28,651 research outputs found


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    We present SPARSAR, a system for the automatic analysis of poetry(and text) style which makes use of NLP tools like tokenizers, sentence splitters, NER (Name Entity Recognition) tools, and taggers. Our system in addition to the tools listed above which aim at obtaining the same results of quantitative linguistics, adds a number of additional tools for syntactic and semantic structural analysis and prosodic modeling. We use a constituency parser to measure the structure of modifiers in NPs; and a dependency mapping of the previous parse to analyse the verbal complex and determine Polarity and Factuality. Another important component of the system is a phonological parser to account for OOVWs, in the process of grapheme to phoneme conversion of the poem. We also measure the prosody of the poem by associating mean durational values in msecs to each syllable from a database and created an algorithm to account for the evaluation of durational values for any possible syllable structure. Eventually we produce six general indices that allow single poems as well as single poets to be compared. These indices include a Semantic Density Index which computes in a wholly new manner the complexity of a text/poem

    Flexible and Creative Chinese Poetry Generation Using Neural Memory

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    It has been shown that Chinese poems can be successfully generated by sequence-to-sequence neural models, particularly with the attention mechanism. A potential problem of this approach, however, is that neural models can only learn abstract rules, while poem generation is a highly creative process that involves not only rules but also innovations for which pure statistical models are not appropriate in principle. This work proposes a memory-augmented neural model for Chinese poem generation, where the neural model and the augmented memory work together to balance the requirements of linguistic accordance and aesthetic innovation, leading to innovative generations that are still rule-compliant. In addition, it is found that the memory mechanism provides interesting flexibility that can be used to generate poems with different styles

    The Orality of a Silent Age: The Place of Orality in Medieval Studies

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    'The Orality of a Silent Age: The Place of Orality in Medieval Studies' uses a brief survey of current work on Old English poetry as the point of departure for arguing that although useful, the concepts of orality and literacy have, in medieval studies, been extended further beyond their literal referents of spoken and written communication than is heuristically useful. Recent emphasis on literate methods and contexts for the writing of our surviving Anglo-Saxon poetry, in contradistinction to the previous emphasis on oral ones, provides the basis for this criticism. Despite a significant amount of revisionist work, the concept of orality remains something of a vortex into which a range of only party related issues have been sucked: authorial originality/communal property; impromptu composition/meditated composition; authorial and audience alienation/immediacy. The relevance of orality to these issues is not in dispute; the problem is that they do not vary along specifically oral/literate axes. The article suggests that this is symptomatic of a wider modernist discourse in medieval studies whereby modern, literate society is (implicitly) contrasted with medieval, oral society: the extension of the orality/literacy axis beyond its literal reference has to some extent facilitated the perpetuation of an earlier contrast between primitivity and modernity which deserves still to be questioned and disputed. Pruning back our conceptions of the oral and the literate to their stricter denotations, we might hope to see more clearly what areas of medieval studies would benefit from alternative interpretations

    English Bards and Unknown Reviewers: a Stylometric Analysis of Thomas Moore and the Christabel Review

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    Fraught relations between authors and critics are a commonplace of literary history. The particular case that we discuss in this article, a negative review of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Christabel (1816), has an additional point of interest beyond the usual mixture of amusement and resentment that surrounds a critical rebuke: the authorship of the review remains, to this day, uncertain. The purpose of this article is to investigate the possible candidacy of Thomas Moore as the author of the provocative review. It seeks to solve a puzzle of almost two hundred years, and in the process clear a valuable scholarly path in Irish Studies, Romanticism, and in our understanding of Moore's role in a prominent literary controversy of the age

    Guess who? Multilingual approach for the automated generation of author-stylized poetry

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    This paper addresses the problem of stylized text generation in a multilingual setup. A version of a language model based on a long short-term memory (LSTM) artificial neural network with extended phonetic and semantic embeddings is used for stylized poetry generation. The quality of the resulting poems generated by the network is estimated through bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU), a survey and a new cross-entropy based metric that is suggested for the problems of such type. The experiments show that the proposed model consistently outperforms random sample and vanilla-LSTM baselines, humans also tend to associate machine generated texts with the target author
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