9 research outputs found

    Computing generator in cyclotomic integer rings

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    The Principal Ideal Problem (resp. Short Principal Ideal Problem), shorten as PIP (resp. SPIP), consists in finding a generator (resp. short generator) of a principal ideal in the ring of integers of a number field. Several lattice-based cryptosystems rely on the presumed hardness of these two problems. Yet, in practice, most of them do not use an arbitrary number field but a power-of-two cyclotomic field. The Smart and Vercauteren fully homomorphic encryption scheme and the multilinear map of Garg, Gentry and Halevi epitomize this common restriction. Recently, Cramer, Ducas, Peikert and Regev show that solving the SPIP in such cyclotomic rings boils down to solving the PIP. We complete their result by an algorithm that solves PIP in cyclotomic fields in subexponential time L∣ΔK∣(1/2)=2N1/2+o(1)L_{|\Delta_K|} (1/2) = 2^{N^{1/2+o(1)}}, where ΔK\Delta_K denotes the discriminant of the number field and N its degree. This asymptotic complexity could be compared with the one obtained by Biasse and Fieker method, that aims at finding a generator as we do, but runs in L_{|\Delta_K|} (2/3). Besides this theoretical improvement, our algorithm permits to recover in practice the secret key of the Smart and Vercauteren scheme, for the smallest proposed parameters

    On the ideal shortest vector problem over random rational primes

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    Any ideal in a number field can be factored into a product of prime ideals. In this paper we study the prime ideal shortest vector problem (SVP) in the ring Z[x]/(x2n+1) \Z[x]/(x^{2^n} + 1) , a popular choice in the design of ideal lattice based cryptosystems. We show that a majority of rational primes lie under prime ideals admitting a polynomial time algorithm for SVP. Although the shortest vector problem of ideal lattices underpins the security of Ring-LWE cryptosystem, this work does not break Ring-LWE, since the security reduction is from the worst case ideal SVP to the average case Ring-LWE, and it is one-way

    Cryptanalyses of Branching Program Obfuscations over GGH13 Multilinear Map from the NTRU Problem

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    In this paper, we propose cryptanalyses of all existing indistinguishability obfuscation (iOiO) candidates based on branching programs (BP) over GGH13 multilinear map for all recommended parameter settings. To achieve this, we introduce two novel techniques, program converting using NTRU-solver and matrix zeroizing, which can be applied to a wide range of obfuscation constructions and BPs compared to previous attacks. We then prove that, for the suggested parameters, the existing general-purpose BP obfuscations over GGH13 do not have the desired security. Especially, the first candidate indistinguishability obfuscation with input-unpartitionable branching programs (FOCS 2013) and the recent BP obfuscation (TCC 2016) are not secure against our attack when they use the GGH13 with recommended parameters. Previously, there has been no known polynomial time attack for these cases. Our attack shows that the lattice dimension of GGH13 must be set much larger than previous thought in order to maintain security. More precisely, the underlying lattice dimension of GGH13 should be set to n=Θ~(Îș2λ)n=\tilde\Theta( \kappa^2 \lambda) to rule out attacks from the subfield algorithm for NTRU where Îș\kappa is the multilinearity level and λ\lambda the security parameter

    A fully classical LLL algorithm for modules

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    The celebrated LLL algorithm for Euclidean lattices is central to cryptanalysis of well- known and deployed protocols as it provides approximate solutions to the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP). Recent interest in algebrically structured lattices (e.g., for the efficient implementation of lattice- based cryptography) has prompted adapations of LLL to such structured lattices, and, in particular, to module lattices, i.e., lattices that are modules over algebraic ring extensions of the integers. One of these adaptations is a quantum algorithm proposed by Lee, Pellet-Mary, Stehlé and Wallet (Asiacrypt 2019). In this work, we dequantize the algorithm of Lee et al., and provide a fully classical LLL-type algorithm for arbitrary module lattices that achieves same SVP approximation factors, single exponential in the rank of the input module. Just like the algorithm of Lee et al., our algorithm runs in polynomial time given an oracle that solves the Closest Vector Problem (CVP) in a certain, fixed lattice L_K that depends only on the number field K

