7 research outputs found

    A General Characterization of Indulgence (Invited Paper)

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    An indulgent algorithm is a distributed algorithm that, besides tolerating process failures, also tolerates arbitrarily long periods of instability, with an unbounded number of timing and scheduling failures. In particular, no process can take any irrevocable action based on the operational status, correct or failed, of other processes. This paper presents an intuitive and general characterization of indulgence. The characterization can be viewed as a simple application of Murphy's law to partial runs of a distributed algorithm, in a computing model that encompasses various communication and resilience schemes. We use our characterization to establish several results about the inherent power and limitations of indulgent algorithms

    The notion of Timed Registers and its application to Indulgent Synchronization

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    A new type of shared object, called timed register, is proposed and used to design indulgent timing-based algorithms.A timed register generalizes the notion of an atomic register as follows: if a process invokes two consecutive operations on the same timed register which are a read followed by a write, then the write operation is executed only if it is invoked at most d time units after the read operation, where d is defined as part of the read operation. In this context, a timing-based algorithm is an algorithm whose correctness relies on the existence of a bound Δ\Delta such that any pair of consecutive constrained read and write operations issued by the same process on the same timed register are separated by at most Δ\Delta time units. An indulgent algorithm is an algorithm that always guarantees the safety properties, and ensures the liveness property as soon as the timing assumptions are satisfied. The usefulness of this new type of shared object is demonstrated by presenting simple and elegant indulgent timing-based algorithms that solve the mutual exclusion, ℓ\ell-exclusion, adaptive renaming, test&set, and consensus problems. Interestingly, timed registers are universal objects in systems with process crashes and transient timing failures (i.e., they allow building any concurrent object with a sequential specification). The paper also suggests connections with schedulers and contention managers

    How Fast can a Distributed Transaction Commit?

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    The atomic commit problem lies at the heart of distributed database systems. The problem consists for a set of processes (database nodes) to agree on whether to commit or abort a transaction (agreement property). The commit decision can only be taken if all processes are initially willing to commit the transaction, and this decision must be taken if all processes are willing to commit and there is no failure (validity property). An atomic commit protocol is said to be non-blocking if every correct process (a database node that does not fail) eventually reaches a decision (commit or abort) even if there are failures elsewhere in the distributed database system (termination property). Surprisingly, despite the importance of the atomic commit problem, little is known about its complexity. In this paper, we present, for the first time, a systematic study on the time and message complexity of the problem. We measure complexity in the executions that are considered the most frequent in practice, i.e., failure-free, with all processes willing to commit. In other words, we measure how fast a transaction can commit. Through our systematic study, we close many open questions like the complexity of synchronous non-blocking atomic commit. We also present optimal protocols which may be of independent interest. In particular, we present an effective protocol which solves what we call indulgent atomic commit that tolerates practical distributed database systems which are synchronous ``most of the time''

    The Complexity of Reliable and Secure Distributed Transactions

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    The use of transactions in distributed systems dates back to the 70's. The last decade has also seen the proliferation of transactional systems. In the existing transactional systems, many protocols employ a centralized approach in executing a distributed transaction where one single process coordinates the participants of a transaction. The centralized approach is usually straightforward and efficient in the failure-free setting, yet the coordinator then turns to be a single point of failure, undermining reliability/security in the failure-prone setting, or even be a performance bottleneck in practice. In this dissertation, we explore the complexity of decentralized solutions for reliable and secure distributed transactions, which do not use a distinguished coordinator or use the coordinator as little as possible. We show that for some problems in reliable distributed transactions, there are decentralized solutions that perform as efficiently as the classical centralized one, while for some others, we determine the complexity limitations by proving lower and upper bounds to have a better understanding of the state-of-the-art solutions. We first study the complexity on two aspects of reliable transactions: atomicity and consistency. More specifically, we do a systematic study on the time and message complexity of non-blocking atomic commit of a distributed transaction, and investigate intrinsic limitations of causally consistent transactions. Our study of distributed transaction commit focuses on the complexity of the most frequent executions in practice, i.e., failure-free, and willing to commit. Through our systematic study, we close many open questions like the complexity of synchronous non-blocking atomic commit. We also present an effective protocol which solves what we call indulgent atomic commit that tolerates practical distributed database systems which are synchronous "most of the time", and can perform as efficiently as the two-phase commit protocol widely used in distributed database systems. Our investigation of causal transactions focuses on the limitations of read-only transactions, which are considered the most frequent in practice. We consider "fast" read-only transactions where operations are executed within one round-trip message exchange between a client seeking an object and the server storing it (in which no process can be a coordinator). We show two impossibility results regarding "fast" read-only transactions. By our impossibility results, when read-only transactions are "fast", they have to be "visible", i.e., they induce inherent updates on the servers. We also present a "fast" read-only transaction protocol that is "visible" as an upper bound on the complexity of inherent updates. We then study the complexity of secure transactions in the model of secure multiparty computation: even in the face of malicious parties, no party obtains the computation result unless all other parties obtain the same result. As it is impossible to achieve without any trusted party, we focus on optimism where if all parties are honest, they can obtain the computation result without resorting to a trusted third party, and the complexity of every optimistic execution where all parties are honest. We prove a tight lower bound on the message complexity by relating the number of messages to the length of the permutation sequence in combinatorics, a necessary pattern for messages in every optimistic execution