5 research outputs found

    Password Cracking and Countermeasures in Computer Security: A Survey

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    With the rapid development of internet technologies, social networks, and other related areas, user authentication becomes more and more important to protect the data of the users. Password authentication is one of the widely used methods to achieve authentication for legal users and defense against intruders. There have been many password cracking methods developed during the past years, and people have been designing the countermeasures against password cracking all the time. However, we find that the survey work on the password cracking research has not been done very much. This paper is mainly to give a brief review of the password cracking methods, import technologies of password cracking, and the countermeasures against password cracking that are usually designed at two stages including the password design stage (e.g. user education, dynamic password, use of tokens, computer generations) and after the design (e.g. reactive password checking, proactive password checking, password encryption, access control). The main objective of this work is offering the abecedarian IT security professionals and the common audiences with some knowledge about the computer security and password cracking, and promoting the development of this area.Comment: add copyright to the tables to the original authors, add acknowledgement to helpe

    iDRM - Interoperability Mechanisms for Open Rights Management Platforms

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    Today’s technology is raising important challenges in the Intellectual Property (IP) field in general and to Copyright in particular [Arkenbout et al., 2004]. The same technology that has made possible the access to content in a ubiquitous manner, available to everyone in a simple and fast way, is also the main responsible for the challenges affecting the digital content IP of our days [Chiariglione, 2000]. Technological solutions and legal frameworks were created to meet these new challenges. From the technological point of view, Rights Management Systems (RMS) and Copy Protection Systems (CPS) have been developed and deployed to try to cope with them. At first, they seemed to work however, their closed and non-interoperable nature and a growing number of wrong strategic business decisions, soon lead to a strong opposition. One of the strongest negative points is the lack of rights management interoperability [Geer, 2004]. The work presented on this thesis primarily addresses the RMS interoperability problems. The objective of the thesis is to present some possible mechanisms to improve the interoperability between the different existing and emerging rights management platforms [Guth, 2003a]. Several different possible directions to rights management interoperability are pointed in this thesis. One of the most important is openness. Interoperability between different rights management mechanisms can only be achieved if they are open up to a certain level. Based on this concept, an open rights management platform is designed and presented in this thesis. Also, some of the interoperability mechanisms are presented and explained. This platform makes usage of the emerging service-oriented architectures to provide a set of distributed rights management services. Rights management solutions rely heavily on the establishment of authenticated and trust environments between its different elements. While considering different RMS, the establishment of such trust environments can be somehow complex. This thesis provides a contribution to the establishment of interoperable RMS trust environments through the usage of Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) mechanisms. Modern rights management systems have to handle with both keying material and licenses which are used mostly to define how content is governed by the system. Managing this is a complex and hard task when different rights management solutions are considered. This thesis presents and describes a generic model to handle the key and license management life cycle, that can be used to establish a global interoperable management solution between different RMS

    Analysis of digital evidence in identity theft investigations

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    Identity Theft could be currently considered as a significant problem in the modern internet driven era. This type of computer crime can be achieved in a number of different ways; various statistical figures suggest it is on the increase. It intimidates individual privacy and self assurance, while efforts for increased security and protection measures appear inadequate to prevent it. A forensic analysis of the digital evidence should be able to provide precise findings after the investigation of Identity Theft incidents. At present, the investigation of Internet based Identity Theft is performed on an ad hoc and unstructured basis, in relation to the digital evidence. This research work aims to construct a formalised and structured approach to digital Identity Theft investigations that would improve the current computer forensic investigative practice. The research hypothesis is to create an analytical framework to facilitate the investigation of Internet Identity Theft cases and the processing of the related digital evidence. This research work makes two key contributions to the subject: a) proposing the approach of examining different computer crimes using a process specifically based on their nature and b) to differentiate the examination procedure between the victim’s and the fraudster’s side, depending on the ownership of the digital media. The background research on the existing investigation methods supports the need of moving towards an individual framework that supports Identity Theft investigations. The presented investigation framework is designed based on the structure of the existing computer forensic frameworks. It is a flexible, conceptual tool that will assist the investigator’s work and analyse incidents related to this type of crime. The research outcome has been presented in detail, with supporting relevant material for the investigator. The intention is to offer a coherent tool that could be used by computer forensics investigators. Therefore, the research outcome will not only be evaluated from a laboratory experiment, but also strengthened and improved based on an evaluation feedback by experts from law enforcement. While personal identities are increasingly being stored and shared on digital media, the threat of personal and private information that is used fraudulently cannot be eliminated. However, when such incidents are precisely examined, then the nature of the problem can be more clearly understood

