2,260 research outputs found

    Two Structural Results for Low Degree Polynomials and Applications

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    In this paper, two structural results concerning low degree polynomials over finite fields are given. The first states that over any finite field F\mathbb{F}, for any polynomial ff on nn variables with degree d≀log⁥(n)/10d \le \log(n)/10, there exists a subspace of Fn\mathbb{F}^n with dimension Ω(d⋅n1/(d−1))\Omega(d \cdot n^{1/(d-1)}) on which ff is constant. This result is shown to be tight. Stated differently, a degree dd polynomial cannot compute an affine disperser for dimension smaller than Ω(d⋅n1/(d−1))\Omega(d \cdot n^{1/(d-1)}). Using a recursive argument, we obtain our second structural result, showing that any degree dd polynomial ff induces a partition of FnF^n to affine subspaces of dimension Ω(n1/(d−1)!)\Omega(n^{1/(d-1)!}), such that ff is constant on each part. We extend both structural results to more than one polynomial. We further prove an analog of the first structural result to sparse polynomials (with no restriction on the degree) and to functions that are close to low degree polynomials. We also consider the algorithmic aspect of the two structural results. Our structural results have various applications, two of which are: * Dvir [CC 2012] introduced the notion of extractors for varieties, and gave explicit constructions of such extractors over large fields. We show that over any finite field, any affine extractor is also an extractor for varieties with related parameters. Our reduction also holds for dispersers, and we conclude that Shaltiel's affine disperser [FOCS 2011] is a disperser for varieties over F2F_2. * Ben-Sasson and Kopparty [SIAM J. C 2012] proved that any degree 3 affine disperser over a prime field is also an affine extractor with related parameters. Using our structural results, and based on the work of Kaufman and Lovett [FOCS 2008] and Haramaty and Shpilka [STOC 2010], we generalize this result to any constant degree

    Construction of asymptotically good low-rate error-correcting codes through pseudo-random graphs

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    A novel technique, based on the pseudo-random properties of certain graphs known as expanders, is used to obtain novel simple explicit constructions of asymptotically good codes. In one of the constructions, the expanders are used to enhance Justesen codes by replicating, shuffling, and then regrouping the code coordinates. For any fixed (small) rate, and for a sufficiently large alphabet, the codes thus obtained lie above the Zyablov bound. Using these codes as outer codes in a concatenated scheme, a second asymptotic good construction is obtained which applies to small alphabets (say, GF(2)) as well. Although these concatenated codes lie below the Zyablov bound, they are still superior to previously known explicit constructions in the zero-rate neighborhood

    QPCF: higher order languages and quantum circuits

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    qPCF is a paradigmatic quantum programming language that ex- tends PCF with quantum circuits and a quantum co-processor. Quantum circuits are treated as classical data that can be duplicated and manipulated in flexible ways by means of a dependent type system. The co-processor is essentially a standard QRAM device, albeit we avoid to store permanently quantum states in between two co-processor's calls. Despite its quantum features, qPCF retains the classic programming approach of PCF. We introduce qPCF syntax, typing rules, and its operational semantics. We prove fundamental properties of the system, such as Preservation and Progress Theorems. Moreover, we provide some higher-order examples of circuit encoding