    LAC: Practical Ring-LWE Based Public-Key Encryption with Byte-Level Modulus

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    We propose an instantiation of public key encryption scheme based on the ring learning with error problem, where the modulus is at a byte level and the noise is at a bit level, achieving one of the most compact lattice based schemes in the literature. The main technical challenges are a) the decryption error rates increases and needs to be handled elegantly, and b) we cannot use the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) technique to speed up the implementation. We overcome those limitations with some customized parameter sets and heavy error correction codes. We give a treatment of the concrete security of the proposed parameter set, with regards to the recent advance in lattice based cryptanalysis. We present an optimized implementation taking advantage of our byte level modulus and bit level noise. In addition, a byte level modulus allows for high parallelization and the bit level noise avoids the modulus reduction during multiplication. Our result shows that \LAC~is more compact than most of the existing (Ring-)LWE based solutions, while achieving a similar level of efficiency, compared with popular solutions in this domain, such as Kyber

    A Novel Power-Sum PRG with Applications to Lattice-Based zkSNARKs

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    zkSNARK is a cryptographic primitive that allows a prover to prove to a resource constrained verifier, that it has indeed performed a specified non-deterministic computation correctly, while hiding private witnesses. In this work we focus on lattice based zkSNARK, as this serves two important design goals. Firstly, we get post-quantum zkSNARK schemes with O(\log (\mbox{Circuit size})) sized proofs (without random oracles) and secondly, the easy verifier circuit allows further bootstrapping by arbitrary (zk)SNARK schemes that offer additional or complementary properties. However, this goal comes with considerable challenges. The only known lattice-based bilinear maps are obtained using multi-linear maps of Garg, Gentry, and Halevi 2013 (GGH13), which have undergone considerable cryptanalytic attacks, in particular annihilation attacks. In this work, we propose a (level-2) GGH13-encoding based zkSNARK which we show to be secure in the weak-multilinear map model of Miles-Sahai-Zhandry assuming a novel pseudo-random generator (PRG). We argue that the new PRG assumption is plausible based on the well-studied Newton\u27s identity on power-sum polynomials, as well as an analysis of hardness of computing Grobner bases for these polynomials. The particular PRG is designed for efficient implementation of the zkSNARK. Technically, we leverage the 2-linear instantiation of the GGH13 graded encoding scheme to provide us with an analogue of bilinear maps and adapt the Groth16 (Groth, Eurocrypt 2016) protocol, although with considerable technical advances in design and proof. The protocol is non-interactive in the CRS model

    Usability of structured lattices for a post-quantum cryptography: practical computations, and a study of some real Kummer extensions

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    Lattice-based cryptography is an excellent candidate for post-quantum cryptography, i.e. cryptosystems which are resistant to attacks run on quantum computers. For efficiency reason, most of the constructions explored nowadays are based on structured lattices, such as module lattices or ideal lattices. The security of most constructions can be related to the hardness of retrieving a short element in such lattices, and one does not know yet to what extent these additional structures weaken the cryptosystems. A related problem – which is an extension of a classical problem in computational number theory – called the Short Principal Ideal Problem (or SPIP), consists of finding a short generator of a principal ideal. Its assumed hardness has been used to build some cryptographic schemes. However it has been shown to be solvable in quantum polynomial time over cyclotomic fields, through an attack which uses the Log-unit lattice of the field considered. Later, practical results showed that multiquadratic fields were also weak to this strategy. The main general question that we study in this thesis is To what extent can structured lattices be used to build a post-quantum cryptography

    Computing generator in cyclotomic integer rings: A subfield algorithm for the Principal Ideal Problem in Ll∆Kl(1/2) and application to cryptanalysis of a FHE scheme

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    International audienceThe Principal Ideal Problem (resp. Short Principal Ideal Problem), shorten as PIP (resp. SPIP), consists in finding a generator (resp. short generator) of a principal ideal in the ring of integers of a number field. Several lattice-based cryptosystems rely on the presumed hardness of these two problems. In practice, most of them do not use an arbitrary number field but a power-of-two cyclotomic field. The Smart and Vercauteren fully homomorphic encryption scheme and the multilinear map of Garg, Gentry, and Halevi epitomize this common restriction. Recently, Cramer, Ducas, Peikert, and Regev showed that solving the SPIP in such cyclotomic rings boiled down to solving the PIP. In this paper, we present a heuristic algorithm that solves the PIP in prime-power cyclotomic fields in subexponential time L(1/2), where ∆ K denotes the discriminant of the number field. This is achieved by descending to its totally real subfield. The implementation of our algorithm allows to recover in practice the secret key of the Smart and Vercauteren scheme, for the smallest proposed parameters (in dimension 256)