112 research outputs found

    Computing a Nonnegative Matrix Factorization -- Provably

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    In the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) problem we are given an n×mn \times m nonnegative matrix MM and an integer r>0r > 0. Our goal is to express MM as AWA W where AA and WW are nonnegative matrices of size n×rn \times r and r×mr \times m respectively. In some applications, it makes sense to ask instead for the product AWAW to approximate MM -- i.e. (approximately) minimize \norm{M - AW}_F where \norm{}_F denotes the Frobenius norm; we refer to this as Approximate NMF. This problem has a rich history spanning quantum mechanics, probability theory, data analysis, polyhedral combinatorics, communication complexity, demography, chemometrics, etc. In the past decade NMF has become enormously popular in machine learning, where AA and WW are computed using a variety of local search heuristics. Vavasis proved that this problem is NP-complete. We initiate a study of when this problem is solvable in polynomial time: 1. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for exact and approximate NMF for every constant rr. Indeed NMF is most interesting in applications precisely when rr is small. 2. We complement this with a hardness result, that if exact NMF can be solved in time (nm)o(r)(nm)^{o(r)}, 3-SAT has a sub-exponential time algorithm. This rules out substantial improvements to the above algorithm. 3. We give an algorithm that runs in time polynomial in nn, mm and rr under the separablity condition identified by Donoho and Stodden in 2003. The algorithm may be practical since it is simple and noise tolerant (under benign assumptions). Separability is believed to hold in many practical settings. To the best of our knowledge, this last result is the first example of a polynomial-time algorithm that provably works under a non-trivial condition on the input and we believe that this will be an interesting and important direction for future work.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Generalized Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a linear dimensionality technique for nonnegative data with applications such as image analysis, text mining, audio source separation and hyperspectral unmixing. Given a data matrix MM and a factorization rank rr, NMF looks for a nonnegative matrix WW with rr columns and a nonnegative matrix HH with rr rows such that M≈WHM \approx WH. NMF is NP-hard to solve in general. However, it can be computed efficiently under the separability assumption which requires that the basis vectors appear as data points, that is, that there exists an index set K\mathcal{K} such that W=M(:,K)W = M(:,\mathcal{K}). In this paper, we generalize the separability assumption: We only require that for each rank-one factor W(:,k)H(k,:)W(:,k)H(k,:) for k=1,2,…,rk=1,2,\dots,r, either W(:,k)=M(:,j)W(:,k) = M(:,j) for some jj or H(k,:)=M(i,:)H(k,:) = M(i,:) for some ii. We refer to the corresponding problem as generalized separable NMF (GS-NMF). We discuss some properties of GS-NMF and propose a convex optimization model which we solve using a fast gradient method. We also propose a heuristic algorithm inspired by the successive projection algorithm. To verify the effectiveness of our methods, we compare them with several state-of-the-art separable NMF algorithms on synthetic, document and image data sets.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables. We have added discussions about the identifiability of the model, we have modified the first synthetic experiment, we have clarified some aspects of the contributio

    Coordinate Descent for Mixed-norm NMF

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is widely used in a variety of machine learning tasks involving speech, documents and images. Being able to specify the structure of the matrix factors is crucial in incorporating prior information. The factors correspond to the feature matrix and the learnt representation. In particular, we allow an user-friendly specification of sparsity on the groups of features using the L1/L2 measure. Also, we propose a pairwise coordinate descent algorithm to minimize the objective. Experimental evidence of the efficacy of this approach is provided on the ORL faces dataset

    Computing approximate PSD factorizations

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    We give an algorithm for computing approximate PSD factorizations of nonnegative matrices. The running time of the algorithm is polynomial in the dimensions of the input matrix, but exponential in the PSD rank and the approximation error. The main ingredient is an exact factorization algorithm when the rows and columns of the factors are constrained to lie in a general polyhedron. This strictly generalizes nonnegative matrix factorizations which can be captured by letting this polyhedron to be the nonnegative orthant.Comment: 10 page

    Using separable non-negative matrix factorization techniques for the analysis of time-resolved Raman spectra

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    The key challenge of time-resolved Raman spectroscopy is the identification of the constituent species and the analysis of the kinetics of the underlying reaction network. In this work we present an integral approach that allows for determining both the component spectra and the rate constants simultaneously from a series of vibrational spectra. It is based on an algorithm for non-negative matrix factorization which is applied to the experimental data set following a few pre-processing steps. As a prerequisite for physically unambiguous solutions, each component spectrum must include one vibrational band that does not significantly interfere with vibrational bands of other species. The approach is applied to synthetic "experimental" spectra derived from model systems comprising a set of species with component spectra differing with respect to their degree of spectral interferences and signal-to-noise ratios. In each case, the species involved are connected via monomolecular reaction pathways. The potential and limitations of the approach for recovering the respective rate constants and component spectra are discussed

    Fast Conical Hull Algorithms for Near-separable Non-negative Matrix Factorization

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    The separability assumption (Donoho & Stodden, 2003; Arora et al., 2012) turns non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) into a tractable problem. Recently, a new class of provably-correct NMF algorithms have emerged under this assumption. In this paper, we reformulate the separable NMF problem as that of finding the extreme rays of the conical hull of a finite set of vectors. From this geometric perspective, we derive new separable NMF algorithms that are highly scalable and empirically noise robust, and have several other favorable properties in relation to existing methods. A parallel implementation of our algorithm demonstrates high scalability on shared- and distributed-memory machines.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
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