    Information security service management : a service management approach to information security management

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    In today’s world, information and the associated Information Technology are critical assets for many organizations. Any information security breach, or compromise of these assets, can lead to serious implications for organizations that are heavily dependent on these assets. For such organizations, information security becomes vital. Organizations deploy an information security infrastructure for protecting their information assets. This infrastructure consists of policies and controls. Organizations also create an information security management system for managing information security in the organization. While some of the policies and controls are of a purely technical nature, many depend upon the actions of end-users. However, end-users are known to exhibit both compliant and noncompliant behaviours in respect of these information security policies and controls in the organization. Non-compliant information security behaviours of end-users have the potential to lead to information security breaches. Non-compliance thus needs to be controlled. The discipline of information security and its management have evolved over the years. However, the discipline has retained the technology-driven nature of its origin. In this context, the discipline has failed to adequately appreciate the role played by the end-users and the complexities of their behaviour, as it relates to information security policies and controls. The pervasive information security management philosophy is that of treating end-users as the enemy. Compliance is sought to be achieved through awareness programs, rewards, punishments and evermore strict policies and controls. This has led to a bureaucratic information security management approach. The philosophy of treating end-users as the enemy has had an adverse impact on information security in the organization. It can be said that rather than curbing non-compliance by end-users, the present-day bureaucratic approach to information security management has contributed to non-compliance. This thesis calls this the end-user crisis. This research aims at resolving this crisis by identifying an improved approach to information security management in the organization. This research has applied the service management approach to information security management. The resultant Information Security Service Management (ISSM) views end-users as assets and resources, and not as enemies. The central idea of ISSM is that the end-user is to be treated as a customer, whose needs are to be satisfied. This research presents ISSM. This research also presents the various components of ISSM to aid in its implementation in an organization

    Differences in Organizational Cultures - A Challenge for IT Projects

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    An organization is a system of activities that consists of two or more persons, organizations or both. It has certain goals it is aiming to achieve. An organization is continuously and in most cases consciously coordinated by an officially nominated or informally selected leader, and the organization itself can be legally constituted or informal. The cooperative nature of an organization means that the survival of the organization is dependent on both the willingness and the ability of its members to cooperate and communicate. An organization may be born of “itself” if two potential members find it useful to cooperate, or it can be established by a certain founder or founders. An organization is a small society with its own particular culture that affects the behavior of the members. This inherent value system, known as the organizational culture, can be designed for a certain purpose or it may have arisen unconsciously. The visible signs of an organizational culture include organizational design, dress codes, graphic layouts, or status symbols. The invisible side of organizational culture consists of values and beliefs to which the members of an organization conform, often unconscious of the impacts of this commitment. This invisible part of culture gives a form to the visible (or audible) manifestations of organizational culture. The organizational culture of companies is often called business culture. Five different studies were conducted to approach the impact of differences in business cultures between customer and supplier on the success of an IT project: a literature review, case study, complementary study to the case study, Delphi-based study for experienced experts, and an open survey for grassroots users. The results of each study were consistent with each other and proved that differing organizational cultures must be taken into account when setting, planning and managing an IT project. The impacts of differences can be both positive and negative. Special attention should be paid to those differences and organizational characteristics that have been experienced as having mostly negative affects. These characteristics were • The lack of a common language • The lack of managerial support and commitment to the project • Differences in the parties’ organizational structures • Substantial differences in the size, ownership, and corporate form of the parties. A list of questions to be asked and activities to take part in was produced during the Delphi process in order to find out if there were differences that should be paid more attention to during the different phases of project. According to the case study, differences in the size and structure of the organization, different juridical forms or form of ownership and differences in corporate relationships or in styles of using power have their impacts on co-operation. The unexpected finding that dividing tasks according to gender might be a risk factor highlighted a need to study the equality policy and situation in firms included in the case study. In this complementary study, a weak correlation between an organization’s official equality policy and the success of an IT project was found. In addition to the themes named above, the Delphi-based survey conducted in 2010 highlighted two other themes: differences in understanding time, and the importance of a common language. An open survey, conducted in 2011 among the end users and grass-root workers involved in IT projects, confirmed the earlier findings and highlighted the importance of prompt and understandable communication, management’s involvement in the project, respect of common goals and timetables, and a clear and transparent hierarchy and command chain on both sides