth quasi-developable surfaces. We propose the first method which is capable of exploring the full solution space of continuous input curves to compute a smooth quasi-developable ruled surface with as large developability as possible. The resulting surface is exactly bounded by the input smooth curves and is guaranteed to have no self-intersections. The main contribution is a variational approach to compute a continuous mapping of parameters of input curves by minimizing a function evaluating surface developability. Moreover, we also present an algorithm to represent a resulting surface as a B-spline surface when input curves are B-spline curves.Comment: 18 page

    A variational model for data fitting on manifolds by minimizing the acceleration of a B\'ezier curve

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    We derive a variational model to fit a composite B\'ezier curve to a set of data points on a Riemannian manifold. The resulting curve is obtained in such a way that its mean squared acceleration is minimal in addition to remaining close the data points. We approximate the acceleration by discretizing the squared second order derivative along the curve. We derive a closed-form, numerically stable and efficient algorithm to compute the gradient of a B\'ezier curve on manifolds with respect to its control points, expressed as a concatenation of so-called adjoint Jacobi fields. Several examples illustrate the capabilites and validity of this approach both for interpolation and approximation. The examples also illustrate that the approach outperforms previous works tackling this problem

    Statistical Learning in Wasserstein Space

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    We seek a generalization of regression and principle component analysis (PCA) in a metric space where data points are distributions metrized by the Wasserstein metric. We recast these analyses as multimarginal optimal transport problems. The particular formulation allows efficient computation, ensures existence of optimal solutions, and admits a probabilistic interpretation over the space of paths (line segments). Application of the theory to the interpolation of empirical distributions, images, power spectra, as well as assessing uncertainty in experimental designs, is envisioned

    Manifold interpolation and model reduction

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    One approach to parametric and adaptive model reduction is via the interpolation of orthogonal bases, subspaces or positive definite system matrices. In all these cases, the sampled inputs stem from matrix sets that feature a geometric structure and thus form so-called matrix manifolds. This work will be featured as a chapter in the upcoming Handbook on Model Order Reduction (P. Benner, S. Grivet-Talocia, A. Quarteroni, G. Rozza, W.H.A. Schilders, L.M. Silveira, eds, to appear on DE GRUYTER) and reviews the numerical treatment of the most important matrix manifolds that arise in the context of model reduction. Moreover, the principal approaches to data interpolation and Taylor-like extrapolation on matrix manifolds are outlined and complemented by algorithms in pseudo-code.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, featured chapter of upcoming "Handbook on Model Order Reduction

    Smoothing under Diffeomorphic Constraints with Homeomorphic Splines

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    In this paper we introduce a new class of diffeomorphic smoothers based on general spline smoothing techniques and on the use of some tools that have been recently developed in the context of image warping to compute smooth diffeomorphisms. This diffeomorphic spline is defined as the solution of an ordinary differential equation governed by an appropriate time-dependent vector field. This solution has a closed form expression which can be computed using classical unconstrained spline smoothing techniques. This method does not require the use of quadratic or linear programming under inequality constraints and has therefore a low computational cost. In a one dimensional setting incorporating diffeomorphic constraints is equivalent to impose monotonicity. Thus, as an illustration, it is shown that such a monotone spline can be used to monotonize any unconstrained estimator of a regression function, and that this monotone smoother inherits the convergence properties of the unconstrained estimator. Some numerical experiments are proposed to illustrate its finite sample performances, and to compare them with another monotone estimator. We also provide a two-dimensional application on the computation of diffeomorphisms for landmark and image matching

    Multiscale Representations for Manifold-Valued Data

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    We describe multiscale representations for data observed on equispaced grids and taking values in manifolds such as the sphere S2S^2, the special orthogonal group SO(3)SO(3), the positive definite matrices SPD(n)SPD(n), and the Grassmann manifolds G(n,k)G(n,k). The representations are based on the deployment of Deslauriers--Dubuc and average-interpolating pyramids "in the tangent plane" of such manifolds, using the ExpExp and LogLog maps of those manifolds. The representations provide "wavelet coefficients" which can be thresholded, quantized, and scaled in much the same way as traditional wavelet coefficients. Tasks such as compression, noise removal, contrast enhancement, and stochastic simulation are facilitated by this representation. The approach applies to general manifolds but is particularly suited to the manifolds we consider, i.e., Riemannian symmetric spaces, such as Sn1S^{n-1}, SO(n)SO(n), G(n,k)G(n,k), where the ExpExp and LogLog maps are effectively computable. Applications to manifold-valued data sources of a geometric nature (motion, orientation, diffusion) seem particularly immediate. A software toolbox, SymmLab, can reproduce the results discussed in this paper